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Everything posted by dotnetic

  1. @bernhard The YAML recorder and migration of the project.yaml look awesome. Any plans to release these additions to RockMigrations? I think this is a good way to make fields and templates version controlled. Having a feature like the YAML config and recorder added to the core would be a very good thing IMHO. The not programmable definition of fields and templates and migrating contents and structure to a live server is cumbersome (without RockMigrations) and led me to try out alternatives to ProcessWire in the past. I used Statamic and Kirby which both have configuration files for fields/templates, which can be version controlled and I really like the way it's done.
  2. @ryan Thanks for the added supported fields in the findRaw method. I am still having performance issues with my queries, but I try to find the bottleneck or might even provide you with a dump, so you can recreate the issue. However great update, that will come in handy.
  3. @Richard Jedlička I really like this approach. Where and how do you define your environment variables? Do you have a separate file for this and use the putenv command?
  4. Could you please describe more specific what you are trying to achieve? What you mean by "whitelist"?
  5. Here is another advantage of using composer: I am using an automated deployment process for my clients websites via github actions. Right now I have to put all modules in the modules directory under git control and commit every module update to git. This makes every module update another commit in the git log and the git repository very large. With composer.json I would just update one file and my github action (or buddy, or Vercel or whatever deployment tool you use) would install these dependencies.
  6. I think all modules should be installable via composer as it makes everything more maintainable. There is an composer installer for ProcessWire modules, so you just have to add a composer.json file to your module and the module will be installed in the right directory. Here is a good explanation One advantage of installing modules via compoeser is, that you can version control your composer.json file or have different modules based on your environment:
  7. I have added a request "findRaw should have support for joining parents and references" (and also for getting option field titles) here https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/427 @adrian @thetuningspoon
  8. Here is an article where I did something similar for a client project "Disable select option if already selected in another select box". In my case it is only a JavaScript without settings and it works for every select, not only in Pro fields table.
  9. Please read this blog entry. You can use images, links, a dropdown or your own custom solution for adding new matrix items: New Repeater and Repeater Matrix features (processwire.com)
  10. Yoast SEO is a plugin for WordPress. SeoMaestro is a similar module for ProcessWire.
  11. @bernhard I am not using or maintaining this module anymore, so I really don't know if it works. Best way to be sure is to try it out. Sureley Hybrid Auth should be updated to latest version.
  12. I think this should be the default for credentials in ProcessWire. Many other CMS or Frameworks like Laravel or Statamic (which is an Laravel application) use this method.
  13. Use this site, to generate all needed favicons and also the needed HTML code: Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers (realfavicongenerator.net)
  14. Hey @mel47 What you mean by can't see data? Is the grid displayed, but the cells are empty? Is nothing displayed? Do you get Javascript errors in the dev console or maybe PHP errors (turn on debug mode). Can you share the JSON response?
  15. @teppo Would you mind changing the link in the blog post? It is now https://github.com/jmartsch/AnonymizeFields or https://processwire.com/modules/anonymize-fields. I needed to change the name of the repo so I could submit it to ProcessWire's module directory.
  16. Yes, right now it lists all fields and then anonymizes the selected fields on every page, regardless of the template. If more people are interested in this module, I could add more options. You are also free to modify the code or contribute additions to the module @wbmnfktr.
  17. This module allows you to select fields that get anonymized after a defined period of time. Anonymization refers to either replacing field values with a configurable fill word, or removing stored data altogether. The time period after which page content gets anonymized can be configured (default is 60 days), and anonymized fields can be selected manually via module config screen. Behind the scenes LazyCron is used to trigger the anonymization process, which makes the whole process completely automatic. The module was developed for a client that handles job applications. The software we developed required to anonymize personal identifiable data after a specific amount of time, if the applicant did not get the job, according to the law DSGVO. There might be other uses, where this module could come in handy. Thanks @teppo for mentioning it in ProcessWire Weekly #393. I hope you don't mind, that I copied the description from your site? You can find the module at https://github.com/jmartsch/AnonymizeFields and in the modules directory at https://processwire.com/modules/anonymize-fields
  18. I love ?the aesthetics of the site. Very great work and visually appealing ?️. There are some performance issues when zooming the map (because there are many retailers shown at once and maps get sluggish with many markers, even with MarkerClusterer), and the find function could be accomplished with a geolocate button (take actual position of you, to find dealers that are near you). Take a look at P. Jentschura – Natürliche Produkte für den Säure-Basen-Haushalt (p-jentschura.com) which as over 5000 dealers, where I tackled the performance problem. Also you could add a "Clear search" or "Reset" button, because If you clicked one dealer it is impossible to go back to the whole list. If you have interest in optimizing the whole map application you can contact me. I did several map applications in the last years. In addition I wrote an "ImportRetailers" module for one of my clients, that geocodes the addresses via geocoder-php/google-maps-provider which uses also caching if you query the same address again (and has almost no request restrictions).
  19. There is also RockTabulator, which is the successor to RockGrid. And most things that you can do with RockFinder are now possible with the ProcessWire 3.0.172 – Find faster and more efficiently. Take a look at the findRaw and findJoin methods.
  20. ProcessWire is not a headless CMS by default, but it can be turned into one with the right modules. Maybe you want to read and the case study which uses the PageQueryBoss module which allows you to build complex nested queries containing multiple fields and pages and return an array or JSON. This is useful to fetch data for SPA and PWA. Also take a look at these modules which provide APIs to use data from ProcessWire in whatever frontend you chose:
  21. Guys, I found the method that I meant. It is not the field=fieldname URL that Bernhard mentioned. A long time ago I also tried to tackle a similar task, where I wanted to remember and focus the last edited field after you saved a page. I opened a github issue for this and later Ryan added some methods that he mentioned in a reply, that achieve the behaviour I and @Peter Falkenberg Brown want. Just add a #focus-field_name to the URL when the page is saved and the redirect is executed and the field gets focused. An example URL looks like https://domain.com/processwire/page/edit/?id=1056#focus-subheadline and would focus the field named "subheadline". I am a fan of using native methods that ProcessWire offers, over custom ones. But what the others wrote is also viable. I will provide a hook, just have to test it out, but it goes somewhat like this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::processSaveRedirect', function (HookEvent $event) { $url = $event->arguments(0); $page = $event->object->getPage(); if ($page->template == "book_sales" && !$page->isTrash()) { if ($url !== "../") { $goto =$page->url . '#focus-list_price"; $event->arguments = array($goto); } }
  22. I just love our community and all the good ideas.
  23. Also check if the file /var/www/html/GF_website/processwire-dev/site/assets/logs/exceptions.txt excists. If not, create it and check if that fixes the problem.
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