AMZ – Allgemeinmedizinische Praxis

AMZ – Allgemeinmedizinische Praxis Verified 200 OK (2 weeks ago) 1.6MB png / 213.2kB webp (87%)

As a modern General Practitioner's Practice in Sinzig, the AMZ is the first place to go when it comes to your health. The team around the experienced doctor Dr. Daniela Siegers offers a wide range of GP services in the centrally located medical practice in Sinzig. In a friendly and trusting atmosphere, our entire team is committed to your health and is available to provide you with comprehensive GP care. In our practice, we always advise and treat you individually and according to the current state of knowledge. We treat each other as equals and maintain an appreciative and empathetic relationship. With you in our team - together for your health.

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