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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2017 in all areas

  1. mikeuk, I appreciate the kind words. The sidebar navigation is something I use very heavily myself, and I know a lot of people prefer that layout. That said, I think there are probably just as many who prefer the navigation where it is in the default theme. The ideal solution would be to make that configurable. There's been a lot of discussion around that in other threads, so I won't go into all the detail here. My hope is that at the end of this process we have a single core admin theme that can be tailored to a variety of layout & color scheme preferences.
    6 points
  2. Hey Ivan, I think Ryan was just mentioning me in that post because I've worked heavily on the admin before (Admin Theme Reno), and because I've expressed interest in contributing to this next phase. I don't expect my ideas to carry any more weight than anyone else in the community that wants to contribute. I'm sure @ryan will have ideas for how ideas are vetted and integrated. I'm just excited that the admin will be easier to theme, and from the looks of it more configurable all around.
    3 points
  3. I want to thank you Ryan for organizing this community effort. Inviting and encouraging to participate in development, making it this straight forward is something rare and yet unusual even for such a great community as ours. It is interesting how things will turn out. Seems like @renobird is going to be leading this endeavour. What could be our strategies to participate? P.S. By the way, do not forget to check out the off-canvas menu in the demo.
    3 points
  4. Sounds so good! And I just want to add my voice to @tpr's proposal made in the comments to one of the previous blog posts to integrate the best of the AOS features in to the core universal admin theme. So we can then just style them or turn them on and off like in the mentioned module. Maybe we can not only bring some new look but improve functionality at the same time.
    2 points
  5. There is actually, but can't remember the number Edit (not sure if still current; yep, still 500):
    2 points
  6. Yes, I agree. I also believe that It's the infusion of new talent (new users) that will help make that possible. Being able to convey the web building/designing process into words takes a special talent. Unfortunately, in the Tech world it's not always the most talented that have the teaching/mentoring gene. I believe that as time goes on, there will be individuals who will step forward, volunteer their time, and make the technical aspects of ProcessWire easier for the new users. I've been here since 2012 and have seen a remarkable increase in participation and better (more complete) documentation. The ProcessWire community is still quite small compared to others (WP, Joomla, Drupal), however the exchange of information on this Forum is the best that I have ever seen.
    2 points
  7. This is true, and honestly i don't think PW would have kept my attention otherwise. Being it's own thing (not based on other frameworks / systems), I believe a user needs to know support is there. It is one of the best CMS communities I have been involved in. I've been hanging around PW for years, a number of times deciding it was not right then through trial and error ending up back again. It is no doubt one of the best CMS currently available. The thing I would like to see is PW making more effort to stay modern, I realise we are all a part of that process. Since I first looked at PW, a few other very catchy CMSs have appeared and grown (example, Grav, October, Bolt) and like PW, a few appear unchanged (I realise internally is not the case (Kirby being another one). And I don't mean change for change sake. I mean to keep an appearance of fresh, modern, vibrant because like it or not CMSs need a continuous stream of new users. And that also means making the new users journey as good as is possible within the realms of the CMS objective. So when I see a CMS that I really like that is not doing that, then I tend to shout about it because I have seen what happens to a big open source project that forgets this.
    2 points
  8. Thanks Ryan. Very good progress on this! Can't wait to see what the communities front dev pros can show us how to use it / what all can be done with it, now that you have opened it for easy configuration.
    2 points
  9. Released: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/jquery-ion-range-slider/ The built in rangeslider is good, but it is somewhat limited if you need really specific slider interfaces, like with pips and showing the value on the handles. There are many Jquery rangesliders, but one of the best and easiest to implement is the ion.rangeSlider. http://ionden.com/a/plugins/ion.rangeSlider/en.html This is a preview of the very simple module that basically allows you to enable the ion.Rangeslider on any text input, and then you type in your params into the textarea field (careful, you can break the page's javascrpt if you are not careful!) There are way too many options to really make this configurable, so the easiest way it to have a free text field where you enter any params. The params are just passed to the instance of the slider. Features of ion.Rangeslider: Skin support. (5 skins included and PSD for skin creation) Any number of sliders at one page without conflicts and big performance problems Two slider types single (1 slider) and double (2 sliders) Support of negative and fractional values Ability to set custom step and snap grid to step Support of custom values diapason Customisable grid of values Ability to disable UI elements (min and max, current value, grid) Postfixes and prefixes for your numbers ($20, 20 € etc.) Additional postfix for maximum value (eg. $0 — $100+) Ability to prettify large numbers (eg. 10000000 -> 10 000 000 or 10.000.000) Slider writes its value right into input value field. This makes it easy to use in any html form Any slider value can be set through input data-attribute (eg. data-min="10") Slider supports disable param. You can set it true to make slider inactive Slider supports external methods (update, reset and remove) to control it after creation For advanced users slider has callbacks (onStart, onChange, onFinish, onUpdate). Slider pastes all its params to callback first argument as object Slider supports date and time Screenshots comparing Inputfield Rangeslider (Soma) vs. JqueryIonRangeSlider... 1) basic range using currency ' Same with different skin Range of years Same with narrower column and different skin.. the module is functional and being used on 1 site, but some additional testing is needed...
    1 point
  10. This week we've got a demo setup of the admin theme framework that's been written about in the last two weeks of posts. Read all about it here and try it out from our demo site– https://processwire.com/blog/posts/demo-of-admin-theme-framework/
    1 point
  11. if anyone wants to allow e-mail and name in admin login with PW 3.x (and i guess 2.8) the module from @mindplay.dk wasn't working for me, i guess because ProcessLogin::execute is not pageName sanitizing the name.. this one works for me (PW 3.0.51) and allows either name or e-mail (you could change the name label to reflect this too of course) // change login name input label to e-mail-address $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessLogin::buildLoginForm', function(HookEvent $event) { // on liner as we don't change anything else $event->return->get('login_name')->set('label', $event->_('E-Mail-Address')); }); // hook into session::login to get user by mail $wire->addHookBefore('Session::login', function(HookEvent $event) { // need to get email from $input as processLogin::execute is pageName sanitizing $email = $event->input->post->email('login_name'); // stop here if login_name not a valid email if (!$email) return; // new selector arrays don't seem to work on $user so using $pages here $user = $event->pages->get([['email', $email]]); // if valid user set login name argument if ($user->id) $event->setArgument('name', $user->name); }); i've got those in a _hooks.php included in my site/init.php but you could of course outsource it into a separate module etc..
    1 point
  12. I'm sure below 1000 of those clients you shouldn't really notice it. Especially as you're only loading the id's and not their whole pages. You could always improve that part later if you see any real life issues.
    1 point
  13. Another thought: give the clients a (hidden) field with the year of first revenue, populate it once with existing data and hook into whatever template determines that year to update the field (or update it in a nightly batch if a small delay isn't that much of an issue). This gives you the opportunity to use a simple selector and, most importantly since you're already thinking of growth, scales a lot better than any view.
    1 point
  14. ProcessWire's image sizer engines can only work with files via the filesystem, so you'd need to mount S3 into it. Just keep in mind that this would slow down any image processing (download upfront and upload afterwards) and it means that all files need to be go through your mountpoint as files and images are in the same folders. Edit: And you should really evaluate to which degree your page does need image processing. If you can avoid it, you could just extend FieldtypeFile, which is way easier to work with than when you need the image sizer to work as well.
    1 point
  15. I do! If the Reno admin theme layout is your idea, then I want you ideas to carry more weight. It is a huge improvement in making PW look more current. Even though what ryan has built is excellent, the admin needed that different perspective and extra touch and from what I can see, your ideas were needed. Looking at the demo in ryan's post, it looks nice and clear but changing pages means pressing back button of going back to pages menu. I think the Reno sidebar approach works better. If it is in the way, it could be collapsible (or different when viewed on mobile).
    1 point
  16. I solved finally. check_access=0 must be in '[ ]' brackets. $kisiler= $pages->find("template=kisi,sort=title,repeater_ozlusoz=[ozlusoz_konusu=$page->id,check_access=0]");
    1 point
  17. Any guess I could come up with would be stabbing in the dark, so I'd probably look for the usual suspects, like full tmp drive, sql_mode settings, file/directory permissions and PHP memory limits.
    1 point
  18. Repeater items are stored under the admin tree in ProcessWire, thus they are only visible in find() calls for users with admin permissions. You can circumvent that by adding "check_access=0" to your selector.
    1 point
  19. Quick glance shows the first obvious problem is that you have a variable ($page) inside single quotes. You can either use double quotes, or concatenate. find("template=template1, field1=$page"); find('template=template1, field1='.$page);
    1 point
  20. To introduce some other API methods you may not have tried yet... // different way of matching subfield, and using simply $page $kisiler = $pages->find("template=kisi, sort=title, repeater_ozlusoz.ozlusoz_konusu=$page"); foreach($kisiler as $kisi) { // you can use find() on your repeater PageArray $aforisms = $kisi->repeater_ozlusoz->find("ozlusoz_konusu=$page"); foreach($aforisms as $key => $aforism) { // another way to get a numbered index // but maybe you should consider using ordered list markup instead? $num = $key + 1; // getting a string from a PageArray using the implode() method // and better to space your items with CSS than hardcode non-breaking spaces $tags = $aforism->ozlusoz_konusu->implode(' ', '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>'); echo "<p>$num. <a href='$kisi->url'>$kisi->title</a>: <i>$aforism->ozlusoz</i><br>Etiketler: $tags</p>"; } echo "<hr>"; }
    1 point
  21. There's a typo in the source. In the line in question, "$button" is missing one "t" (and $buton is of course undefined). This has already been fixed in the development version. Meanwhile, you could add the missing "t" by hand and not worry about updates since the fix will be in the next stable release.
    1 point
  22. For documents such as PDFs, you can use the S3 options you already talked about to store them there, because you'll only need the file URL after all. Remember to config Processwire to store the session on the database.
    1 point
  23. Never done it myself, but I know it's possible to decouple the image processing and keep the goodies on an API for manipulation, similar to PW's. You can take a look at Cloudinary feature to upload an image by its URL. Also, there's IMGIX .
    1 point
  24. @mikeuk, Sorry that you had problems with ProcessWire. We are glad that you have taken the time to try out ProcessWire. Hopefully you will hang in there and will stick with this vibrant community. Numerous members are extremely helpful and go out of their way to help people with their particular problems. I believe anyone can learn from this community and we also would benefit from your future contributions. It can be extremely difficult when things don't quite work out as you had planned. Fortunately, we all learn from these disasters. The important thing is that our community will always be there to help troubleshoot or explain how things work. I believe with time, you will look back and be very pleased that you hung in there with us.
    1 point
  25. That is why in reality www stands for Welcome to the Wild West, and not for World Wide Web
    1 point
  26. Here are some preview screenshots from my pimped out version of this module... 1) Added the placeholder and collapsed attributed to the fields editor: 2) allow export of the fields setup, as well as restore, so that you can take huge sets of fields and import them into a site. 3) ability to export/backup the settings values themselves, as well as restore them from backed up json. still need more testing, but so far these things help make this module more usable; also i changed the default global api variable to g_settings, to avoid the conflict with Lister Pro.
    1 point
  27. As I mentioned - I think this may have been due to a change in the default settings of MySQL in more recent versions. Surely you can understand that 2.7 was working at the time when most of us were on older versions of MySQL? Out of curiosity, I googled Drupal and Wordpress along with the "column not found" error and found many results. Not trying to make excuses - just saying that this is sometimes the reality of software development - things break due to changes in dependencies - there are a lot of combinations/permutations to keep up with!
    1 point
  28. Sounds really good. Would happily purchase. The backend being pre-done is much more interesting to me than the having a front end template.
    1 point
  29. I am working on something similar. @Joss: I think this is what you are getting at? I would be grateful if you can confirm. I'm using screenshots to try to explain. I hope this works? First I created a categories page structure: Then I created the products page structure: Then a field called categories of type 'page'. The Basic settings The Details settings The Input settings Add the categories field to the product template, so that you can select the appropriate categories for that product. Some notes. I haven't yet sorted out the template structure for the hierachy. As Ryan said above, I probably need different templates for the categories and sub-categories. I'm also at a point where I need some help displaying the categories. I'm ok with the parent page called 'Boys Nightware' that hold the children as products. If there's a better way to do it please let me know. This is the code in the template for Boys Nightware: <?php if ($page->children) { foreach($page->children as $product) { $firstimage = $product->product_images->first(); echo "<div class='product_section'> <div class='img_ctr'><a href='{$product->url}'><img src='{$firstimage->url}' alt='{$firstimage->description}'></a></div> <h3><a href='{$product->url}'>{$product->product_name}</a></h3> <p style='text-align:center;font-size:90%;'><span class='product_attribute_label'>Size:</span> {$product->product_size}<span class='product_attribute_label' style='margin-left:1em;'>Price:</span> £{$product->sc_price}</p> </div>"; }} ?> Which produces this layout where you click through to a single product page. I now need to work on the templates for the categories above that. Any guidance appreciated.
    1 point
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