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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @thatpodcast: .@beausimensen's "Bringing Sculpin to Life" talk from #forumphp is available on YouTube! From episode 10.https://t.co/Aw…

  2. RT @ralphschindler: Never learn what it means to be RESTful. Once you know, every API you have to consume becomes a big disappointment. #Al

  3. If you are a core #doctrine developer . Please consider https://t.co/COZsTVweK8 . Thanks!

  4. RT @beberlei: So anyone had json_encode() in php produce {null:{"foo": "bar"}} before?

  5. Rules for the Obsessive-Compulsive Sociopath http://t.co/9YopWjLDt0

  6. Hey @mukaken , Thank you for the feedback. Actually not bad see my status https://t.co/UlmPAX95vC , and also Aura.Intl used by cakephp 3

  7. RT @phpc: Voting has begun for the PHP 7 release timeline. https://t.co/44Yzpuayrf

  8. Does #firefoxos or #ubuntu phone support CDMA ? I am looking forward to buy a phone.

  9. RT @jose_zap: I’m impressed and thankful for the amazing job the french translators of the #CakePHP 3.0 book are doing!

  10. RT @jeresig: I've compiled a list of the lowest cost .com registrars with domain privacy prices included: http://t.co/a2FPyTCdcK Surprising…

  11. RT @frankdejonge: I'm looking for advice on what to do on the 25th in Madrid. Also need to find a place to stay that night. Any tips? #Symf

  12. RT @LucaGioppo: auraphp/Aura.Filter · GitHub http://t.co/6Vhg6hoLfj interesting to use with @slimframework

  13. Symfony2 console completion script https://t.co/ShxFVA7OEC

  14. Add in the list if you don't follow PSR-2 http://t.co/dTrHF1PFGo .

  15. Hi all, I was trying to add an image field to `implements Module, ConfigurableModule ` . When uploading image I was getting error as TemplateFile: Invalid image<pre>#0 [internal function]: InputfieldFile->___processInputAddFile('fdd-1.jpg') #1 public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); // $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldImage'); // $field->attr('name', 'logo'); // $field->label = __('Logo'); // $field->addOption('logo', 'logo'); // $field->attr('value', isset($data['logo']) ? $data['logo'] : ''); $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldFile'); $field->attr('name', 'logo'); $field->label = __('Logo'); $inputfields->add($field); return $inputfields; } I tried with file which gives me invalid extensions. Is there a way to fix it ? Basic idea is to extend a template which can have upload functionality of logo etc. Thank you.
  16. oh 93 contributors http://t.co/kim1Cmsv8I . Not bad @auraphp . Thank you #php community.

  17. Happy B'day @pjedrzejewski :) . I wonder I am a bit early to wish or late to wish. Sorry timezone :) . Enjoy!

  18. I laugh and laugh @Ocramius :) . @mark_story you are right.

  19. RT @padraicb: Can't stop laughing re-reading @soaj1664ashar tearing up CodeIgniter's XSS clean() function :Phttps://t.co/hpO14tVeEX All gu…

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