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Status Updates posted by teppo

  1. Unheap is a well-designed and useful repository of jQuery plugins, check it out: http://t.co/U4cO0uTgI3 #jquery

    1. MatthewSchenker


      Thanks for pointing this out -- I have it bookmarked!

  2. RT @smashingmag: A JavaScript library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page, efficiently. http://t.co/Z3Wq1…

    1. MatthewSchenker


      I'd like to see it! Can you fix the link?

  3. Trying to read #rwd article but the site hosting it absolutely refuses to work on a mobile device. Confusing.

  4. RT @VentureBeat: One-fifth of all websites blocked in the U.K. http://t.co/OX1Xu19uhg

  5. Happy Towel Day everyone! Don't know what that's all about? Don't panic, visit http://t.co/npSvwC5LdX and see for yourself. #towelday

  6. As corny as it may sound, "being social is not about opening a Facebook Page" is best advice I've seen in a marketing presentation lately.

  7. RT @processwire: New module: Field Generator by @plauclair – generate random strings for any field – http://t.co/BVWwz6tWZK

  8. RT @brad_frost: Responsive web design case studies: http://t.co/EEp73czYjn @beep is talking about a few success stories at #artifactconf

  9. Interesting how these days self-hosting source code instead of using "public" hosting like GitHub makes a project feel almost "antisocial".

  10. I want one of these! Actually, every ProcessWire user out there should get one.. https://t.co/kF8apCXsrT

  11. RT @iamdevloper: The CSS community: "So, we're now using BEM, OOCSS and SMACSS".Everyone else: "That. Is. So. Cute."

  12. RT @LeaVerou: Happy Independence Day to my American friends!!Happy Getting Rid of America Day to my British friends!!

  13. RT @nshelsinki: Great advice for setting up a #CMS for clients. And another reason to love #processwire. http://t.co/F7qHQmOmA0

  14. RT @adrocknaphobia: Opportunity is recursive. It leads to more opportunity.

  15. RT @jasongorman: 2 things programmers tend to underestimate:1. How long things take2. How long our code will be around3. How many things…

  16. "Adventure games from the 1990s are notorious for puzzles that are obtuse and often nonsensical". But isn't that exactly why we love them?

  17. ✌ Reading "Coffee Shop Kanban: Is your dev team a Starbucks or a Costa? - PatchSpace Blog" http://t.co/8D5GMnIJ

  18. RT @einsteinsboi: Interview with Ryan Cramer – #ProcessWire CMS Founder and Lead Developer http://t.co/ZTI6iK4fSN

  19. RT @TechnicallyRon: At school they never tell you that THIS is an option. http://t.co/1WD6TyMzCx

  20. "As we all know, a penguin can hardly function without a GNU."

  21. RT @sgalineau: Publishing your work and ignoring feedback is not ‘open’. Doing things publicly is a necessary part of openness, but it’s no…

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