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Posts posted by bramwolf

  1. Hey Guys!

    I was developing a contact based on Ryan's basic contact form. At first I had some problems 

    getting all the data I wanted into the mail being sent, but I got that fixed. At some random point

    in developing it stopped sending the emails, which earlier it did very fast without any problems.

    I went back to how the code was when it was sending but since than couldn't get it to work again.

    I've looked over it a hundred times by now and can't find anything that would cause it to not send

    the e-mail. It even validates and gives the validation message, which it could only do after it sent the


    Does anyone know what could be going on?

    You can find the form at: www.partyverhuursiroo.nl/bestellijst/ 

    and here is the code I'm using ( I'm a php n0ob, plz be gentle :rolleyes:  )

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Bram Wolf

    // set this to the email address you want to send to (or pull from a PW field)
    $emailTo = 'info@bramwolf.nl'; 
    // or if not set, we'll just email the default superuser
    if(empty($emailTo)) $emailTo = $users->get($config->superUserPageID)->email;
    // set and sanitize our form field values
    $form = array();
    $product = array();
    	$form["naam"] = $input->post->naam;
    	$form["straatnaam"] = $input->post->straatnaam;
    	$form["postcode"] = $input->post->postcode;
    	$form["woonplaats"] = $input->post->woonplaats;
    	$form["telefoon"] = $input->post->telefoon;
    	$form["email"] = $input->post->email;
    	$form["verhuurdatum"] = $input->post->verhuurdatum;
    	$form["retourdatum"] = $input->post->retourdatum;
    	$form["comments"] = $input->post->comments;
    $j = 0;
    foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val){
        $cookies[] = array($key);
    	$values[] = array($val);
    	foreach ($pages->get('/assortiment')->children as $subpage ) {	
    		foreach ($subpage->artikelen as $artikel ) {
    			if ($key == $artikel->id) {
    			$product["artikel_aantal" . $j] = $_COOKIE[$key];
    			$product["artikel_naam" . $j] = $artikel->product_title;
    			$totaal = $_COOKIE[$key] * $artikel->product_price;
    			$product["artikel_prijs" . $j] = $totaal;		
    // foreach ($product as $one => $two) {
    //  echo " $one = $two <br>";	
    // }
    // initialize runtime vars
    $sent = false; 
    $error = ''; 
    // check if the form was submitted
    if($input->post->submit) {
    	// determine if any fields were ommitted or didn't validate
    	foreach($form as $key => $value) {
    		if(empty($value)) $error = "<h3 class='error'>Controleer of alle velden zijn ingevuld</h3>";
    	// if no errors, email the form results
    	if(!$error) {
    		$subject = "Bestelling van $form[naam]";
    		$message = '';
    		foreach($form as $key => $value) {	
    				$message .= "$key: $value\n";		
    				$message .= "\n \n";		
    		$postcount = 1;
    		while ($postcount < $j) {  
    			foreach($product as $key => $value) {	
    				if ($key == 'artikel_aantal' . $postcount ) {
    				$message .= "$value x";	
    //				echo $value . " x ";
    				if ($key == 'artikel_naam' . $postcount ) {
    				$message .= "$value =";	
    //				echo $value;
    				if ($key == 'artikel_prijs' . $postcount ) {
    				$message .= "€ $value \n";	
    //				echo " = € " . $value . "<br>";
    		mail($emailTo, $subject, $message, "From: $form[email]");
    		$sent = true;	
    if($sent) {
    	echo "<h3>Hartelijk bedankt voor uw bestelling. Wij nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op!</h3>"; // or pull from a PW field
    } else {
    	// encode values for placement in markup
    	foreach($form as $key => $value) {
    		$form[$key] = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); 
    	// output the form
    	echo <<< _OUT
    	<form action="./" method="post">
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="naam">Uw Naam</label><br />
    		<input type="text" id="naam" name="naam" size="60" value="$form[naam]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="straatnaam">Straatnaam en huisnummer</label><br />
    		<input type="text" name="straatnaam" id="straatnaam" size="60" value="$form[straatnaam]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="telefoon">Uw telefoon nummer</label><br />
    		<input type="text" name="telefoon" id="telefoon" size="60" value="$form[telefoon]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="postcode">Uw postcode</label><br />
    		<input type="text" name="postcode" id="postcode" size="60" value="$form[postcode]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="email">Uw Email adres</label><br />
    		<input type="email" name="email" id="email" size="60" value="$form[email]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="woonplaats">Uw woonplaats</label><br />
    		<input type="text" name="woonplaats" id="woonplaats" size="60" value="$form[woonplaats]" />
    		 <p class="form_p">
    		 <label for="verhuurdatum">Verhuur datum: </label><br />
    		 <input type="text" id="verhuurdatum" name="verhuurdatum" value="$form[verhuurdatum]" />
    		 <p class="form_p">
    		 <label for="retourdatum">Retour datum: </label><br />
    		 <input type="text" id="retourdatum" name="retourdatum" value="$form[retourdatum]" />
    		<p class="form_p">
    		<label for="comments">Comments</label><br />
    		<textarea id="comments" name="comments" rows="5" cols="60">$form[comments]</textarea>
    		<p class="form_p"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></p>
  2. YES!

    I fixed it :) On the course-page, where I set the cookie, and the session variable in the first case, I linked to the subscription 

    page where in turn I wanted to call the cookie. I figured out that on pretty much all the pages within the site Chrome

    kept the cookie alive, except for the subscription page. I saw al links inside my site ended with a slash, checked

    the code and saw that the link I made didn't end with the slash.

    Also, very weird but I didn't add a domain to the cookie creation, and the course page created a www.domain.com instance

    while the subscribe page seemed to be looking for a .domain.com instance, adding a domain to the cookie fixed this as well.

    I added it and now chrome keeps the cookie alive :)

    Pretty weird that this make so much difference, and that Firefox and Safari don't take the trailing slash into account 

    • Like 1
  3. Hey Guys,

    Thanks for the replies! I tried your different syntaxes however with those Firefox, Safari and Chrome failed to display the variable.

    I'm not sure how I would define a session variable, other than I did? 

    Further I did some testing and read somewhere cookies solved the problem, and cookies also work fine on Firefox and Safari.

    But Chrome still doesn't, It sets them properly and gives them the session expiration date but when I go to a different page,

    in this case the subscription page, it gets removed from the cookie list. A think Chrome might be doing the same to Processwire's

    session variable? I don't know where those are stored but they don't show up in the cookie list.

    Has anybody heard of this problem? I set cookies like this:

    document.cookie = "cursus=<?PHP echo $page->title ?>; path=/";
    and this to retrieve it:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function getCookie(name)
        var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)");
        var value = re.exec(document.cookie);
        return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;
    <script type="text/javascript">      
    Oh btw, When searching Google I keep on finding issues where Chrome doesn't clear the session cookies.. :S
    Well at least I fixed that for everyone, my Chrome super-clears cookies :P

    Thanx in advance :)

  4. Hey Guys,

    I've ran into some really weird behavior with session variables.

    What I've been trying to do is this:

    I have 10 separate pages that share the same template, named cursus.php.

    These are pages with course info and have different title's. these page all

    do the following:


    $session->set($cursus, $page->title);

    They all have a link to one page where you can subscribe for the course

    on that page I call out the session variable and want to recall there

    from what page they entered the subscription page by doing the following:

     <div>Subscribe for the course: <?PHP echo $session->get($cursus); ?></div> 

    and that, on it's turn, gets mailed to my client.

    Now Firefox and Safari seem to be displaying the variable perfectly fine but Chrome 

    is not. I've tried it on my mobile and and desktop and even in incognito mode, which

    should clear any cache problems, but it still doesn't work. 

    Am i going about this completely the wrong way or does anyone have a suggestion of

    what the problem could be? As you can image it's very important to my client and thus

    to me, that I get this working as soon as possible!

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Bram Wolf

  5. Hey Guys,

    I was wondering if anyone came across this before or, if I'm just crazy :P

    On different pages I use a simply Body field which is a instance of TinyMCE.

    If I call it directly as a standalone field ( $page->body ) it outputs line breaks ( <br /> )

    in the paragraph where the empty lines in the text are.

    But, when I use the same field inside a repeater and output it using foreach

    ($page->slideshow as $slide ) $slide->body, it end the paragraph at each line break

    in the text. I find this super weird and kinda annoying since you have to use different

    stylings the create the same effect.

    Does anyone know why this is and how you could fix it? I would prefer it would always

    output <BR />'s instead of paragraph ends.

    thanx :)




  6. Ah yes! :)

    I see what you mean! Quite severe indeed ;) But i actually decided to use this one, since it only lists the other available languages, much better than hardcoding

    links to all languages i think! 

    <ul id='languageSelection'>
    foreach($languages as $language) {
                    if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; // check if page not published for this language
    = "$language" == "$user->language" ? "active" : "";
                    $url = $page->localUrl($language);
                    $lang = $language->name;
                       if(strcmp($lang,'default') == 0) { $lang = 'nl'; } // default language fix
                    echo "<li class='$class'><a title='$language->title' href='$url'>$lang</a></li>";


    If this wouldn't give me a internal server error that is :P

  7. Hey Overoon,

    Thank you so much for your reply! Your script indeed sounds alot better than mine :) So I decided to put it to the test but when I implement it in

    my HTML the site gives me a internal error. I've checked the script and the php lines are flawless, no broken lines or whatever. Any ideas on

    what could be the problem? I'll try to find the server log and see if it gives any usefull info.

    thanks :)


  8. Ah!!

    Great tips! :) Thanks for taking the time to elaborate on some stuff I did! I'll keep your comments in mind next

    time I'll try to write php ( tomorrow I figure :P ) But for now I'm inclined to go with Martijn's code as it already

    got me halfway there, and mine didn't :P 


    thanks man! :)

  9. Right from the docs. ( Languages are well documented )
    echo "<ul>";
    // remember what language is set to
    $savedLanguage = $user->language; 
    foreach($languages as $language) {
      // if user is already viewing the page in this language, skip it
      if($language->id == $savedLanguage->id) continue; 
      // if this page isn't viewable (active) for the language, skip it
      if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue;
      // set the user's language, so that the $page->url and any other
      // fields we access from it will be reflective of the $language
      $user->language = $language; 
      // output a link to this page in the other language
      echo "<li><a href='$page->url'>$language->title: $page->title</a></li>";
    // restore the original language setting 
    $user->language = $savedLanguage; 
    echo "</ul>";

    Hi there,

    So, I've tried to code above and it does output the links to the page's content in the available different languages,

    however when I click the links I keep ending up on the page in the same language I was already in. 

    Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? As apparent, I'm not quite familiar with php or getting it to do with

    processwire what I want, but it seems to me, from other examples I saw, there should be a ->get($language)

    statement in the links somewhere? Or is there something else I'm messing up? 

    My languages are setup as following:

    Default -> Dutch

    de        -> German

    en        -> English

    thanks in advance :)

  10. Hey Guys! I already posted this in Multi-Language but maybe it sits better here, Sorry!

    I must admit I'm fairly new to all this so I might be overlooking something completely or just not getting it  :P

    But here's what I want to do!  :)

    I'm building a website which I want to present in 3 languages. The user should be able to choose his or

    her language via the use of a button. I created 3 image buttons that send a value to a php script at the bottom

    of my page, but the page keeps rendering in the default language. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong, or

    how you would go about achieving this? I would like the user(language) to stay the same as the chosen though

    the buttons until it is changed again.

    This is what I have so far :

    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="nl" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_nl.png" name="submit" /> 
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="de" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_de.png" name="submit" /> 
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="en" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_en.png" name="submit" /> 
    if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
    $taal = $_REQUEST['taal'];  
    $user->language = $languages->get($taal);
    echo $pages->LocalUrl($taal)->render();
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    I've been spending waaay too much time on this piece of hocus pocus already  :P
  11. Hey Guys!

    I must admit I'm fairly new to all this so I might be overlooking something completely or just not getting it :P

    But here's what I want to do! :)

    I'm building a website which I want to present in 3 languages. The user should be able to choose his or

    her language via the use of a button. I created 3 image buttons that send a value to a php script at the bottom

    of my page, but the page keeps rendering in the default language. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong, or

    how you would go about achieving this? I would like the user(language) to stay the same as the chosen though

    the buttons until it is changed again.

    This is what I have so far :

    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="nl" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_nl.png" name="submit" /> 
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="de" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_de.png" name="submit" /> 
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="taal" value="en" style="display:none;">
    <input type="image" src="../site/templates/img/vlag_en.png" name="submit" /> 
    if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
    $taal = $_REQUEST['taal'];  
    $user->language = $languages->get($taal);
    echo $pages->LocalUrl($taal)->render();
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    I've been spending waaay too much time on this piece of hocus pocus already :P
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