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  1. This week we have a new master/main version released after a full year in the making. With nearly 40 pull requests, hundreds of new additions and more than 100 issue reports resolved, this new version has a ton of great new stuff and we’ll cover most of the new stuff here— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.184-master/
    48 points
  2. Something I've wanted in ProcessWire for a long time is full version support for pages. It's one of those things I've been trying to build since ProcessWire 1.0, but never totally got there. Versioning text and number fields (and similar types) is straightforward. But field types in ProcessWire are plugin modules, making any type of data storage possible. That just doesn't mix well with being version friendly, particularly when getting into repeaters and other complex types. ProDrafts got close, but full version support was dropped from it before the first version was released. It had just become too much to manage, and I wanted it to focus just on doing drafts, and doing them as well as we could. ProDrafts supports repeaters too, though nested repeaters became too complex to officially support, so there are still some inherent limitations. I tried again to get full version support with a module called PageSnapshots developed a couple years ago, and spent weeks developing it. But by the time I got it fully working with all the core Fieldtypes (including repeaters), I wasn't happy with it. It was functional but had become too complex for comfort. So it was never released. This happens with about 1/2 of the code I write – it gets thrown out or rewritten. It's part of the process. What I learned from all this is that it's not practical for any single module to effectively support versions across all Fieldtypes in ProcessWire. Instead, the Fieldtypes themselves have to manage versions of their own data, at least in the more complicated cases (repeaters, ProFields and such). The storage systems behind Fieldtypes are sometimes unique to the type, and version management needs to stay internal [to the Fieldtype] in those cases. Repeaters are a good example, as they literally use other pages as storage, in addition to the field_* tables. For the above reasons, I've been working on a core interface for Fieldtypes to provide their own version support. Alongside that, I've been working on something that vaguely resembles the Snapshots module's API. But rather than trying to manage versions for page field data itself, it delegates to the Fieldtypes when appropriate. If a Fieldtype implements the version interface, it calls upon that Fieldtype to save, get, restore and delete versions of its own data. It breaks the complexity down into smaller chunks, to the point where it's no longer "complexity", and thus reasonable and manageable. It's a work in progress and I've not committed any of it to the core yet, but some of this is functional already. So far it's going more smoothly than past attempts due to the different approach. My hope is to have core version support so that modules like ProDrafts and others can eventually use that API to handle their versioning needs rather than trying to do it all themselves. I also hope this will enable us to effectively version the repeater types (including nested). I'm not there yet, but it's in sight. If it all works out as intended, the plan is to have a page versions API, as part of the $pages API. I'll follow up more as work continues. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    41 points
  3. This week I've been working on something a little different: developing a new site profile in ProcessWire. Actually, I should probably call it an application profile rather than a site profile, as it's not a website profile. Instead it's a profile for an invoicing application in ProcessWire. Though you would install and run it on a web server, but it would be an independent application rather than part of a website... perhaps something you run in a subdirectory, subdomain, or even localhost. This is something I've been wanting to build for awhile—ever since the invoice service I use raised their rates beyond my budget. So I thought I'd build a replacement that I could use, as well as share for others that might have a similar need. I think it might also be a pretty decent PW profile example in general, too. I'd originally considered building it as a Process module but decided not to for a few reasons. Though the biggest one is that a site profile enables the greatest potential for customization and expansion according to each person's needs. Since you can expand upon it by adding your own fields and templates, or editing existing ones, most can really tailor it to their own needs a lot more easily than they could if it were a Process module. Likewise, since the actual invoices (and invoice emails) are rendered from front-end pages, you can customize the look and feel of them to match your brand very easily. (This is something I always wished I could do with the invoice service I've been using previously) This invoice profile requires nothing other than the ProcessWire core. It has no 3rd party or Pro module dependencies. I've got it largely functional at this stage, though will be putting a couple more weeks work into it before releasing it. I'd like to build in the option for clients to pay an invoice with a credit card (via Stripe) for instance. Below are a few screenshots of the work in progress. First is the page-list which shows the current invoices in the system and their status. (click image to view larger) As you can see, there are also pages for Clients and Settings. The client pages contain all the information about each client that invoices can be created for. The Settings page is where you can edit your own company information, logo and billing preferences. Next is the invoice editor. Here we have a repeater for each line item in the invoice. We also have a repeater for payments. All of the totals add up automatically as you type (Javascript added via hooks). They are also calculated automatically at the server side, so that everything stays consistent whether working with the API or in the page editor. (click image to view larger) At the bottom of the invoice editor you'll see a collapsed input for "Invoice action". This is where you can select actions to apply to the invoice. The two we currently have are "Email invoice to client" and "Email invoice to another address". Next up is what we see when viewing the invoice on the front-end. This is just the output of a template file but it is optimized for printing, saving to PDF and sending through email. I've kept it intentionally simple but of course the logo would be replaced with your own and all markup/styles are fully under your control. (click image to view larger) What I plan to add next are payment options, enabling a client to pay by credit card right from the invoice URL or email. What do you think, is this type of PW profile useful to you or someone you know? I've initially built it towards my own client invoicing needs, but I'm curious what other features you would like it to have? Or do you think it's better to keep it simple so that people can more easily take it in different directions? Thanks for your feedback. Have a great weekend!
    40 points
  4. This new main/master version has more than 220 commits, resolves more than 80 issues, adds numerous new features, performance improvements and optimizations, and consumes HALF the disk space of our previous release— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.200/ I've just merged the dev branch to the master branch so this new version is available now. I will add the 3.0.200 tag (which should trigger packagist and others) over this weekend or Monday.
    40 points
  5. Happy New Year! Hope that you all have a great end to 2021 and start of 2022. No major core updates to report this week, just a few minor issue fixing commits, so no version bump today. The dev branch is getting close to 100 commits (and at 7 versions) above the master branch, and with even more improvements/fixes/optimizations than that. So we may try to get a new master/main version out in early 2022, as I'd really like to get more master versions out in 2022 than we did in 2021. Some portion of our audience does not use the dev branch where most of the activity happens, and so it might be nice to share more of that activity on the master/main branch. That's one of many things I'm thinking about as the New Year approaches and am certain 2022 is going to be a great year for ProcessWire and the community. Hope that you have a great weekend and Happy New Year!
    38 points
  6. 140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire. This week I’m happy to announce another new main/master branch version of ProcessWire, version 3.0.210. Like most main release versions, there is a lot here. This post covers some of the most notable additions and improvements— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.210/
    35 points
  7. I did my first talk ever yesterday @ PHP Meetup Vienna!! Once more everything was a lot more work than I first thought, but I'm quite proud of the result 😎 What do you think? Did I forget something important? It was really hard to put 10 years into one hour... The recording was not planned at first, but I thought I'd just give it a try and everything worked quite well 🥳 If you like what you see please share it with others so that ProcessWire gets the attention that it deserves 🙂 Special thanks to @gebeer for showing me ProcessWire in 2013 🤗
    35 points
  8. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! The plan is to release a newyear main/master core version. I'm not currently aware of any showstopper issues specific to the current dev branch, but if you are aware of any, please report them in the GitHub issues repo (or reply to an existing issue report), as the dev branch will soon become the master branch. There's not yet a hard deadline, so whether it's end of December or the 1st week of January, we'll have a new release out shortly. The dev branch is very stable right now (likely more stable than the master branch) so it's a good time to get a new version out. I've also been holding off on several larger updates to the dev branch in anticipation of this merge to master and new release, so I've likewise been holding back on any commits that would add more to test. Once we get a new main/master release out there, the dev branch will then get InputfieldTinyMCE merged into it and there will be some JS library updates, along with other larger updates, and those that would need dev branch testing. Thanks for reading and I hope that you have a great holiday weekend and week ahead
    35 points
  9. PAGEGRID – A visual page builder for ProcessWire. Design fully responsive websites (or parts of them) without writing any code. Use ProcessWire's native templates (and fields) to create your own blocks. Rearrange and resize items in a visual way and use inline or modal editing to quickly edit the content of your website. (The demo uses AdminThemeCanvas but it will work just fine with the core Uikit Theme) Try PAGEGRID for free Checkout the online demo. PAGEGRID is not free software. However, you can try PAGEGRID on your local machine or on a test server as long as you need to make sure it is the right tool for your next project. … and when you’re convinced, buy your license. Get it here Download from GitHub Download from Module Directory Requirements ProcessWire 3.0.210 or greater Currently the dev version of ProcessWire 3.0.216 or greater has some bugs with PG. (I have a working fix, and it will be comming soon). Please use the latest master release of ProcessWire for now) Installation Go to “Modules > Site > Add New“ in your admin Paste the Module Class Name "FieldtypePageGrid" into the field “Add Module From Directory“ Click “Get Module Info“ On the overview, click “Download And Install“ On the following screen, click “Install Now“ More install options Module install guide Site profile install guide Get up and running Quick start Create your own blocks or install the PageGridBlocks Module (installs premade templates and fields for PAGEGRID blocks). What's PAGEGRID? page-grid.com – Get to know PAGEGRID. Documentation – Read the official documentation. Issues – Report bugs and other problems. Forum – Whenever you get stuck, don't hesitate to reach out for questions and support. Why I build it ProcessWire is super flexible in itself and lets me build whatever I want. But building a custom website can be a lot of work. For some projects, I've ended up using a lot of templates and fields. To make my pages more flexible, I sometimes build my own little page builder based on the RepeaterMatrix or PageTable module. While these page builders were great for the specific site I was building them for, they were never flexible enough to be used for new projects, so I ended up customizing them frequently. The more complex they became, the harder it became to use them for my clients. After playing around with some WYSIWYG page builder tools, I realized that while they can save me a lot of time, they can also be very limiting or have expensive subscriptions and somehow tie you to their ecosystem. So I decided to build my own page builder based on the most flexible CMS I knew. Concept This fieldtype Renders block templates and adds drag and drop functionality in admin, as well as enable inline editing for text, and file fields. It also let's you manipulate CSS in a visual way to design fully responsive websites (or parts of them) without writing code. The fieldtype comes with an optional style panel to manipulate CSS properties directly on the page. You can customize the panel or disable it completely from the module settings (and just use a CSS file that you include in your template). The data to style the items is stored directly on the item using PW's meta data (no extra fields are created). Don't want to give your client all that power? Use ProcessWire’s powerful permission system to control what your clients can edit. You can then also grant access individually to the style panel, resize or drag functionality using ProcessWire's build in permission system. Features Blocks are just pages Blocks are defined by native PW templates and fields Manipulate CSS grid or flexbox based layouts in a visual way to design fully responsive websites (or parts of them) Encapsulated frontend code (PAGEGRID renders the template of your frontend inside an iframe in the backend) Design and editing features can be disabled for certain roles (using ProcessWire's build in permission system) Inline editing of text, textarea, TinyMCE (supports latest version), ckeditor and file fields Simply drag and resize to manipulate grid items directly inside the backend Manipulate grid columns and rows directly on the page (use any number of columns you want) All style manipulations are saved as JSON and used to generate dynamic styles that you render in your main template (no inline styles) Nested groups/grids (child pages of nested blocks are created under group parent) The style panel supports adding custom classes and assigning styles to them. These classes can be used globally on all pages (a css class is also a page) The style panel supports selecting html tags to style tags globally across the whole site Global blocks work with page reference field (changes on one page, changes all blocks on all pages) Manual and auto placement of grid items blocks and nested blocks can be cloned Redo/undo and copy/paste shortcuts Editing block items in modal sidebar immediately updates frontend (Ajax Save). Define custom icons for your blocks via native template settings (template -> advanced -> icon) Automatic page save (Changes are getting saved via ajax, no need to click the save button) NEW: Option to automatically load lazysizes lazyloader (V 0.1.0) Changelog V 0.1.0: Feature: Option to automatically load lazysizes lazyloader (Module Settings > Plugins). V 0.1.5: Fixed bug: Tabs not working when editing items via modal panel. V 0.1.6: Fixed bug: Setting height in VH unit was not working. V 0.1.7: Feature: Option to hide save button (and use automatic ajax save ) if there are no other fields than PAGEGRID on the content tab (Module Settings > Interface). V 0.2.0: Fixed bug: Custom block wrapper element <p> was not working with inline editor. V 0.2.0: Fixed bug: Inline editor would sometimes not save after clicking cancel and then edit item again. V 0.2.0: Feature: Now it's possible to add classes to elements inside richt text fields via style panel. V 0.2.0: Fixed bug: Inline editor was not working after first item was added to the page (needed reloading the page). V 0.2.1: Feature: Updated PageGridBlocks Module: Using TinyMCE as the default editor. V 0.2.1: Feature: Updated PageGridBlocks Module: Group/container wrapper element can now be changed to <div>, <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <nav>. Thanks to everyone who helped me improve my coding skills and for the support of this great community! Special thanks to @diogo for the valuable feedback and @ryan for this great CMS and his support for the PageFrontEdit module!
    34 points
  10. This is one of those rare weeks where I've got a lot of projects in progress, but all are in the middle, none are at a convenient Friday conclusion for this weekly update. In progress are some core updates, Pro module updates, other module updates, and a client project that's keeping me busy. So I don't have anything new or interesting to report this week, but I like to still check in and say hello, and let you know I'm not running low on coffee or anything like that. 🙂 I hope that you have a great weekend!
    34 points
  11. ProcessWire 3.0.197 resolves 9 issue reports and adds 3 feature requests. For details in resolved issues and feature requests, be sure to see the commit log. I'll cover a couple of my favorite feature requests that have been added this week: New $files->getCSV() method This comes by way of feature request #400 via @bernhard to add something to abstract away the redundant details of reading a CSV file into one simple method call. This simplifies the reading of a CSV file by abstracting file-open, get-header, get-rows and file-close operations into a single method call, where all those operations are handled internally. All you have to do is keep calling the $files->getCSV($filename) method until it returns false. This method will also skip over blank rows by default, unlike PHP’s fgetcsv() which will return a 1-column row with null value. Here's how you use it: Let's say we have this CSV file (first row is the header): Food,Type,Color Apple,Fruit,Red Banana,Fruit,Yellow Spinach,Vegetable,Green Here's how you'd use the new method: while($row = $files->getCSV('/path/to/foods.csv')) { echo "Food: $row[Food] "; echo "Type: $row[Type] "; echo "Color: $row[Color] "; } There are also several $options supported, see the $files->getCSV() documentation page for more. There's also a new $files->getAllCSV() method that does the same thing but returns all the rows in the CSV file in one call. Improvement to InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple Next was feature request #339 that requested adding the enhancement developed by @Robin S (via the PageListSelectMultipleQuickly module) into the core. This enhancement keeps the selectable page list open for multiple selections rather than closing it for each selection. It also better indicates when an item is selected. While I ended up writing it in a different way than Robin S.'s module, the end result is nearly identical to Robin S.'s short GIF screencast below: Also added this week is a new "visibility" option for Inputfields: Open + Locked (not editable), along with some small hook documentation improvements in the Pages class. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    34 points
  12. TL:DR I've updated a PW page we've built 9 years ago for the first time and it's still a solid experience. Backstory Back in May I was on a crowded train somewhere in the middle of Germany. Now working as a "Consultant" who builds slidedecks instead of websites, I happily noticed the men next to me talking about responsive webdesign with his friend. During the obligatory "This train is late" announcement we started to chat. My seatmate, a geography teacher, recently attended a web workshop at a large Hamburg agency. He told me he now understands the value of a CMS for updating their site and he wonders how to build a responsive layout. They don't get paid for this and work on their homepage in their spare time. And they have a Typo3 installation 😅 Back in 2013, together with my friend Marvin, we've rebuild our school website with ProcessWire optimized for mobile devices. Launched in 2014 this was quite an impressive feat including online time tables, a working event calendar (with import feature) and many small nice touches. After my encounter on the train, I checked the page and yes, It's still online and updated daily! The next day I wrote my old teacher a short email if we should have a closer look into the underlying tech and within minutes I got a super happy reply that he is so glad that somebody would help (again). So let's dive into what we've done. Situation First some details about this ProcessWire installation that is updated by a few teacher on a regular basis. Over the 9 years they've wrote nearly 900 news articles and kept more than 250 pages up to date. The asset folder is over 11GB. Build with Processwire 2.4 (?) and lots of janky code we've updated the page once to 3.0.15 somewhere in 2016 quick and dirty. They even used the old admin layout. ProCache, CroppableImages3 and a few other plugins were used. Every single one of them required an update It's used the classical append-template approach with a single big "function.php" included file. It's running on PHP 5.6 and for whatever reason no PHP update was enforced by the hoster (But the admin panel screamed at me) A privacy nightmare: Google fonts embedded directly, no cookie banner and a no longer working Google Analytics tag included The old ProcessDatabaseModule made a database backup every week as planned over all these years. Nice. No hacks, no attacks and all teachers are using their own account with assigned permissions Changelog I've updated the page with a focus on making it stable and reliable for the next 9 years. After making a development copy of the page, I've started working on the following changes: Updated ProcessWire and all modules to the latest stable version. After reloading a few times, no errors encountered Updated the whole templates to make it work with PHP 8.2 Removed all externally hosted scripts, disabled cookies for all regular visitors and introduced a 2-click-solution for external content Reworked a few frontend style issues around the responsive layout, made slight visual changes for 2023 (e.g. no double black and white 1px borders) Ported the image gallery feature to more templates (Big wish of the people updating the site, they've used a workaround) Cleaned up folder and structures, removed a few smaller plugins and admin helpers no longer needed All this was done back in May and - with a big break - completed now in October. It took a few days and most of the time was spent figuring out our old code. Learnings ProcessWire is robust as f*ck. I just clicked "Update" and it mostly worked instantly I nearly removed features for the PHP update. A custom written importer for the proprietary XML schedule was hard to debug and understand (5-dimensional-arrays...). Gladly I've tossed a coin and just gave ChatGPT the php function source and error message and within a single iteration it updated the code for PHP8. The "responsive" CSS framework aged badly. The used 960gs skeleton uses fixed widths for the responsive layout. I couldn't get it be wider than 320px on mobile screens. So the site is responsive but with a slim profile for now. Replacing it would be a complete layout rewrite Result and looking forward The Werkgymnasium site is now updated and live again. It still loads superfast and looks great after all these years. We have a few more features planned to help our editors input new content but overall it just works. Looking forward a few issues remain. ProCache would require the paid update but it still works fine. The layout needs improvement on mobile screens. There is still an error with the pagination. We'll cleanup the code more and then make the whole template public on Github so that maybe a few students after us can continue with the updates. Maybe even rebuild the frontend one day. I hope I can give you an update in a few years again. As a closing note: I'm still grateful for the amazing community here and all the features ProcessWire has to offer. My daily work no longer resolves around websites but PW has a permanent spot in my heart. Thanks Ryan and all the contributors.
    33 points
  13. This week we've had a mixture of core updates and more work on the PageAutosave/LivePreview module. In the core we have mostly maintenance updates and issue resolutions. I'm not going to bump the version number this week as I'd like to get a bit more added to this version first. One feature request that appears in the core this week is the ability to specify colors for RepeaterMatrix item types (idea from @Ivan Gretsky). If you have any version of RepeaterMatrix and you use the current core dev branch, you can specify the background color for any repeater item type by placing a color hex code in the repeater type label (like at the end of it, but wherever). For instance, typing in #777777 (or just #777) would make the repeater items of that type have a grey background rather than the default color background. Though whatever color you choose, note that the text color is white, so don't choose too light of a color. (The hex color code is of course removed from the item labels.) The PageAutosave and LivePreview module also got several updates this week, bringing it that much closer to being production ready: Added support for automatic detection of best placement for live preview window position based on available space. It will choose the correct location and size either to the right, left, above or below your page editor window. Added support for remembering live preview window position in a cookie. So if you setup your preferred layout for editor window and live preview window, ProcessWire will continue to use it. Added a new option to support automatic replacement of individual page field values without having to add your own `pw-value-*` classes. Meaning, you can now gain the benefit of field-value updates in your live preview without PW having to re-render the page. This applies primarily to text-based fields (title, body, etc.) that are part of the page being viewed. LivePreview editor and preview windows now talk to each other with JS rather than use SSE/streaming. I found that it just works more reliably that way, puts less load on the server, and [to my surprise] also seems to be faster. The SSE option is still there in the module config, but it's no longer the default. The only time where I think SSE might be preferable is if you want to monitor changes made to the page from outside of the page editor (like from the API) in a live preview fashion, as the SSE option will pick those up too. In addition to the above, numerous minor bug fixes, improvements and optimizations were added. If you want to grab this new version (which is still a development/testing version), it's posted in the ProDrafts, ProDevTools and ProFields boards. There's more to cover with this module still. I've been so focused on it that I haven't yet started working with htmx. Though I did spend quite a bit of time in the docs and it looks amazing. From what I understand as it relates to this module, htmx could bring a lot of greatness to the front-end preview window, so I'm anxious to get into that, and even more excited to explore the possibilities it opens elsewhere in ProcessWire. Also, how awesome is it that the author of htmx stopped by to say hello and answer questions here in the forums, that made my day — big thanks to @totally not an htmx shill for joining the discussion, I hope I'll have some good questions before long too. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    33 points
  14. I agree it is unfair to make comparisons like this. I also don't think it's very nice to come to an open source project's support board and try to convince people to use a commercial CMS. Maybe the fact that a comparison can be made at all is a compliment. But Craft is a big commercial project with a sizable team and lots of resources and money behind it. ProcessWire is the opposite of that and the comparison seems inappropriate. But since you've stated this is a comparison, I'm not sure where the comparison is — you've focused exclusively on what you think Craft does better (by your own preference), but haven't made efforts to point out the areas where PW does better. So it comes across a little bit as an advertorial for large commercial CMS at the expense of a small open source project. Throughout you are stating a preference for something in Craft and claim a similar feature in ProcessWire is "not well thought out." This is wrong. A more honest statement would be that you and I clearly have different preferences, or maybe you don't fully understand something. But that does not mean that something that differs from your preferences or understanding is "not well thought out." I would never commit something to the core that hasn't been really well thought out, that's something I take really seriously. While much of Craft doesn't suit my own (and others) preferences, and may not be "well thought out" according to how I think things should work, I'm not going to join their forum and tell them it's not well thought out. That's because I respect them and trust that it's well thought out, according to their needs and preferences. So when you start telling someone that something they've put a lot of work into isn't well thought out, that's akin to saying that you do not respect them. I make no claims about being perfect at anything, and there is room for improvement in everything. What I take issue with here are the broad, subjective and largely false generalizations, and that's what I'm replying to. I'm also concerned that anywhere that you've quoted me, you've taken a statement by me out of context, extrapolating it as proof for an unrelated conclusion you've made. For example: In that link we are not talking about ProcessWire at all, and instead are talking about the processwire.com website in development, NOT the CMS. Why would you say I'm "opposed to the idea" of accessible development? This is something I'm interested in and passionate about. I don't understand why you are quoting me on one thing and saying another. In that link, I'm writing about a module called ProcessUser and something that is imposed upon it for a specific security purpose, unique to that particular module, and no other. But you have used my statement as proof that building custom features in ProcessWire isn't encouraged or supported. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have never had such a thought. My thoughts and intentions would be exactly the opposite. What you consider an advantage, I consider a major disadvantage. PW puts nothing between you and PHP, by design, that's a major advantage. I certainly would not be happy with Twig integration being a default. Clearly you like using Twig, which is fine for you to have that opinion, and I think it's perfectly fine for Twig to be an option. But I definitely wouldn't want to standardize upon it. Maybe it doesn't suit your preference, but I hope you can appreciate why we don't do things like that in PW. You are comparing two different kinds of caches. You are talking about a template engine cache. In PW there is no template engine, so likewise no template engine cache. Most of the time you would never need such a cache in PW at all. The $cache variable is something different, and while it can also cache markup, it is much more simple than you imply. PW's API is not string-based. You are writing about selectors (and specifically selector strings), not the "API". ProcessWire lets you specify selectors as strings or as arrays. Most prefer to use strings due to the simplicity of it. But this does not mean that arrays are not reliable. And if you use arrays, then there's no need to do value sanitization. But the majority of the time you are using selectors, you are not injecting user input into it either, so I would consider selector strings to be a major advantage for PW the vast majority of the time. And for times that it's not, you don't have to use it. The problem with chaining methods for this is that they are live code, you can't store them. Perhaps it has benefits in Craft, but they would not be appropriate for PW. In PW selectors can be specified as arrays or strings, and in cases where you want to separate the query property from the query value, then that's why we have the array option in PW. And yes, they are reliable, despite your claim that they are not. The same is true in PW. Fieldtypes build the query and sanitize/validate the value to be queried. The only thing PW asks you to do is IF you are using a selector "string" that ALSO happens to contain user input, then just sanitize that user input part with the selectorValue() method. If you are using an array, then such sanitization is already done for you. This has nothing to do with details of a fieldtype, which will do its own validation/sanitization. Saying "clunky" is a subjective and hardly fair statement to make. What might be clunky to you is optimal to others. You are writing specifically about the file translation system, so the whole purpose is to provide an interface to translate your site php files (primarily template files). The interface is geared to focus on that task only, and that's the point of it. I understand you value more layers between things (like with Twig), but I always prefer fewer layers, a more direct approach, so you'll see that throughout PW. If I'm using a file translation system, I want to know what file I'm working with and I want to be able to tell the translator what file to work with. That my preference, and I understand you have a different one. Of course you can, that's who it is for. Yes they are grouped by file, and that's how I prefer it, and I have never had a client have a problem with that. If you have some preference to keep translators/clients out of the admin, you can also ask them to translate from a spreadsheet (exported from PW) and PW will happily read that in and use it. None of those 3 statements is true. Translations may be stored in JSON files, but they can be exported/imported (all files at once) to/from CSV files. Translation files are not stored in "random" locations. They are stored with the language's files, which is a static location identified by its ID. Adding translations in the code editor is not impossible, because where else would you add new translations, if not in the code? If you need a new translation, go ahead and add your __('text') in your code, and it immediately becomes available as a translation. You are welcome to your opinion, but as someone that put a lot of thought and effort into field translations, it's hard for me to take your opinions seriously when you state things like this. Nothing about them is "tacked on" or "not well thought out", quite the opposite. So to me it seems like at worst, you don't understand what you are talking about, or at best (and most likely), you just have an alternate preference. This is fine, but I don't think that's obvious to everyone reading. So please don't make statements like "not well thought out" when you really mean that something doesn't suit your preference, or maybe you don't fully understand it. I appreciate examples but I'm not aware of any field where you need to "add the second language's field manually". This does not sound at all like PW multi-language fields. If you are talking about PW at all, perhaps you are talking about the "language alternate" fields option? If so, this is an option that is there to provide additional flexibility for specific cases, but it is almost never used in my experience. Please don't use it as a foundation for any comparison, as its borderline deprecated at this point and I don't expect many will ever use it. This conclusion is the opposite of the truth. The fact that PW doesn't impose a specific framework upon you means that all options are open. Anything is available to you. It is more open, not less open. It's you and PHP, and anything you can run in PHP you can run in PW. ProcessWire feature approach is built around constant improvement. It is driven by the community and the needs of clients. The development of PW has always followed this approach. I have a job working with clients just like most PW users and so I develop according to what's needed and when. Most of my income comes from client work. I work on the PW core for free, so development usually has to have some crossover with the other projects that I work on. Despite being open source and largely unfunded, the fact that PW and Craft can end up with apparently similar capabilities and feature sets—and the fact that they can be compared at all—I would consider to be a sign of efficiency and that we are doing something right. If you consider our approach "chaotic" then fine, but the accurate terms would be "flexible", "sustainable", "consistent" and "continuous". The approach been very successful for PW as a project. And PW is also one of the longest lasting projects in this area (open source or commercial), and will continue to be because it's not built around money. I don't add features without completely thinking them out. That's silly, why would we do that? I would never commit something to the core that has not been well thought out. I don't understand why you would say this unless you just don't understand it. Nothing committed in the core has been abandoned. Elsewhere, I've abandoned a ton of code, but most of it has never been seen by anyone. When I commit something to the core, I've spent a lot of time working on it and I'm also committing to supporting it, long term, for as long as there is value in it. That's another reason why I take a lot of time to think through anything that gets added. You are welcome to say that you have a different preference, and you can I clearly have different preferences, but please do not suggest something is not well thought out because that is not true. Well, I'm glad you think there are "hundreds" of features that look cool... though not well supported? I don't know what we're talking about. False. The only bugs that don't get fixed are those where they cannot be duplicated, or that don't have a clear solution and seem to be isolated to one person. And I don't know what you mean about "don't work well with each other and so on". ProcessWire's core focus is already a limited feature set, where much is left to modules. The aim is to have everything you might "need" and do it really well, but save things you might "want" for modules. This is one area where it certainly does help to have a big commercial company behind it, with full time documentation writers and such. While they do have a structure and hierarchy, I understand it may not be exactly the way everyone might want it. The site search engine is actually quite powerful and searches the API and all documentation pages, so I recommend that when you want to find something specific. This is fair, and it'll continue to be that way, the blog posts can do heavy lifting in between the time that features are added and documentation is updated (as does this forum). The blog posts do also end up as the linked documentation for features in some cases. I'm okay with it. I understand that if we were a big company it might be odd though. I don't put efforts towards pretending that PW is a big company, I work within the resources we have, putting most of it towards where it counts and less of it towards pleasing critics. The aim is that all versions are compatible, meaning you can safely upgrade from any older version to any newer version. I don't know of any other projects that do this as well as PW, so I would consider it a major benefit. If we get to the point where this is regularly not the case, then we likely would adopt semantic versioning. But the need isn't there at this point in time. Close, but not totally accurate. New versions are currently aimed at a group of new related features or a group of issue fixes. The version number goes into systems that prompt people to upgrade, at the time it is appropriate to do so. They are also for documentation purposes so that we can easily reference them in "since" statements. Lastly, it's useful to have version numbers to reference in blog and/or forum posts. Currently this system of version numbers is the most beneficial one for this project. This isn't what I'd consider a breaking change. This is something where it just asks you to install a module as part of an upgrade to the version, it doesn't break the API or the site, just locks down a specific admin feature for security until you install the appropriate module. And security always comes first in PW. But I don't think there are any actual breaking changes in PW. Again, if it became commonplace like it is in other projects, then we'd likely adopt the same version number approach they do. So perhaps that's something that will come in the future, but we're not at that point. I'm open to it at the appropriate time. A "template file" is a "file" for a "template". I don't know how to be any more clear than that. But yes there are instances where we're talking about template files that I might use the term "template" rather than "template file" since the context is established. I agree that terms like "template" and "file" are fairly generic, and it would be nice if templates were like cars where we could refer to the "car" but also have a label like "wheels" and know we are still referring to the bigger "car" above it. But "file" is a generic enough term that while accurate, needs context. I'll take it as a compliment that you consider RepeaterMatrix to be so valuable. The Pro modules were never intended to be "required" for any site. They are meant to be a luxury or a time saver, but there's nothing you can do with any Pro module that you can't do yourself by some other means. Though Pro modules might save you time in doing it. I've built example modules that show you how to do do just about anything that Pro modules can do, they just might require more of your effort. The original intention for Fieldtypes and Inputfields was that everyone would build their own according to their needs, but I don't know many that do that other than me. Have a look at FieldtypeEvents sometime to see how simple it is to do. I don't share your opinion on this. If you are of the mindset that the page tree reflects the front-end site 1-to-1 then you are in the mindset of a different system. I consider the tree to be essential, a major benefit, as you know everything has a place and hierarchy and you don't have to have various different kinds of navigations or buckets to find them. If you know one thing you know everything in PW. I've never been a fan of different bucket systems and the ambiguity that they introduce. ProcessWire was designed from the beginning to get away from what you are talking about, what I subjectively feel is a mess in other systems (again, my preference). PW aims to be simpler and more flexible than that, though pages can still be browsed as a tree or as buckets, even if the tree is the source. I don't agree with your premise, or the linked post. Having a link to someone else's opinion does not make it right, maybe just right for you personally, that's fine. I would agree that there are benefits to letting the page tree influence your navigation, but there aren't drawbacks to not using it that way either. It may have started that way. While I am currently the gatekeeper in terms of maintaining the core I consider ProcessWire to be a long term community developed project, and it becomes more that every year. Every open source project needs someone to start it, and someone to be a caretaker, ensuring the quality of it, and I see that as my role, which I take very seriously. But this is a team project and one that is much more sustainable long term than a commercial one.
    33 points
  15. This week the core dev branch version has been bumped to 3.0.231. There are about 15 commits in this version relative to the previous. In the dev branch commit log you'll find a good mix of issue fixes and improvements. If you are already using the dev branch, this version is worth the upgrade. If using the main/master branch then it should be a safe upgrade as well, though none of the updates are urgent. And it won't be long till they are also merged to the main/master branch soon too. This week I've also been working on 2 new related modules: FieldtypeDateRange and InputfieldDateRange. These modules allow selection of starting and ending dates to support a date range. It also calculates and stores the number of days and nights for querying and sorting purposes. The "date from" and "date to" can be independently queried from $pages->find(), as can the days or nights. The InputfieldDateRange module can be used independently of its companion Fieldtype module, making it possible to use the date range Inputfield in FormBuilder or other Inputfield forms. One context where the Inputfield might be useful is when selecting travel dates on a front-end form, such as one from FormBuilder. When used as a Fieldtype, you might use it to specify availability of something, start and end dates to publish content, event dates, or any number of other use cases. Below is a screenshot of the Inputfield as well as its configuration tab. The JS-based input widget comes from an existing package that I've made some modifications to, and it works really nicely, with a polished and easy-to-use UI. I originally found it booking some travel online, and really liked the way it worked. I was able to track it down on GitHub here and thought it would be useful to build an Inputfield module around it. It can be set up to work like the core date picker where it appears when you focus in the input, or it can be configured "inline" where it is alway s visible (and the related text input is hidden). In the following screenshot, I've specified that Sundays can't be used for start/end selections and that November 23 is not available. The selected range spans two months. If you want it to span more months, you could click the right arrow in the December calendar to find your desired month, leaving the first calendar in November. In this manner, you can select ranges that span multiple months, or even years: Here's the Inputfield configuration screen so far. All of these settings are hookable as well, as some of them are more likely to be useful dynamically, especially min/max start and end dates, non-selectable dates, etc. (Note the screenshot below does not necessarily reflect the settings in the screenshots above). More on this next week. Have a great weekend!
    32 points
  16. The master/main branch is now updated to version 3.0.225. Early next week I'll be adding a git tag for the version number as well. I usually like to merge dev to the master/main branch first, let it marinate for a day or two, and then tag it. That's because once we tag it, it triggers other services to pick it up and broadcast it. So letting it marinate for the weekend just adds a layer of comfort, for whatever silly reason. That's pretty much how I've always done it. When I did the merge, it reported 511 files changed, 76421 insertions(+), 23539 deletions(-), so there's quite a lot in this version. There's enough, that I'm going to need another week to document it all into a new blog post, which should be ready by this time next week. Our contributors list also continues to grow nicely with this new version. Thanks to all those that have submitted PRs, reported issues, and submitted feature requests. Big thanks to @matjazp in particular who has been helping a lot in identifying, testing, organizing and even coding the solutions for numerous issue reports. More details on this new version next week. Until then, thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    32 points
  17. In a recent GitHub issue report, I was asked about output formatting in ProcessWire, and where more information could be found about it. I know I've written about it numerous times, and went to locate the documentation page, only to find we didn't have one! Output formatting is such an important topic, so here is everything you need to know. I hope you'll find it simple enough, but also useful and thorough— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/output-formatting/
    32 points
  18. I was in New Orleans at the gymnastics Nationals most of this week. In her age group and level, my 10-year old daughter won 4th overall and 3rd on bars and beam. After a long drive, we're now back home in Atlanta and it's been a very short work week, but there's still a new dev branch version to write about. ProcessWire 3.0.221 continues primarily with minor issue fixes, working towards our next main/master version. Included are 11 resolved issues, 2 PRs, and code contributions from @matjazp and @dotnetic. In terms of new features, this version updates the language translating _n() function to support languages that consider 0 quantities as singular rather than plural in calls like _n('%d item', '%d items', $quantity); Previously this call has always used the plural "items" version for 0 quantities (i.e. "0 items"), which is correct in English, but may not be in other languages like French (as I've learned from issue #1757, though I think it has come up once before too). To define whether a language should consider 0 quantities plural or singular, use ProcessWire's language translation tool: Setup > Languages > [any language] > Find files to translate > wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageTranslator.php ... when translating that file, you'll see the setting at the top labeled "Is zero (0) plural or singular?": That screenshot above also shows another new feature that was added, which is the ability to use Select and Radios fields when defining translatable text. Previously you could only use text, textarea and number fields. Let's say you wanted to have the person translating choose a color name for the language as part of the translation: $color = __('Red'); // What color? type=radios options=[Red, Green, Blue] As before, the "What color?" part is an optional description for the translatable text. Also as before, the "type=..." defines what Inputfield type to use. The supported values are any Inputfield name (minus the "Inputfield" part). Known to work values for this include: text, textarea, integer, float, radios and select. The "options=[...]" is the newly added part, and this enables you to define the selectable options for select or radios inputs. If you wanted to use separate value and label, you can also do that. In the example below, city abbreviations are used for the values and full city names as the labels: $city = __('ATL'); // What city? type=radios options=[ATL:Atlanta, CHI=Chicago, NYC:New York City] Another example is the one we used in the core for plural vs. singular here. By the way, if any of your values or labels need a literal comma, you can optionally use a pipe "|" as the separator rather than a comma. This ability to use Select and Radios is a fairly minor addition, but does open up better support for having certain language settings (rather than just translatable text) be part of language translation packs going forward. The plural vs singular setting for 0 seemed like a good first one to support with this. Next week we'll continue preparing our next main/master version. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    32 points
  19. This week the ProcessWire core version on the dev branch has been bumped to 3.0.207. Relative to the previous version, there are several minor issue resolutions and improvements (commit log). I also recommend this version if you are testing out the InputfieldTinyMCE module, which will likely be merged into the core near the end of the year. Speaking of that module, it also received updates this week with the biggest being the addition of improved lazy loading modules for the Normal (non-inline) editor. Rich text editors are one of the most heavyweight input types you can use, so not having to initialize them all during page load is a major performance benefit, especially when you've got multiple fields using them at the same time. With these new lazy-loading modes, the Normal editor has many of the benefits of the Inline editor in terms of page editor performance, but without any of the drawbacks. The new default setting is to "load editor when it becomes visible". This ensures that resources aren't spent loading editors that are hidden behind editor tabs, fieldsets or language tabs, until they are needed. The other lazy-loading option ("load editor when clicked") is the most aggressive lazy loading option. It shows a preview of the editor content but doesn't actually load TinyMCE until you click the preview to edit it. Lastly, I've also been working on a new module (WireSitemapXML) that generates sitemap.xml output, but in a way that I think is more configurable than the other modules available for it. It also supports multi-language sitemaps, URL segments, various hooks and more. While I've got it in use already, I'm going to spend more time on the documentation before releasing it. That's all for this week, have a great weekend!
    32 points
  20. This week we have some great performance and scalability improvements in the core that enable lazy-loading of fields, templates and fieldgroups, thanks to @thetuningspoon — https://processwire.com/blog/posts/field-and-template-scalability-improvements/
    32 points
  21. This week I'm happy to report that the InputfieldTinyMCE module is now released. It is currently released in the modules directory and GitHub but the plan is it will be merged into the core, likely before the end of the year. No need to wait till then though, as you can start using it today. Please consider the module in beta for the moment, though the TinyMCE library itself is in a stable state. A lot of the work that went into developing this module went into the configuration aspect. Here are a few a more details that weren't covered in last week's post: After installing the module, on the module configuration screen, you can decide whether several settings should be configurable for each field, or if you want to just configure them with the module (affecting all fields): One of things that I thought was important was to make it a lot simpler to add custom classes/styles to the editor. I always found this kind of a pain in CKEditor. So in TinyMCE, I made it so that you can just define these custom styles with the field settings using just simple CSS definitions. InputfieldTinyMCE takes care of converting to a format that TinyMCE can understand (for its menus), as well as the styles to show in the editor. For instance, I wanted to add some common Uikit text classes to a custom "Uikit" group in the Styles dropdown: And here's the result in the editor: The markup produced has the correct Uikit classes in the markup so that on the front-end of my site the output is Uikit ready. You can add 3rd party or your own custom plugins from the module settings: And then you can enable them for any field in the field editor: These are just a few interesting tidbits, but there's a lot more. Also, if you didn't see last week's blog post, that covers a lot more too. Either way, I'd encourage you to download InputfieldTinyMCE, give it a try and please let me know how it works for you. If you come across any bugs, please open an issue report. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    31 points
  22. Continuing from last week's post and discussion, ProcessWire 3.0.218 decouples the modules system from the cache system. Now the modules system maintains its own internal caches (at least once you do a Modules > Refresh). It'll still use the $cache API as a backup (temporarily), but now you can safely export the database without the "caches" table, or even delete the "caches" table, if you want to. It'll get re-created as needed. In this version, work also continued on the new WireCacheInterface (and major updates in WireCache) so that we could support external modules to handle cache storage. This capability is kind of similar to how we support 3rd party WireMail and WireSessionHandler modules. The first example is WireCacheDatabase, which is the default cache storage handler for the core. And today we have a new module called WireCacheFilesystem that replaces the default WireCache database storage with a file-system based storage, once installed. It's not yet clear if there are major benefits one way or the other (cache in database vs. file system), as I've not been able to put all this new code through performance testing yet. I'd definitely be interested to hear if anyone has a chance to test things out. I expect the file system might be faster for reading caches, while the database may be faster for writing caches. At least that's what I found with a few preliminary experiments, but they haven't been very thorough, so take that with a grain of salt. I thought we needed at least 2 examples of classes implementing WireCacheInterface before we'd be ready to support potential 3rd party WireCache modules. I imagine that 3rd party modules getting into dedicated cache options independent of database or file system is where we'll start to see major performance benefits. At least for sites that use the cache heavily. That's all for this week, have a great weekend!
    31 points
  23. This week the dev branch contains about a dozen issue fixes relative to this time last week. (commit log) While these are all relatively minor things, some have been around awhile and it's always nice to get them figured out. Plus it's often a good opportunity to iterate and improve upon related things in the process. While I think we're very close to being ready to merge to the master branch, I'm going to give it a few more days just in case. I want to make sure no new issues arise (no matter how small) as a result of all the commits we've been doing over the last few weeks with GitHub issue resolutions. Most likely there won't be many more commits on the dev branch before the merge, and perhaps by this time next week, we'll have version 3.0.184 as our next master version. Following that, I'll write up a post that documents everything new relative to the previous master version 3.0.165, as there has been quite a lot! But if you want to upgrade now, I do think there's very little risk in upgrading existing master/main installs to the current dev branch, as it is quite stable at this point, in my experience. Thank you for all of your help in testing and/or reporting issues. Have a great weekend!
    31 points
  24. On the dev branch this week we have a good collection of issue fixes and feature requests. The dev branch commit log has all the details. One feature added this week which I think could come in very handy is #520 (via @Jonathan Lahijani) which adds the ability to hide individual images in an images field. When an image is hidden, you can see and work with it in the admin, but it gets removed from the field value on the front-end of the site at runtime, effectively hiding it. I know I'll use this a lot, particularly on photo galleries where I may want to remove an image or two from appearing in the grid of photos, but don't necessarily want to delete them. Images can be hidden (or unhidden) from the Actions select of each image, where you'll see a "Hide" option (or an "Unhide" option if the image is already hidden). Hidden images are also dimmed out when viewing the images field in the admin. On the API side, you can hide or unhide images and files using $image->hidden(true) to hide, $image->hidden(false) to unhide, and $image->hidden() to get a true or false as to whether or not the image is hidden. Though this will only be useful on unformatted field values, since hidden images are automatically removed from formatted field values. The same can be used with regular file fields, but we don't currently have a UI/interface for hiding or unhiding items from regular (non-image) file fields. Likely we'll add one soon, but I figured it's likely to get more use with image fields than file fields, so figured we'd start there. More next week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    30 points
  25. This week core updates are focused on resolving issue reports. Nearly all of the 10 commits this week resolve one issue or another. Though all are minor, so I'm not bumping the version number just yet, as I'd like to get a little more in the core before bumping the version to 3.0.202. This week I've also continued development on this WP-to-PW site conversion. On this site hundreds of pages are used to represent certain types of vacations, each with a lot of details and fields. Several pages in the site let you list, search and filter these things. When rendering a list of these (which a lot of pages do), it might list 10, 20, 100 or more of them at once on a page (which is to say, there can be a few, or there can be a lot). Each of the items has a lot of markup, compiled from about a dozen fields in each list item. They are kind of expensive to render in terms of time, so caching comes to mind. These pages aren't good candidates for full-page caches (like ProCache, etc.) since they will typically be unique according to a user's query and filters. So using the $cache API var seems like an obvious choice (or MarkupCache). But I didn't really want to spawn a new DB query for each item (as there might be hundreds), plus I had a specific need for when the cache should be reset — I needed it to re-create the cache for each rendered item whenever the cache for it was older than the last modified date of the page it represents. There's a really simple way to do this and it makes a huge difference in performance (for this case at least). Here's a quick recipe for how to make this sort of rendering very fast. But first, let's take a look at the uncached version: // find items matching query $items = $pages->find('...'); // iterate and render each item foreach($items as $item) { echo " <!-- expensive to render markup here ---> <div class='item'> <a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a> ...and so on... </div> "; } That looks simple, but what you don't see is everything that goes in the <div class="item">...</div> which is a lot more than what you see here. (If we were to take the above code literally, just outputting url and title, then there would be little point in caching.) But within each .item element more than a dozen fields are being accessed and output, including images, repeatable items, etc. It takes some time to render. When there's 100 or more of them to render at once, it literally takes 5 seconds. But after adding caching to it, now the same thing takes under 100 milliseconds. Here's the same code as above, but hundreds of times faster, thanks to a little caching: // determine where we want to store cache files for each list item $cachePath = $config->paths->cache . 'my-list-items/'; if(!is_dir($cachePath)) wireMkdir($cachePath); // find items matching query $items = $pages->find('...'); // iterate and render each item foreach($items as $item) { $file = $cachePath . "$item->id.html"; // item's cache file if(file_exists($file) && filemtime($file) > $page->modified) { // cache is newer than page's last mod time, so use the cache echo file_get_contents($file); continue; } $out = " <!-- expensive to render markup here ---> <div class='item'> <a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a> ...and so on... </div> "; echo $out; // save item to cache file so we can use it next time file_put_contents($file, $out, LOCK_EX); } This is a kind of cache that rarely needs to be completely cleared because each item in the cache stays consistent with the modification time of the page it represents. But at least during development, we'll need to occasionally clear all of the items in the cache when we make changes to the markup used for each item. So it's good to have a simple option to clear the cache. In this case, I just have it display a "clear cache" link before or after the list, and it only appears to the superuser: if($user->isSuperuser()) { if($input->get('clear')) wireRmdir($cachePath, true); echo "<a href='./?clear=1'>Clear cache</a>"; } I found this simple cache solution to be very effective and efficient on this site. I'll probably add a file() method to the $cache API var that does the same thing. But as you can see, it's hardly necessary since this sort of cache can be implemented so easily on its own, just using plain PHP file functions. Give it a try sometime if you haven't already. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    30 points
  26. This is a holiday week here in the US, at least for my kids (school break). With kids home I've been off work this week so don't have any ProcessWire updates to report, but I'm looking forward to getting back to work next week and will have more updates to report then. Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the the US and that kind of marks the beginning of the holiday season here. So today the Christmas tree went up, the lights are coming out and the holiday music has taken over the radio (or Alexa or Google or whatever we call it). Cheers and Happy Holidays!
    30 points
  27. This week I've been focusing on the dev branch and some low level code optimization, especially as it relates to the PW boot process, translating URLs to pages and identifying the page, language, URL segments, page numbers, etc. from the request URL. I'm breaking down much of the logic (currently in the ProcessPageView module) into more focused parts that can become part of PW's $pages API, increasing reusability of related code. (Don't worry, this won't affect any existing hooks). At the same time, I'm looking for opportunities for optimization and performance improvement, and have already found a few. For instance, the LanguageSupportPageNames module introduces overhead into some page finding operations and there's good improvement potential there, among others. I'm pretty much still in the middle of it all though, so am going to hold off on committing any of this to the dev branch until it's further along. But since we've got a quiet commit log this week, I just wanted to keep you up-to-date. Hopefully some of these fairly significant updates will be stable enough to commit to the dev branch next week. By the way, these updates will also enable the SessionAllow module (from last week) to be configurable by page, as PW will now identify the requested page before starting the session. More soon. Have a great weekend!
    30 points
  28. The UserActivity Pro module in ProDevTools was upgraded this week so that it now uses the Javascript Beacon API, enabling quick and reliable identification of when a user has finished a particular activity. It also now keeps track of when an activity is visible to the user or the window is hidden (like minimized or in a different tab), and it is able to report how many unsaved changes a user has made. All of this is visible from the Access > Activity menu in the admin. On the core side, there have been minor updates, so no version bump this week. But there are still a couple new PRs and useful things to look at in the commit log. The plan for next week: Bernhard Baumrock has been working on a PR that makes it very simple to modify and recompile the CSS of our AdminThemeUikit module... like as simple as placing an admin.less file in /site/templates/ directory. I'll save the details for next week, but after using it a bit here I have to say it's very cool. It also makes it really simple to upgrade the Uikit version. Previously I'd been following the build process as outlined in the Uikit instructions and often found myself in a state of confusion with npm errors and strange dependencies, needing upgrades for unidentifiable tools and producing incoherent warnings that never went away and left me with little confidence in the process. Perhaps it was because I started all this back when Uikit 3 was still beta, but the result was that I didn't much like upgrading Uikit or recompiling our AdminThemeUikit CSS, and I don't think anyone else did either. It made it a little difficult for our AdminThemeUikit module to achieve its original mission of being a simple module that many would extend and build from. Well, Bernhard has found a way to skip over all that nonsense and made it much simpler for all of us, so that AdminThemeUikit can finally be what it set out to be. I look forward to integrating this PR hopefully this coming week and think it means a lot of good things for our admin. Also, huge thanks to Pete for upgrading our forums this week! It's a great upgrade.
    30 points
  29. I'm off work this week, so I don't have any new ProcessWire updates, but just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! Looking forward to a great 2024!
    29 points
  30. This week updates continued with various .js files in the core (for jQuery 3.6+ compatibility). A few external libraries were also updated to the latest versions, including jquery-tablesorter, jquery-ui-timepicker, magnific-popup and vex. And finally, InpufieldTinyMCE has been added to the core! That's a lot of updates, but there's not a lot more to write about these updates because we covered the jQuery updates last week, and InputfieldTinyMCE has been the topic of several past posts. But now we've got everything together and running smoothly in ProcessWire 3.0.216. I think we're now ready to focus on getting the next main/master version out in the coming weeks. There likely won't be an update next week because I'll be traveling for a few days, but will be back to a regular schedule the following week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    29 points
  31. This week we take a look at a new rich text editor for ProcessWire, why we chose it, some highlights, screenshots, and why we think you’ll like it— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-rte-for-pw/
    29 points
  32. This last week my wife and daughter took a trip to NYC and it was my daughter's first time there. I was browsing around online looking at things they could do and so I visited the Guggenheim museum website to look into that option... I've always been a fan of the building, a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece. In addition to New York, I learned from the website that Guggenheim also has museums in Abu Dhabi, Bilbao and Venice, so I clicked through to view them as well. I really liked the Venice Guggenheim website, which had a much nicer website than the other locations. It was such a nice site that I was curious what they were running, so I viewed the source and... not WordPress (like the others), but ProcessWire. What a nice surprise. Then I was curious about who made such a nice site and there was a credits link in the bottom right corner that says the site was made by basili.co, nice work! It's always fun to come across a ProcessWire powered website randomly like that, and I thought you all would enjoy this one too. This week there are fairly minor updates on the core dev branch. Though the updates include one I've been meaning to do for a long time: improve the API for processing Inputfield forms. Previously there's been no way to check if a form is submitted, short of checking an $input variable yourself. Today I committed an update that adds a $form->isSubmitted() method that solves that, and more. It can identify which form was submitted, which submit button was used, and it also performs additional checks to make sure it's a valid submission before deciding that it's a form worth processing. It improves reliability, accuracy and security. Next week I'll be updating several of the admin forms to use it, among other updates. A few other useful helper methods were added to the Inputfield forms API as well. I realize that these updates may only be of interest to module authors, but I like keep you up-to-date with the week's updates either way. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    29 points
  33. I've got some core updates in progress but nothing major committed yet, so we'll save that for next week. But I wanted to briefly tell you about a module I'm working on here, which I plan to eventually put in core. I built it for some needs I've had here, but it will first be released in ProDrafts (so ProDrafts may start using its API), and in ProDevTools too, since it is also a developer tool. It's a snapshot versioning system for pages, but more of an API tool at this stage, kind of like the $pages API var, but for snapshots/versions of pages. It lets you create a snapshot of any page, including its fields and files (including core fields, ProFields, 3rd party fields, repeaters, nested repeaters, table fields with a million rows, etc.). The snapshots can be restored at any later time. Snapshots may also be restored to a different page, such as a new or existing page. In this manner, a module like ProDrafts may be able to use it to manage draft versions even better than it currently can, or at least that's the plan. Though since it's an API tool, my hope is that when/if it winds up in the core, others may be able to use it for stuff we've not thought of yet too. The module is a little different than my previous attempts (like what's in ProDrafts now) in that it does most of its work directly at the database level (and file system level, where applicable), which enables it work without needing to know much about the Fieldtype. Currently it is fully functional, but I have a few less common cases to work out before it's ready for release. Once installed, every page includes a Snapshots fieldset, which can be located in the settings tab of the page editor, or a separate tab in the page editor (configurable). When installed, every page has one, so long as the user has the appropriate permissions. There's a screenshot of what it looks like in the page editor below, but it is very simple at this stage, basically just enough for testing purposes. Every snapshot has a name that is unique on the page. You can overwrite a snapshot just by saving a snapshot with the same name on the same page. So you could for instance have a hook that creates a snapshot named "undo" right before a page is saved (in a Pages::saveReady hook), and in that way a module could add a basic undo capability to the page editor. This is just a simple example though. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!
    29 points
  34. While the version remains at 3.0.181 this week, there have been several core updates committed to the dev branch containing a mixture of issue fixes, new features, core optimizations and upgrades. This is likely to continue for another minor version or two while we prepare for our next master branch release. The most visible improvements this week can be found in ProcessField and ProcessTemplate (aka Setup > Fields, Setup > Templates). The main list of fields (Setup > Fields) has been improved with some new supported icon indicators that now identify fields that have template overrides/context settings, among others. All of the existing icon indicators have also been updated with contextual links so that clicking them takes you to the relevant part in the template editor. My favorite update here though is that the "Type" column in the fields list now indicates the Inputfield type in cases where it matters. For instance, rather than saying "Textarea" for the "body" field, it now says "Textarea/CKEditor". Likewise, Page and Options fields indicate what kind of input is used (i.e. "Page/AsmSelect" or "Options/Checkboxes"), as do some other types. Clicking on the "Templates" quantity now takes you to the "Add/remove from templates" field, rather than just showing you a list of templates. Similar updates were made to the ProcessTemplate main list of templates (Setup > Templates) though there wasn't as much to do there. Once you are actually editing a template, the instructions on the "Basics" tab have been improved to clarify what you can do on this screen. For instance, many don't know that you can click a field name/label to edit it in context, or that you can click and drag the percent indicator to adjust the field's width in the editor, all from this tab in the template editor. Now the description outlines these features. When you select a new field to add to your template, it now reveals a note that clarifies you must save before the field becomes editable in the context of that template. These are minor updates, but combined I think they add significant clarity, especially for new users. Stepping outside of the core, I've been working quite a bit this week on the PagesSnapshots module I told you about a couple of weeks ago. It lets you save or restore snapshot versions of pages, and it doesn't have any notable limitations in terms of fields. At this stage it is working fully with repeaters, matrix repeaters, nested repeaters, Page Tables and even paginated Table fields with thousands of rows. It can restore to the original page, to a new page, or to another page of your choice. And it is very fast. Eventually ProDrafts will use its API to handle saving and publishing of draft versions. Initially I plan to release it in one or more of the existing module sets (like ProDevTools or ProDrafts or both), and longer term it may be added to the core. I've got another week or two of work to cover with it, but at this stage the API is fully functional and working well, so I'm now beginning to focus more on the Process module (user interface) side of it. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    29 points
  35. ProcessWire 3.0.179 adds great new admin theme customization tools that put you in full control over the admin styles, thanks to PR #189 from @bernhard — https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.179/
    29 points
  36. This week I've continued work on the page versions support that I wrote about last week. While the main PagesVersions module needs more work before it's ready to commit to the dev branch and test externally, it is so far working quite well in internal testing. I mentioned last week how it will support an interface where Fieldtypes can declare that they will handle their own versions. That interface has been pushed to the dev branch as FieldtypeDoesVersions. I've also implemented it with the Repeater Fieldtype, which is visible starting here. Repeaters are so far working really well with versions! As far as core Fieldtypes go, Repeater, PageTable and FieldsetPage are likely the only ones that will need custom implementations. For ProFields, RepeaterMatrix already works with the implementation in the core Repeater (already tested). It's possible that other ProFields will not need custom implementations, though not yet positive. The module that provides version capability is called PagesVersions and the plan so far is to make it a core module that provides API version support for pages. A separate module provides interactive version support in the page editor. I've built this module initially so that I can test versions more easily, but it'll be expanded to provide a lot more. Below is a screenshot if what it looks like in the page editor Settings tab so far: As you can see, you can Edit or Restore any existing version. You can also create a new version from the Live version, or any other version. And of course you can view and delete any versions. When you Restore a version, it essentially replaces the live version with the one that you are restoring. All of this can be done from the module's API as well. Note that the API is provided by a $pagesVersions API variable that is present when PagesVersions module is installed. The API method names and such are a bit verbose right now but may be simplified before it's final. // Get page and add a new version of it $page = $pages->get(1234); $page->title = 'New title'; $version = $pagesVersions->addPageVersion($page); echo $version; // i.e. "2" // Get version 2 of a page $pageV2 = $pagesVersions->getPageVersion($page, 2); // Update a version of a page $pageV2->title = "Updated title"; $pagesVersions->savePageVersion($pageV2); // Restore version to live page $pagesVersions->restorePageVersion($pageV2); // Delete page version $pagesVersions->deletePageVersion($pageV2); Thanks for reading! More next week.
    28 points
  37. After 8 months in development we are excited to bring you ProcessWire 3.0.226 main/master. This version has a ton of great new features, improvements and optimizations, plus more than 100 issue fixes. This post takes an in-depth look at highlights from this great new version. While there's even more in this version than is covered fully here, we hope this gives you a good taste of what you'll find in 3.0.226! https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.226/
    28 points
  38. Sometimes you need to execute a slow task after some event occurs in the PW admin, and normally you have to wait for this task to finish before you can continue using the admin. This is because PHP is "blocking", meaning that while one thing is executing nothing else can execute. There are potentially lots of different kinds of tasks that could be slow, but just as an example suppose you want to generate resized variations of images on a page, and there are a lot of images. You might have a hook like this so that any non-existing variations are created when the page is saved: $pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function(HookEvent $event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(0); // When a gallery page is saved if($page->template == 'gallery') { // Create an image variation for each image foreach($page->images as $image) { $image->size(1200, 1200); } } }); When you save a gallery page in the PW admin, the admin will be unresponsive and will only load again after all the variations have been created. I wanted to find a way for slow tasks to be triggered by events in the PW admin and for the website editor not to have to wait for the task to finish before continuing with other work in the admin. Inspired by this StackOverflow answer I came up with the following solution that seems to work well. Using the image variations task above as an example... First we make use of the URL hooks feature to set up a URL that can trigger tasks to run when it is loaded: // A URL that will trigger tasks when loaded $wire->addHook('/run-task/', function($event) { $input = $event->wire()->input; // A simple check to avoid unauthorised access // You could implement more advanced checks if needed if($input->post('key') !== 'cTdPMBQ7x8b7') return false; // Allow the script to keep running even though we have set a short WireHttp timeout ignore_user_abort(true); // The "create variations" task if($input->post('task') === 'create-variations') { $page_id = (int) $input->post('page'); $p = $event->wire()->pages->get($page_id); // Create an image variation for each image foreach($p->images as $image) { $image->size(1200, 1200); } return true; } return false; }); Then in the Pages::saveReady hook we use WireHttp to load that URL and post parameters that define what task to run and anything else needed for the task (in this case the ID of the page that has been saved). $pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function(HookEvent $event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(0); // When a gallery page is saved if($page->template == 'gallery') { // Load the /run-task/ URL using WireHttp $http = new WireHttp(); // Set a short timeout so we don't have to wait until the script finishes // Timeout values shorter than 1 second can be tried once a core issue is fixed // https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1773 $http->setTimeout(1); $url = $event->wire()->config->urls->httpRoot . 'run-task/'; $data = [ 'key' => 'cTdPMBQ7x8b7', 'task' => 'create-variations', 'page' => $page->id, ]; $http->post($url, $data, ['use' => 'curl']); } }); By doing it this way the task runs in a separate request and the website editor doesn't have to wait for it to finish before they can continue working in the PW admin.
    28 points
  39. The new dev branch version 3.0.222 contains about 20 commits and 16 issue resolutions. In terms of new features, last week I mentioned some upgrades to WireHttp, and below are this week's additions: Multi-language month and day names The WireDateTime class (aka the $datetime API variable) has been updated to support multi-language month and day names. Now all month and days are translatable in the WireDateTime file (/wire/core/WireDateTime.php). So if you request any date in a format that uses month names or abbreviations, or day names or abbreviations, they now support multi-language, whether you requested it from the wireDate() function or the $datetime API variable. ProcessWire has long supported multi-language month and day names when using a PHP version prior to 8.1 and you've requested a strftime date format that uses them. But PHP 8.1 dropped the multi-language supporting strftime() function, without leaving a suitable replacement. PHP's IntlDateFormatter can't be relied upon since it's not always compiled with PHP. But as of PW 3.0.222, now we have a suitable replacement. Though it does require you to translate the 7 days and 12 months for file /wire/core/WireDateTime.php using ProcessWire's language translation tool. Note that unlike the previous strftime() solution, the new solution no longer requires you to use strftime() format codes and you can instead use regular date formats and they will be translated automatically. New conditional hooks that match by argument type Another new addition this week is support for conditional hooks that match by argument type. I think this is especially useful combined with ProcessWire's custom page class support. It enables you to make a hook apply only to methods containing arguments of a specific type. For instance, if you had a custom page class "ProductPage" for template "product" and you wanted to capture the "Pages::saved" event for pages of that type (ProductPage) you could do so like this: $wire->addHook('Pages::saved(<ProductPage>)', function($event) { $product = $event->arguments(0); /** @var ProductPage $product */ $event->message("ProductPage '$product->title' has been saved"); }); In addition to supporting class or interface names, you can also specify regular PHP types such as <array>, <string>, <int>, <object>, etc. For more details on this type of hook see the new Conditional hooks that match argument type section of the Hooks documentation. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    28 points
  40. Before the recent and major core updates to WireCache and Modules, we were on track to get a new main/master version out. I'd like to get back to that, as we are now 10 dev versions ahead of the main/master branch, and with some pretty good and major improvements. That's why I've been focused largely on minor issue fixes the last couple of weeks, getting into more of the fine tuning stuff, and likely will be the next couple of weeks as well. Thank you for opening issue reports as you come across stuff to report. Thanks also to @matjazp who's been helping out in the issues repo, maintaining existing reports and often helping to solve them too. I'm thinking we may have a new main/master version ready soon as July, next month. Most of next week I'll be in New Orleans attending the gymnastics nationals where my 10 year old daughter is competing. Since I'll be out of town, there likely won't be a lot of commits next week. Though there may be enough to bump to the next version, 3.0.221, I'm not sure yet. In any case, have a great weekend and week ahead!
    28 points
  41. The ProcessPageList module now has a configuration setting where you can select pages that should not be shown in the page list. For example, maybe once you've set up your 404 page, you don't really need it to display there anymore, except maybe in debug mode. Or maybe you don't ever need the "Admin" page to display in the page list. This new feature lets you do that, and for any page that you decide. Next, a "Usage" fields has been added to the "Basics" tab in the Field editor, just like the one in the Template editor (requested feature #445). This shows you what fields are using the template. It's essentially the same information that you'll find in the "Actions > Add or remove from templates" feature, but easier to find, especially for people newer to PW. That's all for this week, I hope you have a great weekend!
    28 points
  42. In the last couple of weeks I've been working on the page versions support in ProcessWire (recap here and here). This week the new PagesVersions module was committed to the core. Though please consider it very much "beta" at this stage. Along with this, the core dev branch version was bumped to 3.0.232. The API reference page for PagesVersions is now live here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages-versions/. Note that the module is not installed by default, but once running 3.0.232, it can be installed by going in your admin to Modules > Wire > Pages > PagesVersions. In addition, a related development module named PagesVersionsPro has also been released. This module uses the new API from the core PagesVersions module. This module will eventually be merged with or replace ProDrafts. The new PagesVersionsPro support board and module is currently visible to ProDrafts, ProFields and ProDevTools subscribers here. Unlike ProDrafts, PagesVersionsPro gets all of its version abilities from the core, and instead just focuses on providing an interactive interface to them in the page editor. To word it another way, the module does not extend the PagesVersions module in the way that ListerPro extends Lister. Instead, it just provides a web interface for it. I think this is a better long term and more sustainable strategy for handling version support. Core version 3.0.232 also adds version support for nested repeaters and FieldsetPage fields. Support was added in those Fieldtypes directly. Still remaining are PageTable (core) and Table (ProFields), both of which will need their own implementations for versions like Repeater and FieldsetPage needed. But following that, there won't be any unsupported fieldtypes to my knowledge. ProcessWire Weekly published its 500th issue! Congratulations and big thanks to @teppo for his incredible work with ProcessWire Weekly, it is truly outstanding! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    27 points
  43. This week we've got a few minor issue fixes and a couple of pull request additions on the dev branch. Pull request #251 thanks to @Jan Romero added a download button to the thumbnail images in InputfieldImage. I wasn't sure we really needed that, but really liked his thinking behind it, which was envisioning the ability to add more custom buttons/actions for images. So while I didn't specifically add the download button, I added the proposed system for adding any custom buttons, and then applied that same thinking to some other parts of InputfieldImage. And we'll talk about how to add that Download button here. 🙂 First, let's look at how you might add your own download button, and note we're using this as just an example, as you might add any kind of button this way. A new hookable getImageThumbnailActions() method was added for this purpose. So here's how you might hook it (in /site/ready.php) to add a download button: $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getImageThumbnailActions', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage $class = $event->arguments(3); // class to use on all returned actions $a = $event->return; // array $icon = wireIconMarkup('download'); $a['download'] = "<a class='$class' href='$image->url' download>$icon</a>"; $event->return = $a; }); With that hook in place, here's what it looks like when you hover a thumbnail image. And if you click that Download icon, it downloads the file to your computer: or in list mode (download icon appears in right corner next to trash): I was thinking it would be useful to also be able to add custom actions after you click the thumbnail, and it shows the image edit features. So let's add a Download button there instead, by hooking the new getImageEditButtons() method: $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getImageEditButtons', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage $class = $event->arguments(3); // class(es) to use on all returned actions $buttons = $event->return; // array, indexed by action name $icon = wireIconMarkup('download'); $buttons['download'] = "<button class='$class'><a download href='$image->url'>$icon Download</a></button>"; $event->return = $buttons; }); And the result looks like this (see new Download button after Variations button): We also have that Actions dropdown that you see in the screenshot above. This is already hookable but we've not had any good examples of it. In this case, you need two hooks: one to add the action to the <select> and another to handle the processing of the action when the page is saved. So in our next example, we'll demonstrate how to display verbose EXIF information about whatever image(s) the action was selected for. In this first hook, we'll add the action to the Actions <select>: // Example of adding an “Get EXIF data” action to the <select> $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getFileActions', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage if($image->ext == 'jpg' || $image->ext == 'jpeg') { $actions = $event->return; // array $actions['exif'] = 'Get EXIF data'; $event->return = $actions; } }); And in this next hook, we'll handle the action, which gets called when the page editor form is submitted: // Example of handling an “Get EXIF data” action $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::processUnknownFileAction', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); $action = $event->arguments(1); if($action === 'exif' && file_exists($image->filename)) { $exif = exif_read_data($image->filename); $event->warning([ "EXIF data for $image->name" => $exif ], 'icon-photo nogroup'); $event->return = true; } }); And here's what it shows after you hit save (for any images that had the action selected): The screenshot above is truncated because it was about twice is big as what's above. All the above code examples are also included in the phpdoc for each of the relevant hookable methods in the InputfieldImage module. For another recent useful addition, be sure to check out ProcessWire Weekly #454 (last week) which covered some new options available for the language translation functions like __text('hello'); where you can now tell it what kind of input type (and how many rows) to use in the admin translation interface, via inline PHP comments. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great weekend!
    27 points
  44. This week we have ProcessWire 3.0.201 on the dev branch which includes a couple minor fixes but also a couple of useful additions: There are new "Tab" field visibility options available for any field in the page editor. This makes the field display in its own page editor tab. It saves you from having to create a new/separate Tab field just to wrap around an existing field to make it display in a tab. So far I've found it particularly useful with ProFields (Combo, Table, Textareas, RepeaterMatrix) as well as the core Repeater, FieldsetPage and Images fields. For instance, I have a Combo field labeled "SEO" that lets me edit browser_title, meta_description, canonical_url, etc., and now I can add that field to any template and pages using that template have their own "SEO" tab. Sure you could do this before by creating a separate tab field with an "SEO" label, but now it's a lot simpler/faster, as any field can now display as a tab on its own. Like with the other visibility modes, also included are options to make the tab load dynamically on click with ajax or make the value non-editable. You can also optionally specify a label for the tab independently of the field label. This is because usually you want tab labels to be very short (1 word is best) whereas field labels have no such need. Please note that this new Tab option is exclusive to the page editor, and in order to work the field must not already be in a tab. Also added this week is a new $page->getMultiple() method. This method works the same as the $page->get() method except that it lets you retrieve multiple page property/field values at once and returns them in an array. For example: $a = $page->getMultiple([ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]); list($foo, $bar, $baz) = $a; It also accepts a CSV string: $a = $page->getMultiple('foo,bar,baz'); By default it returns a regular PHP array, suitable for using in list() like the first example. But if you want it to return an associative array instead, then specify true as the 2nd argument: $a = $page->getMultiple('foo,bar,baz', true); echo $a['foo']; echo $a['bar']; echo $a['baz']; I find this method useful in reducing the amount of code/lines necessary in many cases, and most often I use it in combination with a PHP list() call, i.e. list($title,$subtitle,$body) = $page->getMultiple('title,subtitle,body'); That's all for this week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    27 points
  45. I developed the new Geffen Playhouse website over the course of 2018/2019 and launched it in September 2019. It has been perhaps the largest project I have been involved in. The Geffen Playhouse went through an entire re-branding done by Base (including a custom font), and I worked with Teak on the new website. Website https://www.geffenplayhouse.org/ Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geffen_Playhouse Base write-up https://www.basedesign.com/work/geffen-playhouse-always-geffen-playhouse-always-new Teak SF write-up https://teaksf.com/work/geffen-playhouse-ticketing-ecommerce-website-design/ Another write-up: https://www.laurentakayama.com/geffen Their previous website was severely antiquated and it wasn't a responsive website (as of 2019!). Instead, it forwarded mobile users to a "mobile-friendly" website on a different subdomain, which I think was hosted by a third party service. However the data containing all the actors, shows, seasons, news and press articles were all in there. So one major aspect of this website was de-duping and importing their data into ProcessWire, along with some post-import cleaning… that's ~25 years of data. The site is built with UIkit 3 for the most part, and also uses FullCalendar for the large and small calendars. There is a custom integration with AudienceView, their ticketing system, which is used to import all the performance showtimes of their shows into ProcessWire. It's not the easiest API to work with (XML), but I eventually got it working. Repeater Matrix is being heavily used for section-based page building. Building out all the necessary matrix types took a long time as there was quite a bit of thinking what types and layouts we needed as we went along. However the end result has given the editors a lot of flexibility. ProCache is being used as well, including a CDN for all assets. This is crucial because when opening season sales are announced, the site gets slammed, but with caching turned on, it's not a problem anymore. On a deeper level, the site uses my new (well 2 years old now), universal and very opinionated base module that provides a menu builder, a standard set of fields/templates/pages, and a bunch of other tweaks that I tend to use on every site. All the fields, templates and pages are set up in a streamlined and editor friendly way. I wasn't able to access their previous CMS backend for various reasons (I only got the MySQL dump), so when developing the site and data model in ProcessWire, I was able to completely re-envision the editor experience and the data model without bias. A quote from one of the marketing directors at Geffen Playhouse: "We absolutely love ProcessWire." More details on my personal website: https://jonathanlahijani.com/projects/geffen-playhouse/
    27 points
  46. The next dev version of ProcessWire is in progress but I'll wait till likely next week to bump the version. So far there are 6 new pull requests added since 3.0.179 and 2 issue resolutions, plus some other updates, with plenty more on the way. A lot of focus this week has also been on FormBuilder updates which include new spam filtering options, improved save-to-page options, improved Combo field support, new entries actions (and the ability to add more via modules and hooks), framework updates, and various minor bug fixes. This version has a lot of nice improvements and I'm hoping to have it ready for you in the next week or so. More details soon. Have a great weekend!
    27 points
  47. The TinyMCE 6 rich text editor opens up a lot of new and useful abilities for ProcessWire users. In this post, we'll take a look at a few of them, and how you can start using them now, with a focus on those that are unique to ProcessWire's implementation of TinyMCE— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/
    26 points
  48. If you haven't yet noticed it, @teppo has hit the 500th issue of PW Weekly! That is a ridiculously massive milestone and an amazing achievement, and after some quick maths, also tells me that he's held strong for almost 10 years now! I'm not sure what's more surprising, that he's managed to keep it going continuously for this long, or that I remember when he started it... That's a long darn time. I may not be a hugely active member of the community, but I'm darn proud to be a part of it regardless. Thank you so much for your devotion to the PW Weekly project, @teppo!!!!
    26 points
  49. https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/ Hello everybody! Today I want to share a project that I've been working on for a year or so: The new website for municipal Kaumberg - a beautiful village near Vienna. To be honest, this project was way more work than I initially expected. The site has tons of content and the client came with lots of good ideas during the process of building this site. For example after we launched the site several organisations of the village realized that the system works great and is easy to use, so they wanted their own section with their own color scheme... Right now the system is maintained by several user accounts that populate content to the site. Some of them only in the news-section, others are allowed to publish to the sub-sites (eg for the fire department). Recently we won the 2nd price out of 190 cities in lower austria - where Kaumberg was by far the smallest one also having the smallest budget of the top rated cities! ### NOTE ### This system was built with scalability in mind. If you know any other municipals (preferable in a german speaking country) that could possibly need a new website using my setup write me a PM. If you are a marketing guru and know how we can sell this product to 100s of municipals, let me know. I know how to do that from the technical point of view ? ### HIGHLIGHTS ### CONTENT Custom multi-level menu for managing loads of content pages that also works well with keyboard navigation ? --- EVENT MANAGEMENT Events are managed via the PW backend and presented as calendar on the website plus can be downloaded as PDF calendar in A3 format for printing: --- CONTENT BLOCKS I've developed a new (private) module called RockMatrix for versatile, easy and fool-proof content creation for this project. This setup ensures that even non-tech-savvy users can create content that looks nice and works on all devices from desktop to mobile: --- SITE SEARCH Another new module that was developed for this project is RockSearch. I hate site searches that do work on the first sight but do not on the second. For example if they show older results on top of newer ones. Or if they do not index content that is not stored within a regular text field but for example as image description. On the other hand I did not want to use ElasticSearch because it seemed to be overhead to send data to another service that is already stored in the database of my PW installation... RockSearch shows results based on different weighing mechanisms, for exampe a search for the garbage collection schedule first shows results that are nearer to the current date than others (both future and past). That means that a date two days in the future will be shown above one that is 10 days in the past. Also results get different score based on where the term was found - matches in the site title get higher scores than matches in the body or in image descriptions or the like. Each content block is a RockMatrix block that has a render() method to define the output on the website and - for RockSearch - has a method called "searchIndex()" that defines the content that is written to the search index that is queried for every search request: This setup makes it super easy to add new content elements and to add them to the search index ? --- SUB-SITES The client can create sub-sites for different organisations of the village having custom color schemes and managing user access: News can be tagged to show up on different areas of the website: --- OTHER The site uses no cookies and can therefore be used without an annoying cookie banner. Page hit statistics are gathered by PageHitCounter and shown by RockHitCounter Some other little features are short-links for social media (eg https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/goto-1027 ) or the possibility for creating custom subdomains for sub-sites like http://araburg.kaumberg.at/ I'm quite sure I forgot lots of great stuff, but I hope you enjoyed reading this article nevertheless ? Looking forward to your feedback!
    26 points
  50. All the updates I mentioned last week are committed on the dev branch today, and it's quite a lot of new code and revised code. There's enough here to justify a couple of version bumps, but I'm leaving it at 3.0.185 temporarily because the ProcessWireUpgrade module will see the version change and some people might upgrade automatically. Because there's so much that's been rewritten, refactored, added and changed here, I'd like it to marinate for a week on the dev branch before it triggers any upgrade notifications. Our dev branch tends to be very stable, and this is one week where there's enough new code that I don't want to call it as-stable-as-usual just yet (though it might very well be). In addition, it's also not totally finished as there's still some redundant code to be removed and stuff that needs to be moved around a bit, though everything should be fully functional as-is. I am running it here on the processwire.com site without any issues, so chances are that all is good, but I always like to be cautious. Below is a summary of what's new and changed. It's a bit technical, and there's nothing here that's all that important to know about, but whether you read on or not, just know that the core is getting even better and faster with updates like these. The core PagePaths module has been refactored and has multi-language support. Previously it only worked on single-language sites. Now multi-language sites can take advantage of potentially significant performance improvements offered by this module. This is one module that is not installed by default, but it's definitely worth installing: Modules > Core > PagePaths. The core LanguageSupportPageNames module has been refactored. Assuming I did it well, you shouldn't notice any difference other than that it's faster. For instance, one of the changes is that it drops its old indexes on the pages table and re-creates them in a different way. I discovered some situations where finding pages by multi-language path was resulting in full pages table scans. Using MySQL “explain” statements I found I could prevent that by reversing the order of the columns in the language-specific indexes, preventing the full table scan and making it many times faster. This could make a big difference on large multi-language sites, but is less likely to be noticed on smaller sites. The LanguageSupportPageNames module also gained a new configuration setting that lets you specify what should happen when a page is accessed at a language it's not available in: throw a 404 or redirect to the default language. The core PagePathHistory module has been refactored. It has a powerful new getPathInfo() method, though it's primarily of interest for internal core use. A new PagesRequest class has been added to the core and it can be accessed from $pages->request(). It primarily focuses on one hookable method: $pages->request()->getPage(). The method accepts no arguments but it analyzes the current request, identifies the page to render, and returns it. Previously this logic was in the ProcessPageView module. The benefit of this method is that you can now determine the page to render much earlier, like during the boot process. Previously the current page wasn't identified until after PW booted and the ProcessPageView module loaded. This will enable [for example] a module such as SessionAllow to decide whether or not to allow sessions based on what page was requested. In addition, this method is hookable, so you could have a module that adds its own logic to identify or change the page that should be rendered. A new PagesPathFinder class has been added to the core and can be accessed from $pages->pathFinder(). Like the PagesRequest class, this new class primarily focuses on one method: $pages->pathFinder()->get($path). The given $path can contain any page path, optionally containing language prefix, URL segments, pagination numbers, or even a previously named version of the path. It will find and validate that path and return an array of information about it. PagesPathFinder does its job very quickly. In fact, it's about 10 times faster (in testing/timing locally) than PW could previously identify this information using existing methods. PagesPathFinder will also take advantage of the PagePaths and/or PagePathHistory modules when appropriate, if they are installed. Below is an example of what the return value would be for path /es/hello/bar/baz/page3 where /es/ is the language prefix, /hello/ is the actual page, /bar/baz/ are the URL segments and /page3 is the pagination number segment. It analyzes everything out and returns a 200 "ok" response if the path is good, or in this case, it's returning a redirect because it detected a Spanish URL with English page name and pagination prefix, and it's suggesting a redirect: $info = $pages->pathFinder()->get('/es/hello/bar/baz/page3'); [ 'request' => '/es/hello/bar/baz/page3', // path that was requested 'response' => 301, // one of 200 (ok), 301 (permRedirect), 302 (tempRedirect), 404 (pageNotFound), 414 (pathTooLong) 'type' => 'permRedirect', // ok, permRedirect, tempRedirect, pagePathError, pageNotFound or pathTooLong 'errors' => [], // array of error messages indexed by error name 'redirect' => '/es/hola/bar/baz/pagina3', // suggested path to redirect to, blank otherwise 'page' => [ // info about page that was matched 'id' => 1237, 'parent_id' => 1232, 'templates_id' => 12, 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'hello' ], 'language' => [ 'name' => 'spanish', // name of language detected 'segment' => 'es', // segment prefix in path (if any) 'status' => 1 // language status where 1 is on, 0 is off ], 'parts' => [ // all the parts of the path identified [ 'type' => 'language', 'value' => 'es', 'language' => 'spanish' ], [ 'type' => 'pageName', 'value' => 'hello', 'language' => 'default' ], [ 'type' => 'urlSegment', 'value' => 'bar', 'language' => '' ], [ 'type' => 'urlSegment', 'value' => 'baz', 'language' => '' ], [ 'type' => 'pageNum', 'value' => 'page3', 'language' => 'default' ] ], 'urlSegments' => [ // URL segments identified in order 'bar', 'baz' ], 'urlSegmentStr' => 'bar/baz', // URL segment string 'pageNum' => 3, // requested pagination number 'pageNumPrefix' => 'page', // prefix used in pagination number 'scheme' => 'https', // blank if no scheme required, https or http if one of those is required 'method' => 'pagesRow', // method(s) that were used to find the page ] While you might never need to use this method yourself, ProcessWire now uses it on every request. And now that this logic is isolated from ProcessPageView and has a dedicated $pages API, it's much more open and we can, for example, more easily apply tests to this logic. I've covered a few updates here but there's more if you feel like digging in the commit log https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commits/dev. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    26 points
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