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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2016 in all areas

  1. What are some other projects that you follow or find interesting? For example in open source world? Here are some that I find interesting Godot engine - open source, relatively new game engine... when reading through tutorial they are explaining working with scenes and nodes, as it makes this engine kind of different from others, it works in a tree structure, everything can be a scene, and it is something that is very powerful after you understand it ... you know, that reminded of something Red lang - different kind of programming language that you can cross compile, with native GUI ... you can be download it, it is under 1MB ...on their website they mention that they are fans of eve-lang which is also interesting. Open source ecology - not a software, but they are building houses, in 5 days, self-sufficient on energy, water, with greenhouse, which can produce more food than a family needs, so you can sell it. ad it is still cheap. But not only that. They are also developing tractors, 3d printers, wind turbines and what not. Like PW these projects seems to be all very well thought out, something that is not yet fully understood by a lot of people, but there is a future in them... kind of genius projects ... i don't know how to explain simply, for me they are in similar category like PW.
    4 points
  2. Hello, If you use this module, you may be interested by my fork https://github.com/jlj/MarkupTwitterFeed, that adds the following features to the official MarkupTweeterFeed module: support of the recent Twitter extended tweet format (tweets longer than 140 chars); support of emoji characters in tweets; display of image in a tweet (only the first image is displayed in the curent version); display of video in a tweet (with a html5 video markup); for retweets, display of the original author and avatar in the tweet. Also, it allows a more flexible per-item rendering, as in the following example: $t = $modules->get('MarkupTwitterFeed'); $t->limit = 10; $renderOptions = array( 'showDate' => 'before, after', 'dateFormat' => __("M j, Y"), // Tweet block date format 'listItemOpen' => "\n\t<div class='tweet-item'>", 'listItemClose' => "</div>", 'listItemText' => "<i class='fa fa-twitter'></i> <span class='tweet-text'>{text}</span>", 'listItemDate' => " <div class='date'><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i> {date}</div>", 'listItemLink' => "<a rel='nofollow' href='{href}'>{url}</a>", 'videoAttributes' => "autoplay loop muted", 'preserveLineBreaks' => 'coalesce', ); foreach($t as $tweet) { echo $t->renderItem($tweet, $renderOptions); } Examples from my website: This module has been tested with pw 2.7.2 only, so I cannot guarantee the proper working with 3.0… Hope this will be useful for others here.
    4 points
  3. @SiNNuT, if we stay in the non-proprietary category, you might be interested by http://sk1project.net/.
    2 points
  4. A ProDevTools request: A module that puts PW into "record mode", where template/field additions and changes (via admin or API) are recorded in some way. The idea being that a live site could be cloned to a dev environment, changes made and recorded, and then the changes "played back" on the live site to apply them. I use an exported profile for this, which includes all the modules, templates, settings, etc, that I like to have as a starting point for new projects. Exported profiles don't include config.php tweaks, but if you use the ProcessWireConfig module (why isn't this great module in the directory?) then restoring your customised config settings only requires copying config.json to /site/assets/config/. The only thing missing then is user accounts.
    2 points
  5. The edit field link is failing because I use a CSS selector "#ProcessPageEdit .aos_hasTooltip .title", so it is not applied to non-processpageedit type pages. I guess I can remove this limitation. The extra top seems to come from the Sticky CKEditor toolbar setting ON, but I couldn't reproduce. Could you find what CSS rule is causing this?
    1 point
  6. OSE as an idea is good, but the project leader has not been good with managing the projects and the people contributing to them. Over the years several teams have formed and left - most of them frustrated. If Marcin can change his style, it will work. I also follow Eve development.
    1 point
  7. Create a child class of Bar, which does have public methods to modify those properties? Use that child class from your module.
    1 point
  8. Elixir / Phoenix - A really great functional programming language running on the erlang VM. Damn fast and with great concurrency tools. Phoenix is the corresponding webframework (inspired by rails, but also not really)
    1 point
  9. Hello @mangopo, either you can make your existing site responsive using media queries or you can build an mobile version of your site. There are pros and cons for each approach, but I would recommend responsive design over an mobile version. If you want to learn more about this topic, there are many resources available, which explain it in depth: Responsive Design with CSS3 Media Queries Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  10. I think if turning off debug mode is fixing things then it's a sign that there is an error being returned from the getJson call that you need to debug. Tracy does seem to be suppressing some ajax errors, which is why things work with it on or with debug mode off. I have posted an issue on the core Tracy Github page: https://github.com/nette/tracy/issues/233 - will see what comes of that, but I probably need to do some more testing at my end too.
    1 point
  11. Already done that (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/MarkupTwitterFeed/pull/5), but the previous pull request I did for this same module in January 2015 has stayed unanswered, so I don't know if this one will be integrated…
    1 point
  12. Best approach is to just make your template responsive. I've found this template very easy to implement: http://getskeleton.com/
    1 point
  13. Not automated, but a great set of resources: Devices by Facebook.
    1 point
  14. Hey that is really cool then you don't have to hack your .htaccess
    1 point
  15. If you find it easier, this CORS Chrome extension might be useful: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-control-allow-origi/nlfbmbojpeacfghkpbjhddihlkkiljbi?hl=en
    1 point
  16. Well I found another and they have the project which you can run locally https://github.com/justincavery/am-i-responsive/ I had to remove the SAMEORIGIN header from xampp but it worked locally.
    1 point
  17. OMG! It's just so wonderful! It works perfectly. Thanks so much!
    1 point
  18. Found one site that will do it http://techsini.com/multi-mockup/index.php
    1 point
  19. Changing to "wire('config')" was successful. The next "this"-error was on line 430 ( Using $this when not in object context). I changed the output to only "$disabledText" and now AOS is working on PHP 5.3.8 Unfortunately, I can not switch to a newer PHP version on the server because there is still an old application running PHP 5.3.8. Processwire is on latest Dev (3.0.40), but I think the error is because the old PHP. Thanks for your support!
    1 point
  20. While we don't have a new core version for you this week, 3.0.41 will be here next week, with 3.0.40 becoming the new master at the same time. This week, I'll introduce something new I've been working on for awhile here (ProfilerPro), and think some of you might find it as useful as I have. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/a-look-at-the-new-profilerpro-module/
    1 point
  21. Hi, I'm about to implement a multisite project with PW3 (which is great btw!!!). Because of "reasons" I need to implement my own routing. To do this I implemented a little module the hooks ProcessPageView::execute(). I reviewed its code and found out, that the actual logic to look-up the requested page from the request is placed in a protected method ProcessPageView::getPage(). And because this method is currently not hookable, I needed to do a dirty hack (overriding the GET.it parameter that is inspected by ProcessPageView::getPage()). I suggest making ProcessPageView::getPage() hookable and pass the arguments for the page look-up via method arguments instead of inspecting the GET scope within the method.
    1 point
  22. Current behavior can be confusing (at least I tripped over it), see: This is the proposed behavior:
    1 point
  23. I think we should collect these keyboard improvements, put them into a Pull Request and point them towards "core", 2.8 and 3.0. For example: One could make the Page List in Admin (both Reno and Standard, they share the same code here) way more keyboard accessible with a few lines of code. I have this prepared but originially wanted to make further improvements on links' and buttons' focus styles, but don't find the time to finish it to match my aspiration. ProcessWire's admin themes deserve an accessibility boost PS: Not just admin themes, the standard themes should lead by example as well PPS: Just saw Ryan tagged it as "ToDo", yay
    1 point
  24. Our main audience are currently web designers/developers that require a platform that does most of the heavy lifting for them, but allows them to freely modify data structures, markup, and even back-end functionality of their sites. WordPress, on the other hand, is famous for trying to cater for all kinds of users – even those who don't ever want to touch or see any code *or* markup at all. As a result they're not particularly good at anything and just trying to keep their current codebase in good shape seems to be nearly impossible task. I'm not saying that ProcessWire is already as good as it can get – quite the contrary. We've taken huge steps in so many ways in just a few short years and will no doubt continue doing so in the foreseeable future. The point I'm trying to make is that "converting all WordPress websites over" isn't necessarily a goal worth striving for. At the very least that's not what motivates me personally. Correct. Site profiles provide a starting point, and after installing one of those you can customize your site as you see fit. While I have no idea what you mean by "making it custom", the thing is that site profiles in general are not interchangeable like WordPress themes. This is what I was referring to in my previous post: we've had some discussion about agreeing on specific fields, based on which we could develop interchangeable themes. Not entirely sure what's up with that project right now, but it sounds like this might be something you'd be interested in pursuing too. Actually you could make any module output styles, and some modules already do that. Some existing options include using the $config->styles or $config->scripts arrays (though they also need to be included in your markup somewhere), altering generated markup with a page render hook, and simply outputting styles or scripts in the middle of generated markup. I'll have to agree that these may not be exactly clean solutions at all times, but on the other hand, have you ever debugged a WordPress site with a ton of plugins adding their own styles/scripts? Trust me, "clean" is not how one would describe that either In my opinion this is a very cool idea, but absolutely not something the core should do. Without going into specifics, nothing you've mentioned so far can't be done with a third party module. If this is something you feel is missing from ProcessWire, feel free to give it a try. You might even find some like-minded people here who'd be willing to help. In some ways I'll have to agree, but it's really not that simple. WordPress a) was around at the perfect time, b) decided relatively early to cater for the needs of everyone out there, c) doesn't care about how they're perceived by the technically adept audience, and d) doesn't care how much technical debt they amass in the process. I don't think that any platform can really take them head-on when it comes to number of users: at this point their popularity is also their biggest asset (assuming that "being the most popular platform out there at any cost" is really a sensible goal.) Agreed, and we *are* already expanding our audience. You haven't missed the Composer stuff we've been adding lately, have you? It's just that we've been aiming for expanding our audience to a slightly different direction than you had in mind I hate repeating myself, but I'll do it anyway: build a module. Publish it. If it's awesome and a lot of people love it, it has a good chance of becoming a core feature one day.
    1 point
  25. Hmm. Wordpress uses a script/styles wp_enqueue_scripts hook and a wp_enqueue_script/style function that is quite intelligent. It allows you to enqueue a script and any dependencies. WP then makes sure the dependency is loaded before the script that depends on it. Even if the dependency is not itself queued to be loaded on that page, the dependency argument will force it to be loaded. https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_enqueue_script For instance, if your script depended on jquery but jquery was not loaded by default (or you wanted to ensure it was), doing this... function my_scripts_loader(){ wp_enqueue_script('my_script_handle', 'my_script_url', array( 'jquery' )); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_loader' ); ...would load the script previously enqueued with the handle jquery. And then if your script was itself needed for another dependent script, you could: function next_script_loader(){ wp_enqueue_script('next_script_handle', 'next_script_url', array( 'my_script_handle' )); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'next_script_loader' ); So the script load order would be: jquery my_script_handle next_script_handle Scripts/styles enqueued this way are spat out in the wp_head or wp_footer template function. There's an in_footer argument for putting a script in the footer. Probably wouldn't be hard to use that system in PW core, or roll your own. It's all about queueing the enqueued scripts and loading any given dependencies in the right order.
    1 point
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