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Posts posted by itsberni

  1. Hello,

    unfortunately I have to rehash this thread;-)

    I have a field of type "file" and I just can't get files larger than 128M uploaded.
    The php.ini settings are as follows:

    upload_max_filesize: = 256
    post_max_size = 256
    memory_limit = 512
    max_execution_time = local value: 120 / master value: 300
    max_input_time = 600

    Is there somewhere in the file settings a hidden possibility to limit the upload volume?

    Thank you very much for your input!

  2. 14 minutes ago, itsberni said:

    no, i did not. i didn't find a way how user-profiles could be integrated into the "normal" page tree. i will dig in this first.

    Anyway, thanks a lot to all of you!

    ok - read it.

    i think that's exactly what i need. thanks for sharing!
    the question now is only if this is compatible with the login/register ( Pro - Version ).
    in the module settings of login/register the fields refer exclusively to the template "user".
    i guess i could get problems here...
    What do you think?

  3. 9 hours ago, 3fingers said:

    Glad you sorted out! But I still don't get the logic where $user->id could match $page->entryPages->id, now I'm the one asking for help ?
    Maybe @adrian could enlighten my tired brain? ?

    hi 3fingers,

    i think it's great that you are thinking about my usecase. maybe it's not the "right" way to solve this problem.
    i will describe it briefly:
    users can log in and create a profile. this profile should then be accessible via its own url on the site. ( entry/url-user-1/
    to achieve this, i create (at the moment manually) a page name per user ( url-user-1 ), which i combine with the entry of the user. in the template of the url page i have the possibility - per page - to select the appropriate user ( $user->id ) via a page-reference field.
    since i may want to use this url as a segment in the further course of the portal, i want to store it automatically in the respective user entry during the assignment.
    This way I can achieve that every user gets his own page, which can then also appear in a sitemap.
    the much more elegant and less cumbersome way would probably be to enter the url in the user-entries themselves and automatically create a page with the template mentioned above, which is linked to the user->id. For this I simply did not yet deal enough with the hooks.
    i hope i could now contribute even more to the confusion ?
    Many greetings

  4. 1 hour ago, adrian said:

    If it's a Page reference field, then maybe you need: $page->entryPages->id

    Actually, given that it's Page "s", plural, then you might need: $page->entryPages->first()->id

    or maybe you need to check if the $user->id is in an array of entryPages IDs?

    $page->entryPages->id did it, when adjusting the fieldtype-settings.

    Thanks for pointing to this....

  5. it´s a Page reference - field and this writes the needed id into the session.

    But i cannot compare it with $user->id.

    When i write $user->id == 1234 - this works

    wire('session')->message("Hello World 2 ! You saved {$page->entryPages}")
  6. Hello,

    what I'd like to do with a Hook is this.
    the hook should work if I change a certain field on a page with a certain template.
    Afterwards a value should be written in the template "user".

    Somehow I am stuck at the moment. If I enter the value $page->entryPages fix in the if statement ( eg. 1234 ), it works.

    Where do I have my error:

    $wire->addHookAfter('Page::changed', function(HookEvent $event) {
      $page = $event->object;
      $change = $event->arguments(0);
      if($page->template == 'entry' && $change == 'entryPages') {
        // execute some code when "entryPages" changes on "entry" pages
        // show info about the value "entryPages
        wire('session')->message("Hello World 2 ! You saved {$page->entryPages}");
            // get all users
            $allUser = wire('pages')->find("template=user");
            foreach($allUser as $user){
          // where the user->id == $page->entryPages, write the value in user-template
              if( $user->id == $page->entryPages ) {
    			// check out if success
                 wire('session')->message("This is it {$user->id}");
                 $user->setAndSave('userEntryUrl', $page->name);

    Thank you!!

  7. On 12/8/2019 at 9:23 PM, kongondo said:

    So, back to your problem. Did you physically copy AdminThemeUiKit to both your site/modules and site-stirnweiss/modules? This is in addition to the core copy in wire/modules/AdminTheme. If you did so, that is wholly unnecessary. If the answer is no, then you are experiencing a different problem, maybe a server configuration issue. It's hard to tell without more information about the 500 errors (apache logs, ProcessWire error logs, etc.

    I did. That's the way to go. I´m deactivating the folders in both sites....and viola. Now i'm able to setup the AdminThemeUiKit in both environments. Perfect - you made my day. Many thanks

  8. 4 minutes ago, wbmnfktr said:

    The notification/alert tells you what to do. About 2-3 clicks and it's done. At least it should be done.

    what kind of clicks do you recommend ? - when i click on the link ("click here to change the file is used " - which is obvious ) i will get an error 500

  9. Hi LostKobrakai,
    i´ve got also an issue with the "AdminThemeUikit" in case of a multisite-Setup (option #1).
    i'm using pw 3.0.123 and i couldn't install the admin Theme within the 2nd Site.
    When i refresh the "modules" within the 2nd Site, the system throws following notification: Module "AdminThemeUikit" has multiple files (bold file is the one in use). Click here to change which file is used

    if i click on the link, a error 500 occurs.
    It´s also not possible to install the adminTheme twice.....

    Any Ideas?!

  10. but in this context another issue occurs:
    if i want to use the AdminThemeUikit within my 2nd Site ( it was already installed in the main-site ) the following notification comes up. When i Click on the Link an error 500 occurs.

    I thought, in case of Option #1, there are no dependencies between the different "Site-folders". Each Site-Structure has it´s own module environment?!


    Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-28 um 17.16.03.png

  11. Hi Guys,
    i want to refresh this post because I couldn't get option #1 working. I want to set up a multidomain - project and i want to test it with a subdomain from my origin Project.
    my main site is working fine - this is the setup:
    - pwFolder
            - wire
            - site
            - site-otherdomain

    the index.config.php:

    function ProcessWireHostSiteConfig() {
    	return array(
    		 * Some Examples (you should remove/replace them if used).
    		 * Just note that the values must begin with 'site-'.
    		 'sub.mydomain.de' => 'site-otherdomain',
    		 'www.sub.mydomain.de' => 'site-otherdomain',
    		 'www.mydomain.com' => 'site-mydomain',
    		 'dev.mydomain.com' => 'site-dev',
    		 * Default for all others (typically /site/)
    		'*' => 'site',

    Domain-Hosting Setup:

    sub.mydomain.de  points to "pwFolder"
    mydomain.de points also to "pwFolder"

    when i write into the Browser "www.sub.mydomain.de" nothing happens - no error, only "Site was not found".
    it seems the configuration in the index.config.php has no effect.

    Is there anything i forgot?

    Thanks a bunch!

    Subdomains do not work - it works with a complete different domain ( here: Virtual Host )

  12. Hi Rick,

    this was my misunderstanding. I had the opinion that i could set a specific value to a checkbox.

    my usecase is a form, where you can choose ( via checkbox ) different "products". Every product has, of course, it‘s own price. When Checkbox is Chosen and the form is sent the value of the checkbox should be submitted - that was my thought - misbelief ?

    thank you though....

  13. something for further explanation:
    I want to calculate a price using checkboxes: e.g.
    checked state

    <input name="myCheckbox" type="checkbox" value="15" />


    <input name="myCheckbox" type="checkbox" value="0" />

    the change of the value happens via js.

    now, in case of submission, the value in the Database is that one ( Detail - Tab of the FB-Field )


    These entrys appear as well in a page ( i create a page with this data ) as in the admin-Email.

    it seems to be, that FB ignores my specific value in case of submission. i also tried to let this fields empty to force the use of my values but the first one is mandatory. that works neither.


    Some ideas.....?

  14. 4 minutes ago, dragan said:

    I'm confused. Are you using checkboxes or radio buttons?

    Unless you don't check the relevant radio button, you won't get any value after submitting the form. Or maybe I don't understand what you're really asking?

    Sry for confusion.... corrected the Post.

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