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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi I created new module for adding links to quickly edit a field directly from page edit. https://processwire.com/modules/admin-helper-links/ You probably already know existing module HelperFieldLinks created by @Soma which was my inspiration. I was using that module for a long time so thank you @Soma! The reasons for this new module are that HelperFieldLinks seems inactive and contains few bugs. I decided to try to fix them, but after a short time I realized a better (i think) and simpler solution and also got some new ideas how to improve. I used javascript instead of PHP and modified a code which is already in PW source code to show field names when you hover the inputfield's expand arrow (in debug mode). I also moved the cog icon next to the expand icons which doen't break the layout so much. What is missing is the field info panel with it's props, never used it, but it can be done too. The template edit links needs to be added too. If you got some ideas how to improve, tell me.
    2 points
  2. I've thought of this a bunch of times! Common settings for the repeater types. Some I normally use are visibility settings, and sometimes dates for ranges to enable/disable.
    2 points
  3. @EyeDentify PageTable has been in the core for years. It was kindly sponsored by a Finnish company. I could have sworn there was a blog post about it, but I can’t seem to find it.
    2 points
  4. Where I am: Edit Page -> Settings -> Parent -> "+Change". Edit Field -> Page Reference field -> Input tab -> "Selectable pages (Select the parent of the pages that are selectable)" -> "+Change". ... and possibly other locations where the Page Tree is used. Quality of life improvement: When modifying Parent Pages (Edit Page) or Selectable pages (on a Page Reference field) and I press "+Change" to change the Parent Page, it would be nice if the current Parent Page came into focus without effort. Current solution: As an editor, I am required to find the Parent Page / "Page Reference parent page" manually which makes me think ("where did I put that page?"), takes a bit of time ("click, click, click"), and is hard on a larger site with a deep structure. The unmet goals are: I instantly see the context for the current Parent Page. I can effortlessly select another Parent Page. Constraints: Large website makes it hard to navigate and get a view of the Page Tree. I don't want to pick an incorrect Parent Page. It's sometimes difficult to see if I choose the right parent. The Parent Page must be in the current "Page Branch" ("/foo/bar/baz/" -> "/foo/quz/baz/"). I don't always need to see/browse the full Page Tree. Sometimes a lot of parent pages are unnessarily shown (larger websites with 4-5 levels of pages). Better: When I open the Edit Page / Edit Field page and click "+Change", I want the tree structure to expand (in a modal?) and bring the current Parent Page into focus. It's one of those small things that help create a smooth user experience. Additional thoughts: The displayed Page Tree only shows the current Page Branch; this might optionally be specified on the Template. Hide "unneeded" parent pages in a larger websites with 4-5 levels of pages (how?). Perhaps you have additional ideas that might improve working with Parent Pages when editing a page or a field?
    1 point
  5. It is fixed in verion 1.1.2, add a admin-helper-links permission to a role.
    1 point
  6. You can use the query feature of Tracy (ProcessWire Info Panel) to search various categories, such as github... https://github.com/processwire/processwire/search?utf8=✓&q=PageTable
    1 point
  7. For each operating system one needs to find the right utilities to bend it to one's needs, at least doing it is a must for those who care... If you want to give your Mac another try, then browsing lists like these can help: https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome-mac https://github.com/serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps I am somewhat biased of course, as I have never worked on anything else than a Mac. The most powerful tools I use to solve almost all of my UX issues are these: https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/ https://manytricks.com/butler/ https://www.stclairsoft.com/DefaultFolderX/ https://www.trankynam.com/atext/ https://rectangleapp.com/ https://www.thnkdev.com/QuickRes/ They have some overlapping features as well and in such a case I always use the app that seems to be able to better solve the UX issue in question. What I would no longer like to work without is Keyboard Maestro. For example, among other things I also use Keyboard Maestro to create shortcuts for features which would otherwise be impossible as it can even be used to "simulate mouse clicks" if a GUI element is in a fixed position relative to (for example) the main application window because Keyboard Maestro "can click" on it for me, and I can just assign a keyboard shortcut to that macro.
    1 point
  8. I just tested in PW 3.0.191 Result: No wrapping <a> tag, button is disabled, button is visually identifiable as disabled, works as expected.
    1 point
  9. MarkupAdminDataTable::action() is a method that you call, not a property that you set. You would call the method like this: $table->action(['Home' => './']);
    1 point
  10. I had the same problem when I switched to MacOS 10 years ago. I found ways to change almost all the issues I was having - there are lots of utilities out there that can help. The others I learned to live with and now I do think that overall the experience is better.
    1 point
  11. Nothing to add... let the pictures speak for themself (hint: we are testable) ----
    1 point
  12. There are a few things I want to solve, atleast for me, with Symprowire. - poluted global state - dependency injection - clean separation of concerns - Raw PHP in Template Files - no standards in templating - testable code Due to the way ProcessWire handles his templating the global state could get pretty poluted with vars floating around and on top you will most likely add business logic to your template. I prefer a more concise and separated aproach. As a developer I do want to use libraries from the Userland with composer to manage my dependencies and not have to wrap them into a module with the added overhead. I need a Dependency Injection Container to have a nice and manageable way to use my Objects. I want to use twig as template language to benefit from template inheritance, autoescaping and all the other goodies it ships. I need proper Event Dispatching and Handling driven by Types as Subscribers. I want to be able to test my codebase. Symprowire will be niche and way too much for a light, few pages webpage, but it will give you a well structured way for accessing and rendering your data outside of the admin. Symprowire is more like an application framework but could replace the ProcessWire renderer easily and is flexible enough to just serve your templates. In fact, I pushed the new concept to the repo so you may have a look at the codebase. As of now, Symprowire will add ~ 7-12ms to your Request after resolving to a Controller action and gives you a proper Controller Resolver, Event Handling, Twig, Dependency Injection. Im looking forward to release 1.0 ?
    1 point
  13. @benbyf - you might prefer Tracy's API Explorer for getting the docs:
    1 point
  14. Yet another functional setup without bells and whistles. IDE/Editor My "IDE" is a simple text-editor called neovim but due to a few plugins it has all I need. Yet I don't want to call it an IDE as it starts within half a second and runs from the terminal. My neovim has support for all kinds of LSPs, snippets, Git, code formatting, and whatever I really need. Tons of stuff. Tools Neovim - hyperextensible Vim-based text editor https://neovim.io/ As it says already it's a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. I use it in a terminal and therefore it's pretty fast. Neovim has initialised a project already while VSCode starts. The absolute benefit for me is that I just need to download my configuration file(s) to a new setup, start neovim once or twice and everything is ready to go. No hassle. But the learning curve is ... weird. Tmux - tmux is a terminal multiplexer https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki Allows me to use just one terminal window to do 90% all the things I need to do through the day, while developing something with ProcessWire or frontend-related things. PrePros - Your Friendly Web Development Companion https://prepros.io/ In case I need a tool that does all the SCSS, Sass, less, JS things I prefer the easy way here. A benefit is that I can save the config file for each project right in the project, put it into Git and whenever needed I reinstall Prepros and go from there. Another hassle-free tool. ScreamingFrog - The industry leading website crawler for Windows, macOS and Ubuntu. https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/ The easiest way to find issues on a website and while looking for errors it's stress-testing the hosting environment. In case you do SEO for a project you should give it a try. It's probably ProcessWire under the installable SEO-Tools. Missing NPM, Composer, yarn, npx and things like that? I'm too old for that. Whenever needed I download a module or use one of my site profiles right away. And for most other things Prepros does its job. Hosting/Server webgo - german hosting company. https://www.webgo.de/ Hosting Company of the Year in Germany since 2017 and probably the only hosting company I recommened to clients and even friends. But almost any other hosting company that has git and Let's encrypt support. I curate a list for myself to know where to go but webgo would be probably my choice. PW Modules FormBuilder ProCache ProFields (RepeaterMatrix, AutoLinks, VerifiedUrl) ProMailer AutocompleteModuleClassName Duplicator HannaCode ImportPagesCSV Jumplinks MenuBuilder PagefieldPairs PageHitCounter PricacyWire ProcessChangelog ProcessDatabaseBackups ProcessWireUpgrade RockHitCounter (PageHitCounter Addon by @bernhard) Snippets WireMailSmtp I guess these are most of the time self-explanatory. There are a lot more modules I have used, used to use and maybe will use some day. But all of these are in my default tool-belt when needed right now. Workflow I run Debian Linux on my main-machine where I do all my work and therefore have a local Apache2/MariaDB/PHP server setup running. Here starts absolute every project in its very own VirtualHost and Git repository. I prefer to use a similar setup like @horst and do the actual development on my local machine and then deliver it to a testing/stage/qa system where clients can take a look at the progress. The difference here is that my dev/testing/stage setups all run on my hosting accounts. I like to have a bit more control at this point. Everything gets transferred via Git. From local to testing/stage/qa and later on even the live environment. Changes will be made only on and within the local dev setup. So it's super easy to see whenever a client changes files or something was changed on the remote server. I guess that's all.
    1 point
  15. That's a really good question! I just remember that RockMatrix does not support nesting RockMatrix fields inside RockMatrix fields. I can't remember why and I can't remember if it works with Repeaters... I should actually try that out... ?
    1 point
  16. https://github.com/TomS-/processwire-fieldtype-assisted-url This will work like you want, it will let you select a page or use an external link.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
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