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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2019 in all areas

  1. More implementations Ajax modal version: : New page version:
    2 points
  2. I have now used tailwind in two projects and to be honest, I cannot go back to regular frameworks. It is utility framework or just custom css for me currently. You can use only "semantic class names" if you want to with tailwind also, but you will soon notice that "bg-green" is great class name, much better than "success-button".
    2 points
  3. Not sure if this a topic for the dev talk area or perhaps rather the pub, but just wanted to share this little gem. It's a small part of the new Twitter web site/app. I'm not quite sure what's going on with that site – but whatever it is, it's getting out hand, and that might have something to do with current craze with components within components within components within... you know the drill ? For the record, I was trying to figure out what that weird star-icon in the top right corner is/does. Turns out it's some kind of "top tweets on" button (whatever that means), but to learn that you'd first have to a) just randomly click it and see what happens, or b) dig through a whole lot of messy markup to get to the aria-label. Another thing I found interesting is that when you hover the icon, it gets a background colour. Now, there's nothing particularly interesting in that alone – we have the :hover and :focus states in CSS exactly for that purpose – but the thing is that when you hover over the icon, JS adds the blatantly obvious "r-zv2cs0" class to one of it's parents, which in turn results in that slight shade of blue you see on the site. I'm glad they've made the effort to make that mess of a markup accessible by applying aria properties and all, but is this really the direction we want the web to go? The obvious ugliness of the markup is one thing, but when you have to explain to the browser things like "this particular div here, buried ~20 levels deep in other divs, is actually a button you can focus on"... that feels wrong on so many levels ? (And sorry for the clickbait title, by the way.)
    1 point
  4. I use sass with tailwind. Also in my opinion purgecss is must have with tailwind to remove all unnecessary css. This is a good read, it nails just how I have felt about BEM and many other ways to css: https://adamwathan.me/css-utility-classes-and-separation-of-concerns/ I do like vanilla css, but writing scalable, easy to maintain css is very difficult. Tailwind helps me a lot regarding that and doesn't take away css/sass/less when I want it. My first reaction to utility frameworks was that those are worst idea ever. Glad I gave em chance!
    1 point
  5. Yes, you can have generic btn class and then just tweak it with bg-red and rounded classes for example. But biggest win with tailwind for me is that it is actually design system (scales for colors, margins, heights etc) instead of full design that you tweak/modify (foundation, bootstrap etc) or 100% custom styling, where it is very difficult to be consistent with the all decisions and endless possibilities. First of the sites was designed already (photoshop) and other was me designing with tailwind. I was surprised how well it suited both of those use cases.
    1 point
  6. Interesting decision from EU Court today about Facebook "Like" button. ? Details in these articles: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-facebook-dataprotection/companies-using-facebook-like-button-liable-for-data-eu-court-idUSKCN1UO1B4 https://www.dw.com/en/like-button-needs-caveat-european-court-of-justice-rules/a-49785019 https://www.zdnet.com/article/eu-court-of-justice-ruling-may-spell-the-death-of-social-like-share-buttons/ If any doubts ... GDPR consent needed... ?or ... button removed ? Welcome to EEC's magic world ! ?
    1 point
  7. Hi ... Jonathan Lahijani has a great tutorial on youtube that can help you Simply put, you need to create an option template, then add 2 pages, one in the page tree named options, to which you choose the option template, and under the admin add another page and change the name, for example (admin_options), so that the names are not identical. Choose a process named ProcessPageEdit and save the page ... in admin.php paste the code // Custom Options Page if( page()->name == 'admin_options' ) input()->get->id = pages()->get('options')->id; Finally, you can add some css to hide the options page in the page tree. /** Hook Admin Custom CSS */ $wire->addHookAfter('Page::render', function($event) { if(page()->template != 'admin') return; // Check if is Admin Panel $value = $event->return; // Return Content $templates = urls()->templates; // Get Template folder URL $style = "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$templates}assets/css/admin.css'>"; // Add Style inside bottom head $event->return = str_replace("</head>", "\n\t$style</head>", $value); // Return All Changes }); You can also download the profile that has the option page created and see how you can create your own options page https://github.com/rafaoski/site-minimal
    1 point
  8. Okay, I found the issue! I should have mentioned that I work on a multi-lingual site. Here's the problem (and the resolution): I removed the value "inherit from default language" for the field Title (because the inheritance didn't seem to me to be the right approach for the translation of this field). This had the effect of making the title empty. If I reactivate the inheritance, the problem is solved. Thanks a lot for your help, really like PW community!
    1 point
  9. The EEC just explained what has been the law in Europe long before the GDPR. The German publisher Heise for example has released a jquery plugin with data protection conforming social buttons in 2011 for this reason (link to fork with English docs). The buttons there act as placeholders and only load resources from the respective sites when clicked once. It would apply to embedded content from any non-EU site, but especially to all the big players who are known to practice data harvesting and aggregation.
    1 point
  10. This is a very old stemming library now so I expect there are better, but I have been using it in production for about 13 years ? so if you don't find anything better, here it is: https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/php.txt
    1 point
  11. People should boycott FB - and any other similar sites for that matter - for their own good anyway.
    1 point
  12. Debian 10 (codename Buster) stable version has been released on July 6. Around a week later it was available for download at my server provider. Yesterday I put myself in good mood … ?and I decided to update my VPS. As Debian 10 comes with PHP 7.3.4-2 bundled, I wanted to take the opportunity to upgrade from PHP 7.0. The process of updating from Debian 9 to Debian 10 was quite smooth. I just had to manually check some configuration files that I previously changed, in particular openssh, sysctl, postfixadmin, and dovecot. All small fixes. I just encountered two issues: emails were not accessible in remote and network.service did not start. The first one was depending from dovecot configuration files, while the second was a bit more tricky to solve. ? I installed PHP 7.3.4-2 FPM/FastCGI and updated the virtual hosts accordingly. So far I did not encounter issues. There were only some incompatibility problems of PhpMyAdmin 4.6.6 (the version that comes from Debian) with PHP 7.3. As I am not in a hurry to update it, for the time being I just reverted its dedicated virtual host to PHP 7.0. And finally let's come to ProcessWire (3.0.123). After the update everything seems to be working well. ? I only had an issue with one of my custom classes. As of PHP 7.2 the word "object" has become a reserved word! ?It took a bit of patience to find, as even with display errors enabled in php.ini you do not get any error (not even in logs) but just the blank screen. ? So far so good! If I encounter any issue I will let you know. Wish you a nice weekend!
    1 point
  13. Thanks for your answers and for you generously shared work, @teppo! I really like your Wireframe idea - a well-established and documented way to structure code in ProcessWire MVC way. So one could follow rules that are thought out and described. I understand quite well that in order for this to work one should give up some of his own preferences) Will be looking forward to next additions to the project we've been talking about here.
    1 point
  14. That changes things quite a bit. Personally I've never been a part of this kind of team – as strange as it may sound, I've worked in teams where there are backend developers and so-called full-stack developers, but never a "pure" front-end developer ? You've definitely given me something to think about here! Features that are not tied to a specific template have in my use cases usually been partials with very little "logic" behind them, but this would actually be a nice use case for shared (sub)controllers as well, which is something I'll likely dive into soon. Basically the idea is to have a controller that isn't tied to a single template, but rather can be used by multiple templates. Also controllers that inherit other controllers – "base controllers", or whatever they might be called – is another way to achieve shared features. Overall there's a lot you can do with current codebase, but since there are different use cases, it's very much about finding a balance between "not opinionated enough" and "too opinionated" ? As for layouts, I've found the concept really useful, and since I use them in pretty much all projects I work on, this is something I wanted to have built-in and ready-to-use within Wireframe. Placeholders are a key part of this, as they provide an easy way to embed views (of which there may be one or more for each specific template) within commonly shared layouts –aAnd because layouts serve a different purpose from view files (individual views for templates) and partials (smaller pieces of content intended to be embedded within layouts or view files), I've opted to store them separately. This is again one of those cases where it's all about finding the right balance and figuring out what should be available out of the box and what to leave for individual developers to figure out on their own, and I feel that current split between layouts/views/partials is a reasonable one – but because I know there are different opinions, much of this is actually already configurable. Also, since layouts are optional, one can always opt out from using them ?
    1 point
  15. I can relate to that. But the thing is I often do not do my html/css/js myself and pretty often people with very little knowledge of php are to make minor changes to view code. That's why I try to have my markup as close to raw html as possible. And render functions are clearly the opposite. A am with you here. Entities should not be multiplied without necessity)) And that's why I do not quite like the placeholder thing. I think it should be that generic call for controller and view. And in this specific case sidebar usually is not tied to a particular template. So this thing seems "too opinionated" for me) I even think that the whole layout thing can be moved to view folder. I now think it is more clear to keep all the view related stuff in one place (though i did use dedicated layout folder in the past - now it is inside the view folder in my recent projects).
    1 point
  16. I get your point, and agree – to a point. When I first came across the idea of render functions (with that specific name it was some bit of code from Ryan I believe), this was exactly what I thought ? Since then I've used render-functions in numerous projects, and while in some cases it still feels a bit "dirty", in real world it can be a tremendously helpful strategy and hasn't really caused me any notable headaches so far – quite the opposite. These days I don't have a major issue with code that generates markup as long as it's clearly separated into its own container, i.e. "siloed" properly. While I don't encourage mixing business logic with presentation, this is one of those cases where the line is a bit blurry. Also, as a minor note I don't think that we should separate logic and presentation based on the language alone. PHP can be used to create "presentational" content, so overall it's more about what you do than how you do it. Something like Twig is supposed to be "purely presentational", but you wouldn't believe the complexity of some of the logic I've seen implemented in/with it. (But this is a topic for another discussion – templating languages vs. using PHP as a templating language, and so on and so forth.) Awesome! As far as I can tell this is actually really close to this rough idea I mentioned earlier – or, more precisely, it would be one possible use case for (or variation of) it: > Another idea I've been toying with would be subcontrollers (or child controllers, or partial controllers, or whatever terminology makes most sense) I'm not entirely sure if it actually needs to be a separate concept ("chunks", or whatever that would be called), but that's not necessarily a bad idea, if it makes the concept easier to grasp. Technically it should already be possible to instantiate a new Controller, provide it with a View file, and then render the output within, say, another Controller. That's what Wireframe itself does for the page, though it all happens automatically. Another thing that might not be obvious yet (I'll have to check the docs relating to this) is that there are two use cases for views: They provide alternative ways to render a Page. For an example the default view might render markup (HTML) for the entire page, and another might render an RSS feed for a list of news items. They can be used to populate View Placeholders: if you request <?= $placeholders->aside ?> in a layout file used for the "home" template and add a view file at views/home/aside.php, Wireframe will automatically populate the "aside" placeholder with the content of current page rendered with that view file. Anyway, I'll definitely dig into this topic a bit more and come back with some sort of solution, hopefully – thanks for linking to the TemplateEngineFactory example ? Thanks – this list was quite helpful. For the record, here's how I've handled these examples in my past projects: For menus I've used MarkupSimpleNavigation, and later MarkupMenu. In the boilerplate profile I do have partials for these, but they just call the render function of a markup module. Breadcrumbs is in my case usually a simple list of parents, thus I've used a "dumb" partial file with a foreach loop. Here's an example. Sidebar, again, tends to be either a single RTE field (something like sidebar, aside, or perhaps right_column or left_column), or sometimes a predefined list of multiple fields. Again a valid use case for so-called dumb partial files, but this is actually exactly the use case for which I originally added the ability to use View files as View Placeholders. Repeating elements covers a wide area of different content, but in my projects these have usually meant one of two things: A news list or something similar, with predefined header, list of items, and often some sort of "footer" area as well. These use cases I've usually solved with render functions. Repeater, RepeaterMatrix, or some other repeatable fieldtype. "Dumb" partials with some foreach rules, or native field rendering (particularly useful for RepeaterMatrix). Note that I'm not saying that your use cases are invalid, or that the list above would be the "correct" way to handle these. It's just that I can see why this hasn't been a notable issue for me – but this also helps me understand the kind of use cases you've run into, and thus figure out how to continue from here on ?
    1 point
  17. Just in case, you love the module as much as i do ... and you think it looks a bit old fashioned. I did a little styling update (just the css and a few fether svg icons): To use it just put the attached files to site\modules\AdminBar @Apeisa: You may apply this to the original module if you like! AdminBar.zip
    1 point
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