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Digital archive of Alpine culture. The project aims to register and keep records of the history/society in a specific Italian rural area in the Alps, Valtellina (Tellina Valley). An archive is needed to collect several media type from the public, mainly photographs but also audio, video and digital books from local libraries. The project involved several actors, some professional archivists but mostly libraries and museums. The archive target audience is the general public, rather then academics. ProcessWire gave a solid and intuitive interface to manage all records. The search engine is managed from an external service: Algolia (, which provides a very powerful tool and simplifies the filtering of records, very efficiently. There's a synchronisation between ProcessWire and Aloglia via json files. TailwindCss builds the css, AlpineJs takes care of interactions. There are nearly all paid PW modules to help manage the site (most useful: ProLister, ProCache, Promailer). Please note the project was build by graphic designer Simone Ronzio and developers from Thanks!

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