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BFD Calendar

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Posts posted by BFD Calendar

  1. On an 'exhibitions' template I have a Page Auto Complete field 'works_id_list' with a multiple page array, where I can choose works that were to be seen in this exhibition. On the front page, the list of works can be seen. Most of the 'works' have the parent 'Works', but recently I want to add pages from a different parent as well. I can add them in the 'Custom find' or 'Selector string' part, and find/select them but they are not validated because they are not in the parent 'Works'. Although it says in the template part of 'selectable pages' "Select the template of the pages that are selectable. May be used instead of, or in addition to, the parent above." there seems to be no way to remove the parent, only change it to a different one. Any way to solve this?

    Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 21.05.08.png

  2. Just recently I'm getting errors when viewing or editing product pages, still using Padloper 1.3.0 on PW 3.0.123 with no recent upgrades or changes.

    When just trying to access a page the error is 

    Error: Exception: Method Field::getContext does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php line 519)

    When trying to edit the error is

    Error: Exception: Method Field::getContext does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php line 519) #0 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php(386): ProcessWire\Wire->___callUnknown('getContext', Array) #1 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(723): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___callUnknown', Array) #2 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\Field), 'callUnknown', Array) #3 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php(445): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('callUnknown', Array) #4 /home/mekanoinsa/www/site/modules/FieldtypeQRCode/FieldtypeQRCode.module(326): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('getContext', Array) #5 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php(389): ProcessWire\FieldtypeQRCode->___wakeupValue(Object(ProcessWire\Page), Object(ProcessWire\Field), '') #6 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Wire.php(416): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___wakeupValue', Array) #7 /home/mekanoinsa/www/wire/core/Page.php(1422): ProcessWire\W

    Any idea what's going on?

  3. 22 hours ago, adrian said:

    @BFD Calendar - I don't really think this module is the best option for your needs in this case - sounds like you should just handle each condition in your code.

    Can the access roles be used in an 'if - else' condition as well then? I like your module because it's a simple login and protection, we have 2000 students and I don't want any of them getting near the admin interface. Maybe not for our 'materials' shop, but for some online courses and tests I'll probably continue using it.

  4. I was wondering if it's possible to have a 'protected' and a 'non protected' version of a page. Now I'm using this code:

    	if($user->isLoggedin()) {	
      echo "{$materialsimage} &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$p->url}'><span class='verdana_14'><b>{$p->title}</b></a>  -  <span class='verdana_14'>{$p->pad_price} &euro;</span>.</span><br>";
      echo $modules->get("PadRender")->addToCart($p, $askQty = true, $page); 
    // $p is the product, we do ask quantity, we redirect back to current page
      echo "<hr>";  
    else {
      echo "{$materialsimage} &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$p->url}'><span class='verdana_14'><b>{$p->title}</b></a>  -  <span class='verdana_14'>{$p->pad_price} &euro;</span>.</span><br>";
      echo "<hr>";

    I want to change that into sections SHOP FOR STUDENTS and SHOP FOR VISITORS, where visitors can view what we sell but only students (logged in with PageProtector) can actually buy things. Is it possible in the Page Protector $options? Or what should go into the if() else() part to make in work?

  5. We have a website with information about our modelbuilding workshop for students, https://www.mekano.info. Until now reservations for several things are done by staff in the admin area. The Padloper webshop is also only used by staff, students can see the list of materials but not 'buy' since we sell at a counter only.

    Because of health safety measures we want to change a few things and have students do more from individual accounts; online courses and tests, reservations for workshop use, tools and equipment, lasercutting, 3D-printing and so on, and buying materials from the webshop, which they can pick up safely when paid.

    We already have about 2000 students in our website, those pages are used to do all the above by staff and also to check if a certain student finished a course before being allowed to use specific equipment.

    Some questions; will ProcessWire handle 2000+ user accounts with various privileges (lasercutting:yes, 3dprinting:yes, cncmilling:no, ...), letting students only acces pages/forms (Formbuilder module) for which they have the right privileges, have a simple login without getting into the admin interface (Page Protector module?). Can privileges update automatically when an online test was successful? All not too much burdening our website as it is quite slow with over 30000 pages now.

    Any other modules that could be helpful....

    Thanks for advice!

  6. For some reason I couldn't upload a picture/screenshot - keeps queued forever.... The fonts are considered as pages and they are all in the top 10, although nobody sees them as a page.

    Anyway these are the top pageviews in a week time:

    • /index.html - 382 - avg time 0:02:39
    • /site/templates/styles/fonts/optistymie-boldcondensed.ttf - 507 - avg time 0:00:05
    • /site/templates/styles/fonts/NobelRegular.ttf - 502 - avg time 0:00:17
    • /site/templates/styles/fonts/CentSchbookBdCnBT.ttf - 500
    • /site/templates/styles/fonts/NobelBold.ttf - 235
    • /site/templates/styles/fonts/NobelBoldCondensed.ttf - 123

    Total pageviews is 32.343 - avg time 00:02:07. 

    Can I find info here on how to use Google fonts in PW?


  7. OVH hosting is sending me a message that "We have noticed that your web hosting plan's resource quotas have been exceeded on several occasions, as the "Resource limit exceeded" chart in your Control Panel shows." 

    Of course it's nice that more & more people check my Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-)Calendar. But when I look at the page stats it shows that the fonts are generating most of the traffic (see image). I use a few .ttf fonts to get an old newspaper look on my pages. The index page has 310 views while five font pages have over 1800 views, while they're not even viewed in a way.

    Any idea how to solve this? Help much appreciated. 


  8. I'm also getting a lot of spam lately. Due to previous issues my code is a bit different, and not so clear where/how to add the honeypot field. This is the contact page template code:

    	$scf = $modules->get('SimpleContactForm');
    	$options = array(
    	'emailMessage' => "{$input->scf_name} from {$input->scf_location} with IP {$input->scf_ip} sent this message:   	
    	'emailFrom' => $input->scf_email,
    	'emailSender' => $input->scf_email,
    	'emailReplyTo' => $input->scf_email,
    	'markup' => array(
        'list' => "<div {style='width:75%;'}>{out}</div>",
        'item' => "<p {attrs}>{out}</p>"
    	'classes' => array(
        'form' => 'form BFD_contact',
        'list' => 'list-item'
    	echo $scf->render($options);

    Thanks for any help.

  9. /**
     * sessionExpireSeconds: how many seconds of inactivity before session expires
    $config->sessionExpireSeconds = 172800; 
     * ADDED - session.cookie_lifetime: how many seconds of inactivity before cookie expires
    ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 86400);
     * sessionChallenge: should login sessions have a challenge key? (for extra security, recommended) 
    $config->sessionChallenge = true; 
     * CHANGED - sessionFingerprint: should login sessions be tied to IP and user agent? 
     * More secure, but will conflict with dynamic IPs. 
    $config->sessionFingerprint = 2; 


  10. Since a few weeks I have problems staying logged into ProcessWire admin. Behaviour is quite random, sometimes I can't even edit one field without being sent to the login page. Sometimes I manage to stay logged in for a few minutes, sometimes longer. It happens with different browsers, computers, operating systems. On same computers my other sites work fine.

    ProcessWire 3.0.98 at https://www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net

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