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Posts posted by Manol

  1. Hi Martijn

    It says congratullations and also:

    This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.

    • line 31, column 0: Missing atom:link with rel="self"



    31 </channel>
    I'm trying to understand the help file provided.
  2. Hi Adrian.

        I used the enhanced rss module, created a template with this code:

    • $rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSSEnhanced");
    • $items = $pages->find("limit=10, sort=-modified"); // $items, PageArray of Pages
    • $rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSSEnhanced"); // load the module
    • $rss->render($items);

    and when I call the a page creates with that template htt://mypage/rss I can see the xml, but IFTTT doesn't  detect the changes. I think I'm missing some very basic stuff.

  3. Hello Guys.

        I've moved a pw webpage to a different host, after that I can access the admin area but the frontpage is blank, when I click in chrome view source is also blank.

    Any hints?

    Thank you.

  4. Hello guys.

         I would like some help on where to start to create a button that publishes from a processwire page ( title, text and image ) to the facebook wall.

         The idea is that the user writes some news in a processwire page and then  I will  use  the facebook api graph to publish on that user's wall.

        My idea was to develop a module to make it as reusable as possible ( and include google+ and tweeter ).

        I've got some ideas on how to do it, but maybe some of you have done something similar or face problems I haven't think about yet that could help.

    Thank you.

  5. Hello.

        I've got a json file which I send with $http post to a processwire page, then this page saves the data under a page in the processwire tree.

    As an example:


    { 'user': 'manol' , 'email': 'my@mail.com' , .... }

    $http({url: '/web-service/save-json-to-page/', method: "POST", data: file.json } )
      function getPost(){
        $request = file_get_contents('php://input');
        return json_decode($request,true);
      $getPost = getPost();
      $user = $getPost['user']; 
      $email = $getPost['email'];
      save under some page

    Now I check if the user has the right role to do it but I feel that is really insecure using js and php together. 

    How can I secure that so only granted users are able to save the data, CSRF, other options?.

  6.    I'm developing  patrimonio24.com,  the main purpose is to use  the contents  by a mobile app. This page is hosted in an amazon  EC2 ami, probably there will be peeks where many people will use it at the same time with their mobiles so I decided to copy every night all contents to an S3 bucket which is then pushed to a CDN and read the data from there.

       I'm using s3cmd with a crontab to move and sync all contents at night, so every day users have fresh data, it is working perfectly but a cleaner way would be to directly write all processwire /assets/files directly to the S3 bucket.

       Sometimes I think I'm doing things ok same others I feel like a very beginner, if somebody has done something similar any ideas will help. If somebody is interested in doing something similar and don't know how to start  just ask me.

    Nice weekend to everybody.

  7. Hello.

    I've got a form with an email on it after submiting: 

    1. I create a page with a title and the submited email. 
    2. I add the id of the page created in first step  to a PageField in another page that already exists

    The first step is done but after the second I got the following error ( only if I'm no logged in the page )

    Error:     Exception: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '------------' for key 'name_parent_id' (in /var/www/html/patrimonio24/wire/core/Pages.php line 692)

    Any ideas will be welcome.


  8. Any ideas?

    Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to FormBuilderMain::__construct() must be an instance of mysqli, instance of DatabaseMysqli given, called in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/eximmachinery/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module on line 67 and defined (line 126 of /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/eximmachinery/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderMain.php) 

  9. Hello Guys.

    I have a page with an inputField of type Page and I would like to populate it with other pages id's via API.

    What is the best way ( SelectMultiple, AsmSelect, PageListSelect , PageListSelectMultiple ) , and how can I populate from the API?

    I've been searching but couldn't find the right response, any ideas will be welcome.

    Thank you. 

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