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Posts posted by Manol

  1. Hello.

     I'm trying to get the title of a pdf file from a FieldtypeFile within a module, with print_r I can see basename, description.. but don't know how to get the value, any hint? 

    $file = array();
    $file = $pagina->get($field->name)->getArray();
    foreach ($pagina->get($field->name) as $key => $value) {
    	echo $key. " -> ". $value . "\n";

    Thank you.

  2. Hi Soma.

        I've tried your way like you posted yesterday and today but I'm getting back the whole page maybe because my call is

    $http.post('http://ip/web-service/', {action: 'getPage', pageId: 1046 })
    .success(function(data) {

      As Jan pointed

    $this->addHook('ProcessPageView::pageNotFound', $this, 'webService');

    is working for me, maybe is not the best way but it works as expected.

    Thank you

  3. Fantastic Jan you're my star, it was a really good idea, now:


    class PwAngular extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule {
    	public function init() {
            $this->addHook('ProcessPageView::pageNotFound', $this, 'webService');
    	public function webService($event) {
    		// Check if asking for a web service
            $url = $event->arguments('url');
            if ($url != '/web-service/') return; //Let pageNotFound() handle it
    		header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK', true, 200);
    		// Get post Data
    		$request = file_get_contents('php://input');
    		$getPost = json_decode($request,true);
    		$action = $getPost['action'];
    		switch ($action) {
    		    case "getPage":							
    			$pageId = $getPost['pageId'];
    			$event->return =$this->get_Page($pageId);
    	protected function get_Page($pageId) {
    		$pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId);
    		$array = array(); 
            // fields to be avoided
            $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose");
    		$array['id'] = $pagina->id;
    		foreach($pagina->fields as $field) {
    			if (!in_array($field->type, $avoid)) {
    				// si el campo no esta vacio
    				if( htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name)) )
    					if($field->type == "FieldtypePage"){
    							$buscar = htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name));
    							$paginas = $pages->get($buscar); 
    							$array[$field->name] = $paginas->title;
    				else {
    					// if textarea do not strip html tags
    					if($field->type == "FieldtypeTextarea" || $field->type == "FieldtypeTextareaLanguage" ){$array[$field->name] = $pagina->get($field->name);}
    					else {$array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($pagina->get($field->name));}					
    		return json_encode($array);


    		$http.post('http://ip/web-service/', {action: 'getPage', pageId: 1046 })
    		.success(function(data) {

    and BUMP! working.

  4. Still not getting there.

    1.- Javascript (angularjs)

    $http.post('http://mywebpage/user/', {name:'manol'}).
      success(function(data) {
      error(function(data) {

    2.- and I wish to get json data back

    # PW MODULE       
      $array = array();
      $array['name'] = wire("user")->name;
      $array['language'] = wire("user")->language->title;
      $event->return = json_encode($array);

    3.- Which hook or whatever should I use?, http://mywebpage/user/ doesn't correspond to any template.

  5. Probably what I'm asking for is simpler than what I've exposed in the lines above.

    Just need to catch an ajax call from a pw module and return some data back. .The ajax call can come from a mobile device or other website located in a different server.

    Thank you

  6. Hello.

        I would like to make an ajax call and get some data back.

        The way I use to do it is, make a call from javascript to a url that would be a pw page that uses the template that would return the data, like this:

    Define a page under /web-service/get-page that uses getpage.php template

    Javascript (angularjs)

                $http({url: '/web-service/get-page/', method: "POST", data: { pageId: pageId }} )

    PHP template ( getpage.php )

    	 * datos enviados mediante JSON
    	 * @return [type] [description]
    	function getPost(){
    		$request = file_get_contents('php://input');
    		return json_decode($request,true);
    	$getPost = getPost();
    	$pageId = $getPost['pageId'];
    		$pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId);
    		$array = array(); 
            // fields to be avoided
            $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose");
    		foreach($pagina->fields as $field) {
    			if (!in_array($field->type, $avoid)) {
    				// si el campo no esta vacio
    				if( htmlentities($pagina->get($field->name)) )
    					$array[$field->name] = htmlentities($pagina->get($field->name));
    		echo json_encode($array);

    My question is: 

       How can I avoid creating a template and defining a page that uses it?

       I wish to intercept the ajax call from a module and return the data from that module without creating templates and pages.

       Is that possible?

    Thank you.

  7. Hi Macrura.

    In the example below you´ll get a list of all children of the actual page.

    	app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
    	  	$scope.children = [];		
    	  	$scope.children = <?=$page->getChildren()?>;
    <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
        <li ng-repeat="child in children">{{child.title}}</li>

    The code is really clean and is not only that but you can make use of thousands of modules already available and a huge community. As mr-fan said you get lots of videos, docs, books.

    • Like 1
  8. If you install this module you´ll be able to use angular and use it in your templates directly.

    Example of a list of  all children of the actual page.

    	app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
    	  	$scope.children = [];		
    	  	$scope.children = <?=$page->getChildren()?>;
    <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
        <li ng-repeat="child in children">{{child.title}}</li>
    • Like 10
  9. This is the way I use to integrate both worlds together.

    1.- _header.php ( or whatever is called the file that contains your <body> tag )

        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.2/angular.min.js"></script>
        <script>var app = angular.module('myApp', [])</script>
    <body ng-app="myApp">

    2.- yourTemplate.php

        app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
    	$scope.myvar = [];			
    	$scope.myvar = <?=getChildren("template=yourtemplatename")?>;
            console.debug("my Object form php",$scope.myvar);
    <!-- now $scope.myvar is accesible -->
    <div ng-controller="myCtrl">

    3.- getChildren is a function that I include in _func.php

    function getChildren($pageId) {
    	$pagina = wire('pages')->get($pageId);
        // fields to be avoided
        $avoid = array("FieldtypeFieldsetOpen", "FieldtypeFieldsetClose","FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen","FieldtypeFieldsetTabClose");
        // fields that must be returned
        $wanted = $fields;
        // selector
        $paginas = $pagina->find($selector);
    	$arr = array(); 
        foreach ($paginas as $child) {
    		$array = array(); 
    		foreach($child->fields as $field) {
    			$array['id'] = $child->id;
    			// if we dont' want all fields back
    			if (  !in_array($field->type, $avoid)   &&   in_array($field->name, $wanted) && (count($wanted)>0) ) {
    				$array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($child->get($field->name));
    			// we want all fields back
    			if (  !in_array($field->type, $avoid) && (count($wanted)==0) ) {
    				$array[$field->name] = htmlspecialchars($child->get($field->name));
    		array_push($arr, $array);
    	echo json_encode($arr);
    • Like 11
  10. Hello guys.

    I'm trying to find a list of products that can belong to several areas, the areas consist in a number or numbers separated by "|" like the following example:

    1.- Some products:

    product = 31  -> areas = 3|16     belongs to area 3 and 16

    product = 32  -> areas = 2|14

    product = 33  -> areas = 5

    product = 34  -> areas = 3

    2.- Area I'm looking for:

    $area = 3

    3.- My selector

    $products = $pages->get("/product/")->find("areas=$area");

    4.- results

    I'm getting product 34 whereas I would like to get product 31 as well. Any ideas?

    Thank you.

  11. Hi Nico

       I deleted some bits of the code, but even that bit doesn't  get the user id, it just gets a 0

     * ProcessWire 'Hello world' demonstration module
     * Demonstrates the Module interface and how to add hooks.
     * ProcessWire 2.x 
     * Copyright (C) 2010 by Ryan Cramer 
     * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT
     * http://www.processwire.com
     * http://www.ryancramer.com
    class FaceMail extends WireData implements Module {
    	 * getModuleInfo is a module required by all modules to tell ProcessWire about them
    	 * @return array
    	public static function getModuleInfo() {
    		return array(
    			// The module'ss title, typically a little more descriptive than the class name
    			'title' => 'Facebook Email Publish', 
    			// version: major, minor, revision, i.e. 100 = 1.0.0
    			'version' => 101, 
    			// summary is brief description of what this module is
    			'summary' => 'Publica noticias en Facebook y envia emails masivos',
    			// Optional URL to more information about the module
    			'href' => 'http://www.processwire.com',
    			// singular=true: indicates that only one instance of the module is allowed.
    			// This is usually what you want for modules that attach hooks. 
    			'singular' => true, 
    			// autoload=true: indicates the module should be started with ProcessWire.
    			// This is necessary for any modules that attach runtime hooks, otherwise those
    			// hooks won't get attached unless some other code calls the module on it's own.
    			// Note that autoload modules are almost always also 'singular' (seen above).
    			'autoload' => true, 
    	 * Initialize the module
    	 * ProcessWire calls this when the module is loaded. For 'autoload' modules, this will be called
    	 * when ProcessWire's API is ready. As a result, this is a good place to attach hooks. 
    	public function init() {
    		// add a hook after the $pages->save, to issue a notice every time a page is saved
    		$this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'publicaEnvia'); 
    	 * Example1 hooks into the pages->save method and displays a notice every time a page is saved
    	public function publicaEnvia($event) {
    		$page = $event->arguments[0]; 
    		 * 1.- sino es la pagina de noticia -> salir
    		if($page->template != 'noticia') return; 
    		 * 2.- si esta check facebook -> publicalo
    		 * @var [type]
    		if($page->facebook==1) {
    			 include_once 'fb/facebook.php';
    			 $appId = '70373825635****';
    			 $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8bc8ba72****';
    			 // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php';
    			 $returnurl = 'http://casergi.com';
    			 $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream';
    			 $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret));
    			 $fbuser = $fb->getUser();
    			 $this->message("user " . $fbuser);
    		} // facebook
    		 * 3.- se esta check enviar email a clientes -> envia correos
    		 * @var [type]
    		if($page->enviar_a_Clientes==1) {
    			$usuarios = wire(pages)->get("/acceso/access/users/");
    				$emails = $usuarios->children(); 
    				foreach ($emails as $email) {
    					if($email->email) $this->message("enviado a: ". $email->email. ", ");
    					mail($email->email, $page->title, $page->publicidad, "From: cassergi.com\nContent-Type: text/html");
    			$this->message("enviado por correo a los clientes");
  12. Hello.

         I wish to publish some processwire pages to facebook, including images. I got it working thanks to adrian and Martijn using ifttt, but I would like to use my own code and publish images or other stuff through the facebook php sdk.

        At the moment  I've created a simple php page in my localhost that works, here is the code

     include_once 'inc/facebook.php';
     $appId = '703738********';
     $secret = 'd30530a5dcd*************';
     $returnurl = 'http://myweb.es/facebook/post.php';
     $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream';
     $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret));
     $fbuser = $fb->getUser();
                $message = array(
                    'message' => 'foo'
                $result = $fb->api('/me/feed/','POST',$message);
                    echo 'Published';
            }catch(FacebookApiException $e){
                echo $e->getMessage();
        $fbloginurl = $fb->getLoginUrl(array('redirect-uri'=>$returnurl, 'scope'=>$permissions));
        echo '<a href="'.$fbloginurl.'">Login with Facebook</a>';

    but when I try it  on a pw template or module it doesn't work

    $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'fb'); 
    if($page->facebook==1) {
    			 include_once 'fb/facebook.php';
    			 $appId = '70373825******';
    			 $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8b********';
    			 // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php';
    			 $returnurl = 'http://pwpage.com';
    			 $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream';
    			 $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret));
    			 $fbuser = $fb->getUser();
    			 $this->message("user " . $fbuser);
    		} // facebook

    any ideas?

    • Like 1
  13. Yes I changed to 1 minute but no results.

    My original idea was to publish some stuff to facebook wall after saving a page in the admin area, title, description and images.

    I got and external php that does exactly that and works:

     include_once 'inc/facebook.php';
     $appId = '703738********';
     $secret = 'd30530a5dcd*************';
     $returnurl = 'http://myweb.es/facebook/post.php';
     $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream';
     $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret));
     $fbuser = $fb->getUser();
                $message = array(
                    'message' => 'foo'
                $result = $fb->api('/me/feed/','POST',$message);
                    echo 'Published';
            }catch(FacebookApiException $e){
                echo $e->getMessage();
        $fbloginurl = $fb->getLoginUrl(array('redirect-uri'=>$returnurl, 'scope'=>$permissions));
        echo '<a href="'.$fbloginurl.'">Login with Facebook</a>';

    I'm trying to implement that in a hook, there is a checkbox, if is on then publish to facebook

    $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'fb'); 
    if($page->facebook==1) {
    			 include_once 'fb/facebook.php';
    			 $appId = '70373825******';
    			 $secret = 'd30530a5dcd4e5829e6c8b********';
    			 // $returnurl = 'http://indinet.es/facebook/post.php';
    			 $returnurl = 'http://pwpage.com';
    			 $permissions = 'manage_pages, publish_stream';
    			 $fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret));
    			 $fbuser = $fb->getUser();
    			 $this->message("user " . $fbuser);
    		} // facebook

    I'm trying first to check the user id, but the result is just 0, whereas in the original file outside pw I get the user id without problems.

    Any ideas, Why?

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