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Posts posted by burning

  1. Hi All, maybe a really stupid question, but is there a way to sort repeater items on -created?

    Like $page->social_activity('limit=10,sort=created'), with 'social_activity' as the repeater field?

    Tried this but it didnt work ? 

    Any help appreciated! 

  2. On 4/27/2018 at 7:46 PM, Schwab said:

    How did you do it in the end?

    I'm thinking about how to implement such a feature as well. But instead of additional fields I'm thinking to save some variables in the user session and compare them with the actual data.

    I have to do some more research to see if that really is an option.

    I ended up having a repeater in each userPage, when someone likes a photo, a Ajax request is sent and adding an item to the repeater, storing userId and the action (eg. like, follow comment oid). Then i built a simple notification window, which reads the repeater in the user-specific page and displays the correct message.

  3. Thanks.

    I already have a sort of page structure with images and users. So when a user likes a image, the image id is stored in a field in the user template so i can keep track on which user likes which image. The image itself is a page containing data of the image (title, description, exif data of the image, user_id who added the image, etc).

    Of course I can add the user_ids to a field to the image page itself, but that doesn't keep track if the user of which the image belongs to has 'seen' the notification.


  4. Hi all,

    Im currently building a photo sharing website and have a first version finished. Next step is to incorporate notifications in the website if a user likes one of your photo's, or comments on a photo you posted.

    Just like the notification bell at the top of the forums. Any idea how to approach this functionality?

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hi there,

    I got the same error, ProcessWire 2.3, there is no logs folder in my assets folder.. i also changed the debug mode to true, but no results.. 

    Also tried the commenting as mentioned above in my .htaccess but still no luck :(

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

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