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Posts posted by suntrop

  1. I deleted the selector via PhpMyAdmin and now I have access to my pages again.

    Could you explain what you want to do using the pages in your tree (above) as examples? 

    Let's say I am editing the article …

    … /blog/topic-a/articles/entry/. On that page I only want to see tags saved in /blog/topic-a/tags/

    … /blog/topic-b/articles/entry2/. On that page I only want to see tags saved in /blog/topic-b/tags/

    I've attached a screenshot, that shows which tags are selectable and which tags are not.



    I have to use the tags field on the user template as well. It would be great if I can select and add from all tags for a user.

  2. Well, I think I was to happy and didn't tested it completely. I noticed I can still select all tags, not only these saved underneath the parent parent.

    I thought I have to deselect the "Parent of selectable pages" and after I did that, I get this error on all pages I want to edit:

    Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to InputfieldPage::___findPagesCode() must be an instance of Page, none given (line 168 of /serverpath/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module) 

    I could go back and select the Homepage as parent, but after saving I still get the error message. Looks like I damaged something :-)

  3. I've got some kind of blog setup with different topics and each should use its own set of categories/tags.

    • Home
    • Blog
      • Topic A
        • Categories
        • Tags
        • Articles
      • Topic B
        • Categories
        • Tags
        • Articles
      • Topic C
        • Categories
        • Tags
        • Articles

    How do I have to write my custom selector for categories/tags to choose just from the items within the current topic? I can't use one of the defaults (parent page or specific template). I need to select the 2nd parent and find the category or tag template. But couldn't figure out, how to go up two times.

  4. I am with landitus – while it is an easy way to pick a predefined slider, you can't see the images. But the Page List Image Label module seems to be workaround for that.

    However, I like his idea of a PageAssetSelect or maybe the image field could be extended, thus one can select images from other pages (like TinyMCE or API).

  5. Many thanks Martijn. This will just return a list of three images. But I need to configure a slideshow of three images on each page individually. Mostly the images are different on each page, but sometimes the images are the same (maybe with another order).

    I think I will just drop those images on each page and re-upload the images, when I need them. I was afraid of the time, when I have to change some images and have to find them manually on all my pages.

    However, I think I'll get along with it :-) Thanks again!

  6. That has indeed nothing to do with proccesswire.

    Use php or something to make some magic.

    ( i don't know why you don't like the easier pw way)

    Perhaps I don't know what exactly you mean by 'the easier pw way', but I guess it'll be more time consuming and more difficult to configure all sliders on different pages and connect them with a plain drop-down select field (if there are more than a couple of them). TinyMCE isn't a good choice either here, because it is just a matter of time when there is HTML code in it that makes things messy :-)

    One way to achieve this is to create an image field 'slideimages' in the root-page (or in a hidden settings-page). You can upload your slider-images there in one place and your colleague can rearrange them as needed.

    In your template file you access the images like 


    (or the appropriate path for your settings-page) and then foreach over the images to output the slider-code.

    Thanks pideluxe!

    Don't get me wrong guys :-) I like what I see here in PW, but I am used to manage assets a different way and have to find the best solution for now. So … thanks again for your help!!

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  7. Adrian, thanks for your reply. Sharing images by the RTE is fine for images in the content. But I was thinking of an access outside the editor and without the API. That seems to be not available in PW? I wanted my colleague to be able changing and reordering images per page – best without re-uploading images again.

    Anyway, if there is no way, I think I'll create some pages as 'sliders' and connect them as PageListConnect.



  8. Hi! This is my first posting at this forum and I am on my first PW website. The CMS looks pretty cool and I like its approach of handling data. Well, there is just one thing I don't understand or perhaps that way is new to me. The assets management.

    My website (about 100 pages) has a slider with 3 images in its header. As I understand I have to attach an image always to a particular page. If I want to use the same image on another page, I have to upload it again. Right? I can't access it from a field on another page (beside access via TinyMCE).

    Thanks for help!


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