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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Thanks for for the write-up of how you got this working. I've tried many different AMP stacks for Windows over the years and Laragon is the best. Among the useful features is a built-in mail sender: I recommend it to any Windows user - you'll be sending email from your local dev environment within minutes rather than days. ?
    4 points
  2. This week ProcessWire ProMailer has been released, plus we’ve got a nice upgrade in our community support forum, and more— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/promailer-now-available/
    2 points
  3. I've spent two days trying to get my Windows 10 WAMP server setup to send the confirmation email generated by Ryans LoginRegister Module. It's a fine Module and I struggle with PHP and coding in general. BUT TODAY, I finally set it up and here is my HOW TO GUIDE for the community so no one else has to struggle as much as I did ? STEP #1: download the sendmail executable here https://www.glob.com.au/sendmail/ STEP #2: extract all the files anywhere you like. I chose, 'C:\Users\orgfel\www\_sendmail'. STEP #3: open and edit 'sendmail.ini', insert the following with your credentials: smtp_server=smtp.gmail.com smtp_port=465 auth_username=YourGmailUser@gmail.com auth_password=YourGmailPass smtp_ssl=ssl default_domain=localhost hostname=localhost I have 2-Step Verification set up for my Gmail account. I was incredibly frustrated when I kept trying to configure the module WireMailSmtp to send a test email and it continued to fail. The prompt kept saying I had the wrong password. I KNEW I did not have the wrong Gmail password and it was driving me nuts! I discovered that I needed an App Password ( Sign in using App Passwords). There's a generator process what give you a 16 character password that you put into your 'sendmail.ini'. STEP #4: open and edit 'php.ini', insert the path to where you put your 'sendmail.exe': sendmail_path = "C:\Users\orgfel\www\_sendmail\sendmail.exe -t" STEP #5: restart your Apache server and it should be working! STEP #6: create a simple page + template and paste in the following code for a quick test! <?php $to = 'recipient@gmail.com'; $subject = 'Testing sendmail.exe'; $message = 'Hi, you just received an email using sendmail!'; $headers = 'From: [your_gmail_account_username]@gmail.com' . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'; if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) echo "WOOHOO, email sent"; else echo "BUMMER, email failed"; ?> I completed my setup about an hour ago after having tried several other Windows STMP server solutions. They were all overly complex with too many settings that I just didn't need. I hope that's it and that I didn't miss anything.
    2 points
  4. https://processwire.com/api/ref/modules/refresh/
    2 points
  5. Just in case and in order to complete the list of possible ways and solutions. And this comment by @szabesz to even more possible solutions:
    2 points
  6. Great work with the forum! To make it perfect, just add these to the css ? .uk-background-primary, .uk-section-primary { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } #masthead-logo { transform: translateY(-2px); } .uk-breadcrumb { transform: translateY(-1px); } @ryan, you might also consider removing the antialiasing from the body of the PW website, and add it only on the blue background areas. Here is the reasoning: http://usabilitypost.com/2012/11/05/stop-fixing-font-smoothing/ https://www.zachleat.com/web/font-smooth/
    2 points
  7. They're not actually uninstalled - just do a Modules > Refresh and you'll be back in business with all modules settings as they were.
    2 points
  8. A community member raised a question and I thought a new sanitizer method for the purpose would be useful, hence... Sanitizer Transliterate Adds a transliterate method to $sanitizer that performs character replacements as defined in the module config. The default character replacements are based on the defaults from InputfieldPageName, but with uppercase characters included too. Usage Install the Sanitizer Transliterate module. Customise the character replacements in the module config as needed. Use the sanitizer on strings like so: $transliterated_string = $sanitizer->transliterate($string); https://github.com/Toutouwai/SanitizerTransliterate https://modules.processwire.com/modules/sanitizer-transliterate/
    1 point
  9. I've just upgraded the forums to the latest version 4.4.x as there was a critical security patch that warranted it. As usual, there is some pain in upgrading from a 4.x to 4.x branch due to template changes and feature changes/additions so you may find things have moved around a bit. There is still work to do on the template as this was a little rushed (security update forced my hand) but it should be functional at the very least. If you spot anything drastically broken that I may have missed, please let me know here. Minor template tweaks (fonts, alignment etc) will be updated in the next few days.
    1 point
  10. Hello, when you add a page you can see the page name of the page under the page title field. But when you change the page title afterwards, you have to go to the settings tab to also change the page name. We have many clients that change the page title afterwards but forget to change the page name, because they don't look in the settings tab or forget it. Is it possible to show the page name on the content tab under the page title? I hate to say this, but I like how WordPress handles this better: Or should I open an GitHub request? Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  11. Here is a tip in general to speed up whatever local server you are using: 1) Open the server php.ini 2) Search for "realpath_cache_size" 3) Remove the semi-colon at the beginning of the line and change the 16k into 32M or 64M
    1 point
  12. When you do an accessibility audit on the forum (and the main PW site) there are tons of color contrast failures (among many other issues). WCAG 2.1 states that color contrast has to be at least 4.5:1 for copy text, whereas here most text is below that. And yes, font size and line-heights are too small. body base font size should be at 16px with line-height 1.6 (unitless, not in pixels). And ideally, all other font-sizes further down should be specified in em or rem. The main container could be reduced: e.g. max-width 1280px instead of 1630px.
    1 point
  13. Thank you all for your feedback. ? I will then try out the Page Rename Options module, because it looks more like what I am looking for. Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  14. So, I've got it to work. @adrian: that only works with setup, pages, access and modules, not with custom ones. The best way to do this looks like this. (As getModuleInfo pages doens't work.) DkCore.module public function ___install(){ // Create Parent Page $newPageGroup = new Page; $newPageGroup->parent = $this->pages->get(2); $newPageGroup->template = 'admin'; $newPageGroup->title = 'DK'; $newPageGroup->name = 'dk'; $newPageGroup->process = 'ProcessList'; $newPageGroup->save(); } And child modules (for example DkTemplate.module) public function ___install() { // Create Template Page $newPage = new Page; $newPage->parent = $this->pages->get($this->config->urls->admin.'dk/'); $newPage->template = 'admin'; $newPage->title = 'Templates'; $newPage->name = 'templates'; $newPage->process = 'DkTemplate'; $newPage->save(); }
    1 point
  15. OMGOODNESSS! Yesterday I was on XAMPP, earlier today I was on WAMP SERVER ... as of 20 minutes ago I am now on LARAGON - and it is superbly amazing! My favorite feature is the easy at setting up VirtualHosts and the email server? Literally took seconds! THANK YOU ROBIN!
    1 point
  16. And what about a multilanguage site? In general I think the easiest solution would be to display the page name and a link below the title that links to the Content tab. In case of a multilanguage site, display the current language name only.
    1 point
  17. Me too, it's an essential module. I hesitate to say "should be in the core" because I know the PW philosophy on such things. But I wonder if certain modules that are widely needed and used could be highlighted somewhere within the core. So for instance there could be a link to PageRenameOptions from the PagePathHistory module config, so that when you install that module you get a heads-up that there is a useful related third-party module that you might want to consider also.
    1 point
  18. Thanks for pointing to that module @Sergio - I use it on every site. It would be hard enough for me to remember to change the page name to match a new title, let alone expecting a client to do it. Given that PW has the core Page Path History functionality, I rarely see the need to not change the name when the title changes.
    1 point
  19. Yes, is not the best solution from a UX point-of-view. But I don't think that adding it below the title, as WP does, is the best way around. In most cases, we don't want the user to edit the page name by mistake. In your situation, I would take a look at @adrian's PageRenameOptions module https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-rename-options/. Another option is to add a warning, using a hook, if the page title is edited to alert the user to also change, or check, the page name on the Settings tab.
    1 point
  20. @Sergio Thank you for the hint. ? This solution is ok, but I don't like, that the page name is now before the page title and takes up so much space. A smaller page name edit field under the page title (like the WordPress one) or a quick link to the field in the settings tab would in my opinion be nicer. I know that ProcessWire doesn't want to clutter up the back-end and that is a reason why I love it and I know that I could add a note in the page title field or a hook for changing the page name on every save. But I think in this case, showing the page name under the page title would be better then hiding it under the settings tab. Maybe @ryan could consider this wish. ? Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  21. This is less of a bug and more of a.. well, issue: the line length in the forum is kind of crazy. I'm getting 220-240 characters on a single line, while 100-120 would be good for readability. Would be great to get this fixed as well. I'm thinking that there probably should be a max width for the content area – or perhaps the font size should be double what it is now? ? The font is also really tiny and way too light (at least in some places, such as the breadcrumbs and other "less important" texts), neither of which really helps with the readability issue. Anyway, great job getting the update rolled out, and the forum looking more like the main site! Edit: I'm officially getting old. Setting browser zoom level to 125% or 150% makes things way more comfortable ?
    1 point
  22. It would be great having "ő", "Ő" (=> "o") and "ű", "Ű" (=> "u") on the list. I've requested it years ago but it haven't found its way to the core.
    1 point
  23. Hey @Robin S - this looks great! I just noticed that the contents of your $default_replacements array is much more comprehensive than the list of character replacements in the InputfieldPageName settings in the core. Not sure whether Ryan would be willing to change those, but it seems to me that your list should be used there. Then perhaps you could pull that list in for your module and users of your module would benefit from any manual additions they have made to those settings, rather than using the character_replacements_str config setting in this module - it seems to me that users may need to add their custom replacements to both places at the moment.
    1 point
  24. It should be AOS, if the same file is added for translation in other languages you can navigate easily between the them.
    1 point
  25. @phil_s: set_time_limit($n) sets the maximum amount of seconds the script may run before it get interrupted! If you set it to zero set_time_limit(0) it may run forever if your server isn't setup to avoid this. But you also don't want to have a script to run forever, because you loose control over it. Therefor it is a good choice to use it with a little amount of seconds in a loop, because it sets the max amount to live with each call again. For example, if the default php server setup for timeout is set to 30 seconds and you have 50 images to process whereas each image will take 2 seconds, your script will crash after the 15th image. BUT, if you call set_time_limit(15) within the foreach loop, all 50 images get processed and the script will run for 100 seconds, - if everything is ok. If the script run into problems with a single image and hangs, it get interuppted 15 seconds after it started to process the damaged image. Conclusion: with this approach you can exceed the default setting a script may run without loosing control.
    1 point
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