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  1. Today
  2. Thanks for explaining in brief. You made my day.
  3. Thanks for the feedback sofar Unfortunatly not getting any success by applying page rules in Cloudflare with bypassing the cache levels. I went a step further and also applied a cache rule to disable caching https://www.domain.com/processwire/* this also didnt improve anything. The culprit is that exactly after 60 seconds we are logged out. For now as a temporary solution, we adjusted our office dns to bypass cloudflare and go direct to the AWS EC2 instance. This does the trick but is not a long term solution. As for the future we like to disable any http or https traffic that is not coming via Cloudflare.
  4. Problem solved. Ryan mentioned in the issue report that only files are protected that are uploaded after the $config->pagefileSecure setting is in place. I was not aware of that and I couldn't find that requirement documented anywhere when doing a search prior to posting this issue. Done a search again which pulled up this forum thread I suggest to add that information to the entry for `$config->pagefileSecure` at https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/
  5. Yesterday
  6. For handling datetime in Processwire, I've come to realize that the best way for me to avoid the most headache is leave EVERYTHING in UTC...the $config file, the ddev settings, etc. Then whenever I need to display times on the front end, I use a helper function I created that formats time in the Timezone of my choosing, at display time. With this method, the production server timezone or my dev environment timezone never matters. The added benefit is that you can have users save a timezone to their profile and then display times in their timezone. Any other way of dealing with timezone besides saving UTC to database has always created a mess for me later down the road. function UtcToCst($timestamp) { if(!$timestamp) return; return (new \DateTime("@" . $timestamp))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone("America/Chicago")); //Or use a timezone saved on your $user template. }
  7. This week we have ProcessWire 3.0.238 on the dev branch. This version contains 17 commits containing new features (some via feature requests) as well as issue fixes. Recent updates have been nicely covered in ProcessWire weekly issues #517 and #518. Also added this week are the following: Improvements to ProcessPageClone, which now supports some new options such as the ability to configure it to always use the full clone form (a requested feature), and an option to specify whether cloned children should be unpublished or not. New $datetime->strtodate($date, $format) method that accepts any PHP recognized date string and reformats it using the given format. It also supports date strings that PHP doesn't recognize if you give it a 3rd argument ($options array) with an `inputFormat`. The existing $datetime->strtotime() method now supports an `inputFormat` option as well. The Inputfield class now has new methods: $inputfield->setLanguageValue($language, $value) and $inputfield->getLanguageValue($language), added by the LanguageSupport module. Previously there were no dedicated methods for this, so you had to manage them with custom keys containing language IDs if you wanted to programmatically use an Inputfield in multi-language mode. The ProcessWire.alert() JS method has been updated with an auto-close option (`expire` argument) that automatically closes the alert box after a specified number of seconds. InputfieldDatetime has been updated with 7 new interactively configurable settings for the jQuery UI date picker. See the screenshot below for an example of a few. Plus, its API has been updated with the ability for you to specify or override any jQuery UI datepicker option, either from PHP or JS, as requested by Toutouwai/Robin S. See the new datepickerOptions() method and phpdoc for details. Next week we've also got some more updates to InputfieldTable that take the newly added actions even further and make them easier to use. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  8. Thanks - that did it! Looks like forcing "isLocal" was what I needed here. In this case it's not a guest, though I'm guessing the permission level is equivalent to guest. (I haven't explicitly added any tracy related permissions to roles.)
  9. I'd prefer to not use iframe but when searching it was flagged as the best option. Any suggestions instead of iframe. I'm not a dev so just learn as I go, so any direction to go would be appreciated.
  10. I had to do this just the other week. We had an old CMSMS site that we'd moved to PW. We had a db table with the old user names and passwords in which we stuck on the new site, and then just created our own login page which first checked to see if we had the user in PW already. If the user isn't already in PW then check the password against the old table; If it matches then use that information to add a new user to PW. The users don't really notice that anything has changed. Here's the code I used for that - you'll have to adapt to your circumstances of course but it worked well for our move. if ($input->post('ml_name')) { // when processing form (POST request), check to see if token is present // (we have a CSRF field on our login form) if ($session->CSRF->hasValidToken()) { // form submission is valid // okay to process } else { // form submission is NOT valid throw new WireException('CSRF check failed!'); } $ml_name = $sanitizer->name($input->post('ml_name')); $ml_pass = $input->post('ml_pass'); // dont allow the guest username if ($ml_name === 'guest') { throw new WireException('Invalid username'); }; // do we have this user in PW already? $u_exists = $users->get("$ml_name"); if ($u_exists->id) { // user exists // lets try and log them in try { if ($session->login($ml_name, $ml_pass)) { $session->redirect('/'); } else { $ml_feedback = 'Unknown details.'; } } catch (WireException $e) { // show some error messages: // $e->getMessage(); } } else { // ok - well do we have this user in the old CMS table? $query = $this->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM `cms_module_feusers_users` WHERE username = :login_name LIMIT 1;"); try { $query->execute(['login_name' => $ml_name]); } catch (PDOException $e) { die ('Error querying table : ' . $e->getMessage()); } // we've got a user from the old table if($query && $row=$query->fetch()) { $ml_feedback='Is in old table'; $hash=$row['password']; // handily the old auth just uses password_verify if(password_verify($ml_pass, $hash)){ // Add this user to the PW users $new_user=$users->add($ml_name); if($new_user){ $new_user->pass=$ml_pass; $new_user->addRole('members'); $new_user->save(); $log->save("new_members_site", $ml_name . " added as user"); $u = $session->login($ml_name, $ml_pass); if($u) { $session->redirect('/'); } else { die("Error in logging in. Please contact admin."); } $ml_feedback='new user added to PW'; }else{ $ml_feedback='Unable to add new user. Please let admin know'; } }else{ $ml_feedback='No matching records found.'; } }else{ $ml_feedback='No record found.'; } } } and this is the login form that the we had on our new login page - this and the above was all in a single template. <form id="ml_login_form" class="ml_login_form" method="POST"> <?php echo $session->CSRF->renderInput(); ?> <label for="ml_name">Username</label> <input id="ml_name" name="ml_name" type="text" value="<?= $ml_name ?>" required> <label for="ml_pass">Password</label> <input id="ml_pass" name="ml_pass" type="password" value="<?= $ml_pass ?>" required> <div style="display: none;"> <label for="ml_pass_bear">Password</label> <input id="ml_pass_bear" name="ml_pass_bear" type="text" value=""> </div> <button type="submit" name="ml_submit" class="butt">Submit</button> <div class="ml_feedback"><?= $ml_feedback ?></div> </form>
  11. Loading a website after updating to PHP 8.x failed. The connection to the server was reset while the page was being loaded. NS_ERROR_NET_RESET PHP error was not catched, nothing displayed, nothing logged. After a long search, it turned out that the Gettext extension was responsible for the fatal error. Code example to reproduce: $locale = 'de_DE'; setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); echo gettext("foo bar"); // NS_ERROR_NET_RESET After adding the environment variable LANG it worked as expected. $locale = 'de_DE'; setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); putenv("LANG=$locale"); echo gettext("foo bar"); // foo bar Same behaviour with ngettext() and maybe other Gettext functions. Alternatively, the problem could also be solved with putenv("LC_ALL=$locale"); Possibly affected: ProcessWire\Languages::setLocale() I found little information about this behavior on the Internet.
  12. Hallo @Peter Knight Yes, it was referring to the /processwire/ manager login. I'm a bit surprised, because I thought it was already fixed.
  13. Hello @BrendonKoz, On the code above I didn't copy the namespace and use statements but this is not the issue, instead of using ProcesswireTemplate I can directly use strings but this is not working either. EDIT: I've edited my code to remove this ambiguity, using strings instead of class ProcesswireTemplate.
  14. Last week
  15. It works for me too in a similar context - i.e. when calling it to output: i.e in {$page->foo()} - but not when called in a variable declaration - ie. {var $foo = $page->foo()} That's when I seem to need {var $foo = $page->ProcessWire\foo()}. Odd. EDIT - Correction: The issue occurs not with page classes but just with functions defined in init.php (which is in the ProcessWire namespace.
  16. Agreed, because I read alot of forums and realized that it could allude to a myriad of reasons, only reason I was able to sort this was looking at the source and getting help from @Christophe
  17. I try to get info for an old url-path found in PagePathHistory. $p->getPathInfo() does not return anything but the basic empty reply. What am I doing wrong? $p = $modules->get('PagePathHistory'); $p->getPathInfo("/en/about/child-page-example/") array (10) 'id' => 0 'path' => '/en/about/child-page-example' 'language_id' => 0 'templates_id' => 0 'parent_id' => 0 'created' => '' 'status' => 0 'name' => '' 'matchType' => '' 'urlSegmentStr' => '' And that page is found in the database page_path_history table: INSERT INTO `page_path_history` (`path`, `pages_id`, `created`, `language_id`) VALUES ('/en/about/child-page-example', 1002, '2024-04-13 16:31:53', 0); The module PagePathHistory is version 0.0.8 and PW version 3.0.237.
  18. There are several modules that might help. Most by Macrura here in the forums.
  19. Thx @Christophe that's some good questions 🙂 I've updated the profile to hopefully answer all of them: https://github.com/baumrock/site-rockfrontend/commit/be55adae28ffe6a7aac83944284820f17afdaabf You don't need to use tailwind. If you don't want to use it just remove the _tailwind.css file. If you find anything happening that should not be let me know and I'll fix it.
  20. If anyone is using wire-cli, and you find you're getting a lot of PHP warnings about not being able to set session parameters after headers have been sent, this may help. You may need to add a custom session function to site/config.php to prevent ProcessWire attempting to setup session handling when it's bootstrapped by wire-cli from the command line. YMMV, but this seems to be working for me. NOTES: Adjust the path if your admin interface is not at /processwire/. If you need sessions on the public (non-admin) paths of your site, remove the "ADJUST THIS PATH..." line and change the final line to "return true;". /** * Custom Session Control * * - Keeps non-admin pages free of cookies/sessions * - Unless there is already a session cookie * - Prevents session start on CLI invocation (wire-cli etc.) * - Allows admin pages to use sessions */ $config->sessionAllow = function($session) { if ($session->hasCookie()) return true; $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? false; if (false === $req_uri) return false; // CLI invocation? if (0 === strpos($req_uri, '/processwire/')) return true; // ADJUST THIS PATH IF NEEDED return false; };
  21. Thank you for pointing me to the right direction. 🙂 I don't often use hooks, but here is my current hook wich works for me: <?php $forms->addHookAfter('InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha::renderScript', function($event) { $url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"; $value = "<script class='require-consent' type='text/plain' data-type='text/javascript' data-src='$url' data-category='functional'></script>"; $event->return = $value; });
  22. Izzy

    Book Recommendations

    I recently finished reading "The Color of Magic" by Terry Pratchett, a delightful blend of fantasy and comedy. I cannot recommend this book enough—it's a must-read!
  23. @kongondo any plans for a release date? We have the feature request from our client for batch editing MM pages. Something like how ListerPro does it would be awesome.
  24. This is still an ongoing issue for us. We want to try testing it on some of our other sites as well. Was more just checking if anyone else had ran into the issue before.
  25. @ryan @Pete Can we get this fixed? Or if you'd like, I can help maintain this site.
  26. Weird - maybe you had just never saved the settings so the format wasn't available? Anyway, shouldn't matter now regardless.
  27. Thx @incognito.ms it's fixed in v5.4.2 🙂 https://www.baumrock.com/en/releases/rockpagebuilder/
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