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*Most Powerful Pony!*

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Posts posted by *Most Powerful Pony!*

  1. @bernhard Hi!

    The main problem with removing fields from the example is that when you work on a large project in different branches, the data structure in the project can change.

    The main advantage of the classical approach to migrations is that regardless of which commit you moved to the current one, you can restore the structure to the current one.

    In your example, we can only add new fields and slightly change the settings for existing ones, but for this we need the code to be present in the project.

    But what to do if a person missed the changes to delete fields, change their type, or skipped conversion operations?
    Because this code was in one commit, but the present one simply describes the required fields, templates, etc.?

    I see that in this case we will have to contain a thick piece of exceptions, where there will be checks for deletion, transformations performed, etc., and this piece will become larger and larger as the project lives, especially if there is a significant difference between releases and branches.

    I really liked the presentation of the project and its description, but unfortunately I could not accept it, since I cannot aggregate the necessary migration from commit to commit.

  2. tree

    home (1)

    - color (1001)

    - - cat kitty (1011)

    - - cat dogs (1012)
    - - cat pidgin (1013)
    - property (1002)
    - other page (1003)
    - - cat worms (1031)
    - note (1004) field.place_in_dir (PageSelect[PageListMultiple]) = 1011, 1012, 1031
    selector (field.title=color|property|other), all good match!
    selector (field.title%=cat), 0 =(
    selector (field.title=cat dogs), 0 =(
    selector (field.title=cat kitty), 0 =(
    selector (field.title=cat worms), 0 =(
    selector (field.id=1011),
    selector (field.id=1012), All found!
    repeated with filed.name, also found all.
    I am looking for notes that are linked to categories
    Because of the error, it is necessary to find the notes separately, since I can not search for them by title
  3. level1=1


    return [level1] = 1

    level1[level2] = 1


    return [level1][level2] =1

    level1[level2][level3] = 1

    return null
    how to fix it!?
    processWire 2.4
  4. I have an image 500x300 

    I need to apply the resizing to 150x150 without cutting edge. 

    Thus in any case, I need to have the image canvas size 150x150 

    When you use $ image->size (150, 150), we obtain the desired result (cropping). 

    When using $ image->size (150, 150, array ('cropping' => false)) our image circumcised according to the greatest height, canvas change proportionally. / / 150x90. 

    Need an image 150x90 position in the center of the canvas 150x150. 

    You can do this using the API?


  5. This not error but feature. You can configure the conversion yourself in the page name module in admin.

    Error that capital letters of the Latin alphabet are not cut as:
    1. Cyrillic capital letters not in the list of replacement.
    2. $ v = iconv ("UTF-8", "ASCII / / TRANSLIT / / IGNORE", $ value); hates Cyrillic //before Рaz Дva Тri after ?az ?va ?ri
    3. just strtolower, does not translate to lower case letters Cyrillic alphabet for multilingual mb_strtolower need to use since it is based on the Unicode
    This is a mistake, and it is treated in two ways.
    1. Expanding the list of replacements.
    2. Initially bringing value to lowercase function through mb_strtolower

    I note that on the client side so there is no error, as well js translate uppercase to lower

    I think it was a mistake, because the realization of the transliteration into front-end and back-end are different, the best realization on front-end side


    Ы = i, as sibling И

    real example creat page from fron-end //STOCKS in Cyrilic "АКЦИИ", field name autofill translate akcii, batch create via api void error as name ''

    rules transliteration in russia via GOST 7.79-2000(b) as it ISO 9

    Транслитерация ГОСТ 7.79-2000 (Б)
    а = a
    б = b
    в = v
    г = g
    д = d
    е = e
    ё = yo
    ж = zh
    з = z
    и = i
    й = j
    к = k
    л = l
    м  = m
    н = n
    о = o
    п = p
    р = r
    с = s
    т = t
    у = u
    ф = f
    х = kh
    ц = cz,c
    ч = ch
    ш = sh
    щ = shh
    ъ = ''
    ы = y'
    ь = '
    э = e'
    ю = yu
    я = ya
  6. Dear Ryan, please correct the transliteration in the page name on the side of back-end.
    Error that large letters (non-Latin) are simply removed.
    //Раз Два Три One Two Tri - az-va-ri-one-two-tri
    Error can be corrected in Sanitizer.php 129 line
    public function pageName ($ value, $ beautify = false) {
    if initially lead all to lowercase using the mb_strtolower
    $ value = mb_strtolower ($ value);
    //Раз Два Три One Two Tri - raz-dva-tri-one-two-tri
    and  InputfieldPageName.module
            'ю' => 'iu',  
            'я' => 'ia',
    in countries where the use of the Cyrillic alphabet.
    by using the Latin alphabet transliteration written through Y

            'ю' => 'yu',  

            'я' => 'ya',

    And so, very often Ю, written as Y

  7. А можешь подробнее описать, что именно не так, по твоему?

    Просто не очень понимаю откуда именно у тебя берется $mypage, просто мне когда нужна специфичная страница, изначально всегда её объявляю в шапке ( $homepage = $pages->get('/') ) и дальше использую. Все объекты с данным классом и все их методы отрабатывают как положено, не смотря на контекст, даже есть пример с рекурсией в файлах страницы через которые можно получить страницы на которых они объявлены, что бы вновь получить список файлов.

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