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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Fixed! Not completely sure why, but switching: $mail = new WireMail(); to this: $mail = $this->wire('mail')->new(); in the LoginRegister module did the trick — line 684. Now Gmail's sending my registration emails too ? Gotta say, I am hugely grateful for Processwire. Ryan, and all you fantastic moderators and commenters—this is such a great place to learn, and goddamn if the sky doesn't seem to be the limit.
    5 points
  2. You can use the Connect Page Fields module by @Robin S. This makes it easy to connect both page fields.
    2 points
  3. /* * Example of how to clone a locked page, remove the lock on the copy, and clear the value of a field in the copy. * Reset stockCode Field when copying a page using a specific template, also remove locked status. * This code is included in the /site/ready.php file. */ $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::cloned', function($event) { /* * Important: The event arguments include both the copied page and the newly created page. * Don't use $event->arguments('page') as this returns the page that is being cloned rather than the cloned copy. * Instead use $event->arguments(1) which correctly refers to the new copy. */ $currentPage = $event->arguments(1); if ($currentPage->template == 'bom') { $currentPage->stockCode = ''; $currentPage->status = $currentPage->status & ~Page::statusLocked; //probably better to use removeStatus(Page::statusLocked) $currentPage->save(array('quiet' => true)); } }); Here's my documented example of how I got this to work.
    2 points
  4. No problem! When I have some time here I'm planning to build a site profile using Tailwind CSS so more people can see how it can be integrated with PW. Using both the CDN version, which gzipped is around 60kb and using brotli compression goes down to less than 20kb and the webpack installation I mentioned. :)
    1 point
  5. So simple. Thank you Dragan and Arjen. ?
    1 point
  6. That feeling is simply awesome! Welcome to the community :)
    1 point
  7. The easiest way I've found is to use Laravel Mix with two plugins, Laravel Mix Tailwind and Laravel Mix PurgeCSS to reduce file size by going through all php templates. But note, the website is not running the purged version yet, as I'm working on some configs on javascript generated classes and classes set by the user via admin (using RepeaterMatrix). But I also reduced manually Tailwinds output by using just a few colors and removing other pieces. Take a look on my webpack.mix.js file: And here goes Tailwind Config file. Note: I'm using Tailwind earlier version (prior to 1.0). Will upgrade it when possible, but it works just fine.
    1 point
  8. It's all in the facebook docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/
    1 point
  9. Hi @Soma, Could you please add this very useful module to the PW modules directory? Thanks!
    1 point
  10. The newest version of RockGrid now supports RockFinder2 as data source ? $finder = new RockFinder2(); $finder->find('template=basic-page'); $finder->addColumns([ 'title', 'body' ]); $this->setData($finder); Data is available on the JS side via the RockFinder2 property in the GridItem object:
    1 point
  11. Hey there @Samk80, Max from Snipcart here. Don't hesitate to ping us at geeks@snipcart.com should you decide to give our product a try! We'd be glad to help. And a huge thanks to @evan & @flydev for mentioning Snipcart. Goes a long way!
    1 point
  12. Check out advanced mode in config.php and you'll have this for each template: Maybe doesn't take care of everything you need, but remember that the status can also be changed from the Page List view via the extended (after the arrow) action buttons.
    1 point
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