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Posts posted by jsantari

  1. I haven't tried this with LP. I am referring to what is happening in the standard built in Lister. My first field product_category is a page select and just points to the top level of my category tree (a lookup tree). The second product_shapetype is a page select but users a custom selector as: parent=page.product_category. For data entry this works as expected populating my shapetype select with the children of the selected category. In lister the product_category works as expected displaying the top level values in the category tree. The shapetype field doesn't seem to understand the relationship and just shows the visible toplevel (below admin) pages. See attached screen shot.


  2. I have two page fields in a template. One selects a Category from the page tree by just setting the parent. The other, Type gets it's options from the child of the Category using a custom selector - works great. However in Lister the Type field apparantly isn't able to understand the reference back to the Category as it does on the input form. The category works as I'd expect. Any way to fix this? Lister isn't very useful in this case to search if it can't handle this relationship.

  3. I am trying to build a catalog for a rock/stone landscaping materials provider. I am looking at the following kind of page structure but am not sure if this setup will provide the kind of searching (or how to do it in pw).  For example:

    Landscape Stone

    ... Natural

    ...... Flagstone

    ......... Product title 1

    ......... Product title 2 etc.

    ...... Shaped Steps

    ......... Product title 1

    ......... Product title 2 etc.

    Stone Veneers

    ... Natural

    ...... Irregular

    ......... Product title 1

    ......... Product title 2 etc.

    Each product would have attributes for color, size, vendor.

    What I am unclear on is how you would select product pages for example to see all the Landscape Stone/Natural/Flagstone with the colors brown or gray size medium? What I am asking is how to structure $pages->find or $pages->get with selectors to filter this down.

  4. @Jonathan, thanks for the response. I think I see where you are going and how you envision it working on the front end. However, I plan to write my own front end search panel in javascript/ajax to fetch result counts prior to actually displaying products to optimize things for the mobile environmentsts. What I really am most concerned about is the data entry. What I am looking for is a way for the user, when entering a product, to be able to select a category for the product and then have the options for color, size etc. only display the options that are valid for the selected category. For example I might have something like this - so the select of category needs to display only the valid colors and sizes.  

    • Category A
      • ​Colors
        • ​Red
        • Blue
        • Green
      • ​Size
        • ​8 inch
        • 12 inch
    • ​​Category B
      • ​Colors
        • ​Blue
        • Yello
      • ​Size
        • ​10 inch
        • 14 inch
  5. I'm looking at building a site which will have a large product catalog (2000+ items). The twist is that each product category will have attributes like color, size etc. but the values for color, size etc. will be different based on what category is selected.  Was wondering if this was a good fit for PW and if it's possible, I was looking for a bit of direction on how to structure the product catalog so that data entry would work. Thanks to any/all who can share a bit of info.

  6. I've just moved a site from my local dev to production server to launch. I've got several 2.4 sites running on this server. Did this in the way I've done it in the past (dump local database, setup new db on production, imported db files, change site/config.php to use new db settings, copy all files from dev to production). When I try to access the site I'm getting this error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/turtlefl/public_html/wire/core/Modules.php on line 618

    No idea what's wrong here? Saw reference to setting RewriteBase / - tried it but no luck. Never had to on the other sites either. 

  7. I've launched a new site with the Redirects module installed. The old site had url's like index.php?pid=8 etc. and I've setup redirects for these to the new site pages. However it doesn't work - if you you enter the url as above it no matter what value pid has for an old page it always takes you to the home page of the new site. Any ideas what the problem is with this?

  8. If I create a structure like this for photo galleries is it possible to mark an image as featured so I could select images from any of the galleries to display in a featured area? It looks like images only have one additional value the description so it seems to me that this approach won't work.



    /photos/gallery-3 etc.

    Is it possible to do it this way in PW or do I need to look at using the one page per image approach?

  9. Can't seem to figure this one out. I have a parent page at mydomain.com/screencasts which is hidden so it doesn't appear in my menu. However if I enter the url I can display the page (which is ok for my purposes). What I find strange though is that the child pages will not display ie; mydomain.com/screencasts/child-page-1 and throw a 404. I'm running pw 2.4. Any one know why this is?

  10. Ok got it again, this time trying to edit a repeater in a template:

    Error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! (line 246 of C:\xampp\htdocs\northernaire\wire\core\Wire.php) 

    This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged.

  11. Just upgraded my 2.3.6 version to 2.4. Needed to change a template used by a page and when I saved the template I received the following error:

    Error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! (line 113 of C:\xampp\htdocs\northernaire\wire\core\WireData.php) 

  12. I've got a new site ready to rollout that was built on 2.3.6 - the productions server is php 5.3.28. I was going to upgrade staging to 2.4 and then go live with it but I see a requirement for php 5.3.8? Does this mean I can't move to 2.4 until my hosting company updates their server?

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