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Status Updates posted by Manaus

  1. $12M di aumento di fatturato per aver rimosso un http://t.co/VHhsqy4RZD #lessismore !

  2. bariol, a new rounded font designed by atipo. download it for free: http://t.co/D4Jsi24Ykl

  3. Does anyone know of a #sublimetext plugin for #textpattern available somewhere?

  4. Filmpan a #free bundle of #photoshop film presets from @colorgradeit check it out! http://t.co/RyhHSr0d

  5. I have two invites for the Atom [beta] editor… anyone?

  6. I just bought Dash, a OS X Documentation Browser for 80+ APIs http://t.co/nS9KUeuqMe

  7. Just discovered @coastbyopera well done guys!

  8. Kudos to the new Mailchimp editor…

  9. Love a @cloudup, che converte i file md al volo #comepossostareunavitasenzate

  10. Miglior acquisto del mese, +4gb di ram

  11. Mit Condoleezza Rice im Vorstand ist meine Grenze erreicht. #dropdropbox

  12. Nostalgica: "Ho bisogno di un anno sabaudo"

  13. Per chi fosse stanco della pioggia, le pillole del sole http://t.co/oH3SY5SwfZ

  14. PostgreSQL Exercises servono sempre http://t.co/YryTWno0No

  15. Reading 'Learn CF in a Week' by Simon Free, Emily Christiansen, Tim Cunningham... via @marvinreader http://t.co/ebzOEUkZgZ

  16. really I can't make friends with mac unix system: usr/lib, usr/local bin sbin opt (?!) what's the rationale?

  17. Removed cgi-bin folder from the server, what a relief..!

  18. Requirements for the logo: 160x160 pixels, max 250kb size #surrealDaily

  19. RT @49SD: Oh my god whoever made thing thank you! https://t.co/XalO15FOPn

  20. RT @baekdal: Just saying... https://t.co/k8L7Sbhr8C

  21. RT @doodlewhale: That wholesome feeling when you think you are contributing but you really have no idea what you are doing. https://t.co/80…

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