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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Admin Theme Canvas A minimal admin theme with optimised page editor UI, based on Uikit 3. Currently this is close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly. This theme is tested in all major Browsers including IE 11, Edge (>85), Chrome (>85), Firefox (>81), Safari (>11). If you find any bugs or have ideas for improvements, feel free to post your feedback. Download from Github Download from Modules Page Features Minimal black and white admin theme Fixed masthead navigation Direct access to page tree navigation inside page dropdown Less distraction for editors (when editing a page, the tabs are displayed as a dropdown menu inside the main navigation) Options to customise the ui Less distraction for editors Direct access to page tree navigation inside dropdown Page tree Options to customise the ui Login (inspired by AdminThemeBoss) Requirements Process Wire 3.0.100 or greater Installation Go to “Modules > Site > Add New“ Paste the Module Class Name “AdminThemeCanvas“ into the field “Add Module From Directory“ Click “Download And Install“ On the overview, click “Download And Install“ again… On the following screen, click “Install Now“ Go to your user profile page and change the theme to Admin Theme Canvas
    9 points
  2. @jploch - this really does look very nice - much cleaner and more professional. I really appreciate the hard work that's gone into it and I would love to use it, but unfortunately for me it always comes back to the fact that themes in PW tend to end up out of date when Ryan applies fixes and new features so I find it's just not worth the risk. Am I the only one that feels this way?
    3 points
  3. Just a little follow-up to this topic, my new ProcessWire tutorial site processwire.dev (see the discussion thread) is built as a static site, using 11ty. It was super fun to build, and easy to get that coveted 100/100 lighthouse score with ? I see the following advantages of using a static site generator for this project: The big one (at least for me): All the content is under version control! (see the source code here). Having the content stored as markdown files also means I could use my regular code editor (VS Code) to seamlessly switch between templating / developent and writing (though of course that only applies to developers). Being able to search all files (i.e. the entire site) was also super useful for correcting common typos and stuff like that. The site fits comfortably in the free tier on Netlify, so hosting is completely free for me (except the .dev domain, of course). But since it's a static site there's zero vender lock-in, I could switch to Vercel or any regular webhosting package in a few minutes. Having a build step on a linux environment with NodeJS enables all sorts of fun stuff that wouldn't be feasible to do on the fly, especially on shared webhosting packages with a limited environment. For instance, I wrote a fun little script that generates preview images using a special template and a headless browser that takes screenshots programmatically using Puppeteer. See the generated example image below. Not super necessary, but fun ? I published the script on NPM (generate-preview-images) if you want to give it a try, though it's a super alpha version and not really documented yet. So yeah, I think static site generators are going places. 11ty in particular is pretty cool, though it's kind of barebones at the moment and still missing some features that you already have in ProcessWire.
    2 points
  4. Single Site, Developer and Agency Licenses are available via our LemonSqueezy Store >>> Please get in contact after purchasing, citing your license key & forum username, so we can add you to our support area. <<< This is a module pack by Nifty Solutions for Processwire CMF/CMS version 3.0.149 or later (running on PHP 7.2+) that extends the core features for password recovery making them more flexible and easy to use. Features Can send just the verification code in emails (removing the clickable link), and immediately show the reset verification page. This forces the reset to be completed in the same session it was started from. Allow the password reset to be initiated in one session and completed in another. You no longer have to complete the reset from the same browser and tab. There are options to allow you to still require reset completion from the same IP address. Prevention of incorrect data entry in the reset initiation step, users are warned if they enter an email in a username field. Optional customisation of the verification code. Can make manual and/or mouse-based copy-and-paste from the email easier. Optional auto-completion of the verification code field in the password reset step. This makes things easier for users as they don't have to copy-and-paste from their email client. Be warned, however, that this can facilitate automated reset attempts. Control how long reset links are valid for (sometimes an hour is much too long) and update the text of outgoing emails and reset screens to report the new value. Optionally allowing automatic user login following a successful password reset. This is not recommended but is supported. This option is never available to Superusers or users with 2-factor authentication requirements on their accounts. You can additionally limit this to users with specific roles. Allows the reset process to require input of the user's Time-based one-time (TOTP) value - if they have TOTP setup on their account. You can also mandate the entry of a valid TOTP in order to complete a password reset. The TOTP field extends ProcessForgotPassword and operates with or without NiftyPasswordsPlus. Works by extending the core ProcessForgotPassword module so it works on the Admin login page and your custom LoginRegisterPro pages. You'll also get access to NiftyHashedTokens in your template and module files - a HMAC-Hashed key-to-value store, providing tamper-detection of the key and controlling how many times it may be accessed in a given period along with IP address checking. Pre-Requisites This requires PHP7.2 or better and a recent copy of Processwire with the ProcessForgotPassword and InputfieldSelect modules installed. Installation After purchase you will have access to the latest version of the pack as a single zip file.If this is your first Nifty installation: simply unzip the file in a temporary location and transfer the resulting Nifty folder into the site/modules directory of your site. Then refresh the modules in Processwire and install the NiftyPasswordsPlus module.If you already have other Nifty products installed: unzip the file in a temporary location and look in the Nifty folder you unpacked. Copy any new subdirectories from there into your existing site/modules/Nifty directory. Log in to Processwire, refresh your modules and install NiftyPasswordsPlus. You will need to acknowledge the disclaimer, enabling the module in order to proceed. Refunds We offer a no-questions-asked refund policy in the first 14 days from the date and time of your purchase. Settings Step 1: Step 2: Gives options changing how the reset link works. Verification code customisation options: This can lead to much simpler codes in the reset emails... Step 3: If you install FieldtypeUserTOTPValue as well, you also have additional options to require TOTP 2FA for reset. Step 4: Additional settings: FieldtypeUserTOTPValue allows you to add TOTP as a confirm field in ProcessForgotPassword: Which then requires the user doing the reset to enter their TOTP 2FA code (if set on their account) in order to reset their password: If the user does not have TOTP set up on their account, they just leave this blank. If they do have TOTP set up, they need to enter the current value. If you are using this along with NiftyPasswordsPlus, then you can additionally enforce role-based requirements for entry of a correct TOTP value in order for password reset to work. It does this by hooking FieldtypeUserTOTPValue's RequireTfa() method. You can do the same from your site/ready.php file to add any additional checks you'd like for your particular site. We currently only support TOTP 2FA as it is simple, avoids sending another email (in case email is compromised) and the bar to user adoption is quite low. Finally, we have NiftyHashedTokens: Single Site, Developer and Agency Licenses are available via our LemonSqueezy Store >>> Please get in contact after purchasing, citing your license key & forum username, so we can add you to our support area. <<<
    1 point
  5. Thanks, that helps a lot. Should now be all sorted, along with a couple of other settings savings issues I just noticed. I have also included the fix I added for @helin's issue. Let me know how it goes for you.
    1 point
  6. ProcessWire 3.0.165 (with default Uikit admin theme) Google Chrome 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) I did more tests and I can only delete the last rule. So, if I want to delete the 1st or the 3rd etc, first I have set it as the last one, press the submit button to save the order list and then I can delete it. Also tested on Firefox 83.0 (64-bit) and I'm getting the following console error if I try to delete any rule except the last one: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).val() is undefined <anonymous> https://mysite.test/site/modules/ProcessCustomUploadNames/ProcessCustomUploadNames.js?v=1.2.9:68 jQuery 2 <anonymous> https://mysite.test/site/modules/ProcessCustomUploadNames/ProcessCustomUploadNames.js?v=1.2.9:59 jQuery 9 <anonymous> https://mysite.test/site/modules/ProcessCustomUploadNames/ProcessCustomUploadNames.js?v=1.2.9:54 jQuery 11
    1 point
  7. @fruid - not sure about the error, but I am not using your version - add some debug code in Pageimage.php around line 1644 to see the value of the image that is trying to be installed - that should help you debug. Regarding the deleteFolder option, "false" in quotes won't work. Because this is a checkbox field, you want: 0 Look at the code in the executeAction method and you can see it casts the value as bool so 0 ends up as false, but a proper false, rather than the string "false". Hope that solves that part at least.
    1 point
  8. I don't honestly know if there are enough things hookable to make the changes you have implemented. tpr has changed a lot of functionality with the AOS module, so lots can be done, but I don't think it's necessarily easy. I expect it might be more JS than PHP to achieve what you want which seems a bit inefficient for this.
    1 point
  9. Thanks @teppo! I will look into this and will merge your PR then ? Sounds like a very useful addition to me
    1 point
  10. HA! you do know what i mean then!!! ? well I'll shut up then.
    1 point
  11. Well... I've read your post 3 times and think I understand what you mean. I don't think that there is any common definition what a migration exactly is. There are too many different scenarios where the term can be used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migration I'm mainly using it in my modules nowadays with the migrate() function to get consistent field/template/page setups that I can use and quickly change in the codebase that is version controlled: $this->rm()->migrate([ 'fields' => [ 'foo' => [ 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Text1', "inputfieldClass" => "InputfieldCKEditor", "contentType" => 1, ], ], ]); This could simply be changed and committed: $this->rm()->migrate([ 'fields' => [ 'foo' => [ 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Text1', "inputfieldClass" => "InputfieldCKEditor", "contentType" => 1, ], 'bar' => [ 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Text2', "inputfieldClass" => "InputfieldCKEditor", "contentType" => 1, ], ], ]); Then simply run a git pull on the server and I have the same setup as locally.
    1 point
  12. Am I right in saying that this module is less about migrations and more about automation? As using methods to do work using handy functions in a linear way sounds like automation to me, where as migration is something I want to do when I have a bunch of stuff that has happened to the environment that needs replication for some reason (i.e exporting and importing fomr staging to live). I only mention it as ideally you would work on your PW install (in the admin or in code) and at certain points take a migration of the changes... and therefore not need to hand write the migrations at all, as they're actaully artifacts of changes to the db? Bit meta, but I like using the admin, and would rather migrations were something that happened, not that needed writing. (this is coming from some experience with a migrations module in Drupal 6... yes i know! That did just as explained)
    1 point
  13. Hi friends, just 7 months ago, I was "just" a designer and a rather semi-developer, still struggling with WordPress sites and more often than not delegating that work to pros. ProcessWire really helped me realising that it's not that hard after all (well it's still hard but it's doable) and you learn a lot just by doing it which has to be true for all developers anyway. So I started coding myself, I might also have to thank the 2020 pandemic to help me focus a bit more than usual, I created a bunch of websites using PW already – one of which I can't wait to put on showcases but it's still not live yet. That is one big personal milestone for me. The next milestone would be to give something back, and so I'd like to take on contributing some code I wrote, namely a event calendar for anyone to use. It's my first attempt doing this so please don't eat me alive. It's not a PW module yet (that's the plan however) just a git but I'm positive it will be useful once it works – well it works but it still needs more work – because if I had found a module that came close I wouldn't have started coding it myself :D With that, I will appreciate all input, be it how to improve the .js (probably especially), or the templates, or guidance how to proceed turning this into a PW-module, and of course, in that last process, no pun intended, suggestions to make it more versatile for different needs. git: github.com/bbblgmsp/ProcessEventCalendar demo: http://foobar.roofaccess.org/events/ Thank you!
    1 point
  14. Markup Regions work by having markup appear before the opening <html> tag. Reference: https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/output/markup-regions/#technical-details-of-how-markup-regions-work So when hooking TemplateFile::render you would insert the HTML that will populate a Markup Region at the start of the rendered template file output, so it will appear before the contents of the auto-appended _main.php. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('TemplateFile::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $template_file = $event->object; $out = $event->return; // If the template file being rendered is basic_page.php... if($template_file->filename === $event->wire()->config->paths->templates . 'basic_page.php') { // ...then prepend the following Markup Region markup $my_region = <<<EOT <div id="body"> <p>Hello world</p> </div><!--#body--> EOT; $event->return = $my_region . $out; } });
    1 point
  15. Hey folks, I love the discussion, but please, we are getting OT ?. This thread is for Tailwind CSS. Please open a separate topic (if one doesn't already exist) if you wish to discuss other frameworks. Thanks ?.
    1 point
  16. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. ? The "Admin theme settings (Uikit)" options don't exist for the standard Fieldset fieldtype (FieldsetOpen) so that wouldn't work, and in any case the location of the module settings fields doesn't determine whether or not they can appear in template context. But in the newly released v0.1.6 I have added support for defining the Minimal Fieldset settings in template context so this should cover what you're wanting to do.
    1 point
  17. Awesome — thanks Joshua! Just a heads-up: I've opened a new PR for you to check out at https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/pull/10. This is quite opinionated, so let me know if you don't feel it's a great match with the module. Basically what I've added is support for the textformatter module to replace embedded media/video iframes with PrivacyWire enabled ones. It's mainly a compatibility layer for TextformatterVideoEmbed ?
    1 point
  18. Back in 2005/6, I built a SSG/CMS combination application, based on a Perl Framework that I had written. The magazines' editors input their stories via a CMS login, and then, when they were done, they clicked a button that sent a special secure command to the server to run a script that generated all of the pages as static HTML files. It generated thousands of pages blazingly quickly. Having done that, I think ProcessWire with ProCache accomplishes the same thing, since it also writes HTML files. But... ProcessWire is SO much better than my application ever was, for so many reasons. ProcessWire with ProCache gives us the best of both worlds. Peter
    1 point
  19. v0.0.19 adds support for RepeaterFields @zoeck $rm->migrate([ 'fields' => [ 'my_repeater_field' => [ 'type' => 'repeater', 'label' => 'This is my great repeater field', 'repeaterFields' => ['title', 'body', 'images'], ], ], ]);
    1 point
  20. v0.0.11 adds support for repeater matrix fields ? Thx to @aComAdi of https://www.a-commerce.ch/ for sponsoring this update! ? $rm->setMatrixItems('your_matrix_field', [ 'foo' => [ 'label' => 'foo label', 'fields' => ['field1', 'field2'], ], 'bar' => [ 'label' => 'bar label', 'fields' => ['field1', 'field3'], ], ]);
    1 point
  21. This part of the domain is set in the settings tab of the homepage on the name field(s).
    1 point
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