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Posts posted by jvansanten

  1. On 4/18/2020 at 3:52 AM, bernhard said:

    Hi Jay,

    you can find the source code here: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/geowire

    But I have to say that I was not able to install it on my dev laptop any more. I'd have to have a look on my old machine if there is a working version left. Maybe you can get it up and running though. But in general I'd not recommend using it any more. It was my first project and has some concepts that I'd definitely not use any more (like placing files in the root folder). I had no idea about hooks or modules at that time.

    Maybe some parts are interesting nevertheless ? 

    Thanks, Bernard. Much appreciation for your work and presence here, and thanks for the lead.

    All the best!


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  2. New to PW and intrigued.

    Installing on a newly formatted Fedora box in the hopes of getting up-to-date apps out of the box.

    As PW checked the system, it found the above issue.

    From the command line, I ran yum install php-gd.

    System responded php-dg-5.5.14-1.fc20.i686 already installed and latest version. Nothing to do.

    Not sure precisely how to decipher the version number, but it looks like 5.5.14. Do I need to downgrade? Or?

    Many thanks...

    (Tried checking the fora, but didn't come up with a similar thread. Search doesn't like GD -- too short...)

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