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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Sanitizer EasySlugger Allows the use of the EasySlugger library as Sanitizer methods. Installation Install the Sanitizer EasySlugger module. Usage The module adds four new sanitizer methods. slugger($string, $options) Similar to $sanitizer->pageName() - I'm not sure if there are any advantages over that method. Included because it is one of the methods offered by EasySlugger. $slug = $sanitizer->slugger('Lorem Ipsum'); // Result: lorem-ipsum utf8Slugger($string, $options) Creates slugs from non-latin alphabets. $slug = $sanitizer->utf8Slugger('这个用汉语怎么说'); // Result: zhe-ge-yong-han-yu-zen-me-shuo seoSlugger($string, $options) Augments the string before turning it into a slug. The conversions are related to numbers, currencies, email addresses and other common symbols. $slug = $sanitizer->seoSlugger('The price is $5.99'); // Result: the-price-is-5-dollars-99-cents See the EasySlugger readme for some more examples. seoUtf8Slugger($string, $options) A combination of utf8Slugger() and seoSlugger(). $slug = $sanitizer->seoUtf8Slugger('价钱是 $5.99'); // Result: jia-qian-shi-5-dollars-99-cents $options argument Each of the methods can take an $options array as a second argument. separator (string): the character that separates words in the slug. Default: - unique (bool): Determines whether a random suffix is added at the end of the slug. Default: false $slug = $sanitizer->utf8Slugger('这个用汉语怎么说', ['separator' => '_', 'unique' => true]); // Result: zhe_ge_yong_han_yu_zen_me_shuo_3ad66c4 https://github.com/Toutouwai/SanitizerEasySlugger https://modules.processwire.com/modules/sanitizer-easy-slugger/
    11 points
  2. ProcessWire 3.0.144 and 3.0.145 add improved field template context override settings and include a new Inputfields API, along with numerous other issue fixes, optimizations and improvements to the core. This blog post is a continuation (and more in-depth version) of last week's post on 3.0.144 that was in the forum— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.145/
    9 points
  3. You can add some debug code into a template file and call a page with it: $to = array('me@example.com'); $subject = 'Wiremail-SMTP Test ' . date('H:i:s') . ' äöü ÄÖÜ ß'; $mail = wireMail(); if($mail->className != 'WireMailSmtp') { echo "<p>Couldn't get the right WireMail-Module (WireMailSmtp). found: {$mail->className}</p>"; } else { $mail->from = '--INSERT YOUR SENDER ADDRESS HERE --'; // <--- !!!! $mail->to($to); $mail->subject($subject); $mail->sendSingle(true); $mail->body("Titel\n\ntext text TEXT text text\n"); $mail->bodyHTML("<h1>Titel</h1><p>text text <strong>TEXT</strong> text text</p>"); $dump = $mail->debugSend(1); } So, in short, instead of using $mail->send(), use $mail->debugSend(1) to get output on a frontend testpage. The output is PRE formatted and contains the areas: SETTINGS, RESULT, ERRORS and a complete debuglog of the server connection, like this one:
    3 points
  4. Check if mod_rewrite is enabled as it is needed. I don't know the easiest way in Mint/Ubuntu to do so - or at least not how it is done nowadays. ? But something sudo a2enmod mod_rewrite comes into my mind. You want to look this up to be on the safe side. Another thing is the Apache configuration. In order to make it work on my local machine I needed the AllowOverride all line in my config. <VirtualHost processwire.test:80> DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/processwire" ServerName processwire.test ServerAlias processwire.test <Directory "/var/www/html/processwire"> AllowOverride all allow from all Options None Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost> So... in my opinion it's most likely a server-side issue and not a PW-issue here.
    2 points
  5. @ceberlin @3fingers As of 0.12.0 SearchEngine now supports multi-language indexing and searching. This is based on the native language features, so the results you see depend on the language of current user etc. While I don't have a good test case at hand right now, I did some quick testing on one of my own sites and it seemed to work pretty much as expected – though please let me know if there are problems with the latest version ? What you need to do to enable this is convert the index field (which is by default called search_index) from FieldtypeTextarea to FieldtypeTextareaLanguage.
    2 points
  6. Hey folks, @kongondo asked me some questions about how I integrated vue.js into ModulesManager2. I was already planning to release a tutorial video of the integration process soon, but I don't have much time now as I am busy with customer work. So here is a quick roundup, which will be improved over time and become a full-blown tutorial. I hope to cover the basics and don't forget anything. How did you implement the integration? I created a new vue project via vue create . inside my site/modules/mymodule folder Do your assets still live under the Vue JS public folder? I don't exactly know what you mean with assets. Are you speaking of images? I don't use images atm. Where do your view files live, i.e. under your modules directory or in templates? As I mentioned in point one, they are in the modules directory. Here is a screenshot of my directory: As soon as I release the beta of ModulesManager2 you can go through the source code in github. Where is your index.xxx file and how are you serving it? vue-cli comes with a built in server and the index.html is automatically generated on-the-fly. The command for running the server with HMR (hot media reload) resides in the package.json and is run via npm run serve This is the standalone server. Anything else I should know (maybe .htaccess issues, etc)? Create a vue.config.js in your custom module's root directory and add following parameters to it, to disable filename hashing: const webpack = require("webpack"); module.exports = { runtimeCompiler: false, filenameHashing: false, pages: { main: { // entry for the page entry: 'src/main.js', // the source template template: 'public/index.html', // output as dist/index.html filename: 'index.html', // when using title option, // template title tag needs to be <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title> title: 'Index Page', } }, configureWebpack: { plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: 'jquery', jQuery: 'jquery', 'window.jQuery': 'jquery', }) ] } }; Edit: After creating the config run npm run build Then you can reference these files in your module like I did here: $markup = '<div id="app"></div>'; $scriptPath = $this->config->urls->siteModules . $this->className; $markup .= "<script src='$scriptPath/dist/js/chunk-vendors.js'></script>"; $markup .= "<script src='$scriptPath/dist/js/main.js'></script>"; I added the configureWebpack part to have access to the $ and jQuery objects inside of my vue files. The install/uninstall overlay panel in MM2, is that something custom or a ProcessWire panel? Standard ProcessWire panels If it is a ProcessWire panel, did you have any difficulties implementing it into your Vue app? ProcessWire's panel init happens before vue is initiated or rendered, so pw-panel links inside of vue are not catched. To make pw-panel links inside of vue work, you have to defer (don't know if this is the correct term) the process to a body click event: $(document).on("click", "#app .pw-panel", function (e, el) { e.preventDefault(); let toggler = $(this); pwPanels.addPanel(toggler); toggler.click(); }); I hope this helps. If you have questions, please ask.
    1 point
  7. That debug code also works perfectly in the Tracy console ?
    1 point
  8. If Apache is throwing an error, you have a server config issue. Follow @wbmnfktr instructions and try again.
    1 point
  9. Just a few thoughts... Are there enough children/pages? The selector needs limit AND start if I remember correctly. Home (id=1) needs correct url settings for each language (for example: blank, de, fr, ...) Enable config->debug to see if there are warnings and take a look at the logs - just to make sure. Just looked into Pagination in ProcessWire but didn't find anything special you could try in addition to that.
    1 point
  10. You can see Home of the installation? The starting page? If so then your DB connection is fine, otherwise you would see errors and, well, nothing. The 404 almost always result from a wrong setting in the htaccess or a server setting. Do you run anything else on the same server with htaccess working?
    1 point
  11. Hello everybody, I contacted the SendInblue technical department. Nobody can tell me why it does not work. So I chose to go through the API which makes it easier for me to send SMS and manage Hooks. Thank you for your help ?
    1 point
  12. Thanks @teppo ! You rock! ? I will report back my experience with your module as soon as my client give me the ok with the implementation. Once again, thanks! Edit: I found couple typos in the README inside the "manual approach" section (a double echo and a $searchEngine declaration referenced as $searchengine w/o camel casing), I paste the correction below as hidden: Also, in the "Advanced Use" : the "$query_string" variable declaration...shouldn't be "$q" or I am missing something?
    1 point
  13. HI @Robin S, I tried testing Chinese characters with the white list yesterday and realised it should be the problem. I added a Chinese character in the whitelist and that character can be used for names, $config->pageNameWhitelist = '_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789æåäßöüđжхцчшщюяàáâèéëêěìíïîõòóôøùúûůñçčćďĺľńňŕřšťýžабвгдеёзийклмнопрстуфыэęąśł我'; Building a white list for Chinese characters can be a problem (in terms of quantity) so I ended up using RAND() as a temporary solution. And thanks for recommending the slugger and I think it's very useful. I just wonder whether it supports Cantonese conversion as well? Anyway I will test further and see how it works. Many thanks for your reply and noted on the code formatting in the post ; ).
    1 point
  14. Hi @Mithlesh, Obviously It is nothing wrong with the WiresMailSmtp. There is some error about the submission of the form. Please provide code about how your form constructed and the code about how you manage the form submit. Then we can give you some useful hints. Gideon
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the PW forums @eddietoast! Check that you have extended page name support enabled: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/page-name-charset-utf8/ That may be all you need to get Chinese page names working, but I've noticed that people have had a few questions/problems with Chinese characters, particularly regarding the $config->pageNameWhitelist setting. In this issue Ryan seems to recommend setting $config->pageNameWhitelist to empty, but then in this issue an empty value for that setting seemed to cause a different problem. And the topic linked to below has some related discussion: If you find you can't get Chinese page names working then please open an issue at Github because it sounds like this is something that might need some attention from Ryan. Or if you do get it working please make a post in the tutorials section explaining what settings you used. An alternative might be to use my recently released Sanitizer EasySlugger to create latin page names from Chinese characters. To do that I expect you would need to edit the ImportPagesCSV module to call $sanitizer->utf8Slugger() when the pages are created. Or you might like to use the code I posted here (it's an addon action for the Admin Actions module) as a starting point for your own custom CSV import action. P.S. Please use the code button in the forum post editor toolbar when you are including code in a post.
    1 point
  16. I believe you can do this with http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-image-manipulator/ Check the docs at
    1 point
  17. On a loosely related note: in case you already serve your content via HTTP/2, combining files is often less important. In some cases it may even be the opposite: technically the optimal use case would involve combining JS files into separate, smaller bundles that contain related features. "One big blob of JS" is very close to an antipattern these days. Just my five cents. Overall what I'm trying to say here is that if you're using HTTP/2 (which you should – and if not, that's something to focus first anyway) I wouldn't worry too much about bundling files, unless you've got loads of them ?
    1 point
  18. @Chris B - I also wonder if you'd be better off creating a module that works with SendInBlue's API rather than using SMTP. I would use WireMailGun as a starting point.
    1 point
  19. Categories are really a perfect use case for pages rather than options. But to answer your question, this should do it: $options = $fieldtypes->get('FieldtypeOptions')->getOptions('categories'); foreach($options as $option) { echo $option->title; } This also works: $field = $fields->get('categories'); $options = $field->type->getOptions($field); If you are going to be using the selections for anything, use the $option->id property, rather than the title, just in case you later go back and change the title or something.
    1 point
  20. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3601-field-label-language-problem/
    1 point
  21. Try this: $label = $player->fieldgroup->getField('playername', true)->label; //get the field label in context of the template
    1 point
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