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Posts posted by dragan

  1. edit:

    well, that was easy :-)

    $f = $fields->get("title");
    $f->set("langBlankInherit", 1);

    I'll keep it here, in case someone else searches for the same thing...

    Is there an API function to change the language support blank behaviour?

    e.g. change the behaviour of dozens of multilang fields via API? (from "show default language" to "blank" or vice versa).

    I see in the DB-table "fields" an entry like this: "langBlankInherit":1 (field "data"), when set to remain blank...

    (Using dev version 2.3.2)

    • Like 3
  2. Strange indeed. Tell me about it.

    The relevant CSS was in no way altered. We use the default admin theme, too.

    Today I've spent 2 hours more on this.

    Turns out that if you name an input field "file" with some sort of language code at the end like so: download_manual_fr, download_manual_en, download_manual_de

    the system is somehow confused, for whatever reasons.

    If you name a field foo_fr for type "text", everything works fine. I have these all over the place.

    But as soon as you use such naming conventions for file-fields, it gets all sorts of confused.

    Renaming such fields worked. e.g.

    download_manual_fr -> download_manualfr

    it works as advertised.

    Perhaps someone who's an admin can cross-link it to the multilang forum?

  3. Looking at it some longer, it turned out that there are either CSS bugs, or browser bugs.

    Duplicating file input fields with Apple Safari or Firefox on Mac: Buggy. Trashcan icon is not visible.

    Doing the same with Google Chrome on Mac: works fine.

    Same with Google Chrome Win: works fine.

    You'd think that Webkit browsers behave the same, but apparently not...


    Looking in the page edit HTML source, I noticed this:

    How it looks in the duplicated input fields where drag'n'drop doesn't work:

    <span class="AjaxUploadDropHere description"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s ui-priority-secondary"></span>  drag and drop files in here</span>

    How it looks in those that do work normally:

    <span class="AjaxUploadDropHere description" style="display: inline;"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s ui-priority-secondary"></span>  drag and drop files in here</span>

    .InputfieldFileUpload .AjaxUploadDropHere {

        display: none;


    In other words:

    display: inline doesn't get rendered in the buggy fields. It overrides the display: none in wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.css?v=100

    This explains why the drag'n'drop area isn't visible. But what could possibly trigger this?

    That still doesn't explain why uploaded files can't be deleted :(

    The client already has backend access to update content, so unfortunately he already uploaded several files in several pages...

    Anybody have a hint what went wrong when duplicating fields?
  5. I have cloned (duplicated) a few file input fields today, but found the following odd behaviour:

    - Drag'n'drop is no longer possible.

    - Trash icon doesn't display in Mac/Safari + Mac/Chrome.

    - I can't delete any uploaded files anymore.

    addtl. infos:

    Filetypes are usual stuff / allowed file-types (PDF mostly) etc.

    PW 2.3.2 dev

    Files are visible in the backend and in the DB.

    Tried on Mac Safari + Win Google Chrome (in the latter, the trash icon is fine)

    Due to a large number of input fields, we've resized the input field width to 50 or 25%, but changing them back to 100% didn't do anything.

  6. Very nice site! Chapeau, as we say in Switzerland ("hats off").

    I especially like the thought-out cross-linking / navigation elements.

    The bright green + grey texts could be a touch darker, imho (contrast). But that's nitpicking...

    Content-wise, maybe someone needs to go through the entire site and do some proofreading?


    Did Michaela Sell recently marry? Her name on the team-pic is Michaela Krug, not Sell :-)

    "Individuelle Neugestaltung einer Gewerbefläche in einem  Zweifamilienhauses mit einem Empfangsbereich"

    • Like 1
  7. pls disregard this altogether. I decided to do it "the PW way", and use sub-categories (sub-pages) instead.

    First of all, it looks more clean in the backend, and I don't have to construct over-complicated queries anymore.

    The import process via CSV takes now 2 more steps, but that's OK. i.e. 

    1. Create sub-category "container" pages 

    2. Create the pages

    3. Move pages to their containers

    With my initial idea the import process would have been a lot easier, but I like a clean content overview in the backend... and I guess my client too :)

    Is there a way to do something like a GROUP / DISTINCT when I don't know the actual value?

    I have plenty of products in the same page-hierarchy, and one field is product_type_group. Several pages can share the same value.

    I'd like just to get the first one and skip the others.

    I already have a dozen product group within "products", but within these I'd prefer not to create another hierarchy level. I know how I'd do in without API methods, but I wanted to know if miss a special selector / API function.

    • Like 1
  8. Nice. Of course, this is asking too much, but do you have a test-account (login) someone could use to see the features only available to registered users?

    I noticed on http://www.hallexchange.com/exchange/ that not all listings have links. Bug or feature? :)

    I'd optimize the "price" display, i.e. make it a pure text input field, or an integer, and handle the frontend display accordingly.

    Various forms of price displays can be seen in the frontend: 25, $25, $$25, 359_plus_utilities_per_month, $_10 etc.

    Also (just being curious) - what is data-rocketsrc for? The sparse infos I found after googling didn't reveal much...

    -> <script data-rocketsrc="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>

  9. Thanks!

    Just in case anybody else searches for similar things, here's a simple example

    $en = 'status' . $languages->get('en');
    $us = 'status' . $languages->get('us');
    $fr = 'status' . $languages->get('fr');
    $pag = $pages->find("parent=1072, template='product'");
    foreach($pag as $p) {
        $p->setOutputFormatting(false); // not sure if necessary here - I made it a habit to always include it, just in case...
        $p->$en = 1;
        $p->$fr = 1;
        $p->$us = 1;
    • Like 8
  10. I am about to create several pages via API. In another script I populate the fields per language. 

    I found that each page generated via API, even when alternative languages are also populate, they are inactive by default.

    Is there an API method to set it to active? Either when creating a page, or when updating it (setting field values).

    (PW 2.3.2 setup)

    • Like 1
  11. Just a little hint:

    in config.js, you can add these lines:

    config.allowedContent = true; // don't filter anything, i.e. allow custom style / classes / id etc.
    config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P; // by default, CKEditor wraps everything in DIVs - annoying. This will wrap everything in <p> tags
    • Like 2
  12. Well, with a multilang setup, you can either hide / publish the entire page altogether (for all languages) - there's no "hidden" / "unpublished" checkbox per language - there's only the "active" checkbox for all alternative languages under "settings".

    "selector" => "hide_de < 1",

    unfortunately doesn't work - tried it. Problem is, only one particular template is using these checkboxes. If I use that selector with MUSN, nothing gets rendered at all.

    I use MUSN "globally" for the main left navigation (3 levels down, various templates).

    That's what I meant with "nested selector arguments": "only apply this selector, when we traverse through pages with template 'product'", if that makes sense... (in a strictly MUSN context).

    I guess I'll try an approach with the 'xtemplates' option, add some custom CSS and hopefully being able to visually hide the unwanted items in the rendered nav.

  13. Not sure if this is the right right thread to post this question, or if it rather belongs in a "selector" thread.

    Is it generally possible to nest selectors?

    With MarkupSimpleNavigation, I'd like to use a selector only for a certain template, e.g.

    if template == 'product' -> use selector 'hide_fr<1'

    In other words, not show links where the checkbox "hide_fr" is selected. I know I could use the multilang settings tab "active" - but the problem is, sometimes there are products (pages) that are supposed to also be hidden for the default language - and that one is always active (of course).

    Any ideas how I could solve this?

    I know I know, another very unusual / "exotic" situation - but sadly, some clients tend to change specs several times a day :(

  14. Thanks. I'll try that tomorrow morning.

    The reason I need it in the frontend is simple: The various fields generate product specifications in the frontend, as lists or tables. Having to hardcode the field-labels for each addtl. language in the template, when it is already defined in the backend, seems unneccessary, tedious duplicate work. Most values are numeric, but the titles (labels) are always strings. I don't think it's that much of a rare / exotic situation.

    After all, an english speaking visitor wants to see "weight", not "Gewicht". A French guy expects "poids", etc.

    I have a hard time to understand why one need the field labels (in different languages) in the front-end. 

    • Like 3
  15. I have problems rendering the correct field label for anything other than the default langauge.  (this in the template / frontend, not admin)

    I'm using PW 2.3.2 dev version, and the values all output fine. It's just that the field labels only show the default language label text, nothing else.

    Is there a special syntax I have to use? Or do I still have to manually check for $user->language somehow to get this done? I was under the impression it wouldn't be necessary anymore with 2.3.2. With 4 languages and approx. 50 custom fields, I'd really like to streamline things a bit (all field labels are correctly setup in each language). Or is that something that will be ready only with 2.4?

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