ProcessWire User Activity Shop
The UserActivity module keeps track of what all logged-in users are doing on the website or application. One of the primary goals is to prevent page edit collisions so that one user does not interfere with another’s page edits.
Front-end file uploads Shop
The InputfieldFrontendFile module provides file and image fields that can be used on the front-end of a website with LoginRegisterPro. It works with ProcessWire’s existing file and image fields as a drop-in replacement that applies itself automatically. It is specifically designed for the safety considerations of a front-end, non-admin environment.
Combo Shop
A single Combo field can have as many other fields in it as you want, but it’s still just one field in ProcessWire, and it consumes no more resources than one field in ProcessWire, making it especially efficient.
About the /site/modules/ directory Docs
This directory /site/modules/ is where you may install additional 3rd party plugin modules, or create your own. Read on for more details.
Site profiles Download
These are site profiles developed for ProcessWire to serve as introductory examples and starting points.
Form Saver/Reminder Shop
Automatically saves front-end forms before they are submitted. Ensures users don't lose their entered form data, even if they take a break or switch devices. This module will also send 1-2 reminder emails to the user to finish their form.
ProcessWire Sitemap XML Shop
Turn-key ProcessWire module for easily configuring and rendering sitemap.xml output.
ProcessWire Request Blocker Shop
Helps to prevent scanners and bots from consuming too much of the server’s resources by automatically blocking their IPs when specific patterns are detected.
Using hooks Docs
ProcessWire contains many methods that you may easily hook in order to modify the behavior of the method. Hooks can also be used to add new methods to existing classes.
ProCache CDN Integration Shop
Using ProCache with a CDN can drastically reduce the server’s overhead and bandwidth in delivering assets, while also greatly improving the speed at which they are delivered to end-users.
ProCache Shop
ProcessWire ProCache bypasses PHP and MySQL and enables your web server to deliver pages at the speed of static HTML. ProCache also includes CDN support, minification of HTML, CSS, JS, and many more optimizations.
Multi-site support Docs
Multiple-site support implies running multiple web sites at independent domains or subdomains from the same ProcessWire installation and web hosting account.
Pagination Docs
This module renders navigation for pagination. Such navigation usually appears as a list of "1, 2, 3, next…" links at the bottom of search results.
ListerPro Shop
ListerPro is an amazing page listing and editing tool for the ProcessWire admin that enables you to find, filter, list, sort and even edit/manipulate pages (individually or in bulk) based on any of their properties.
LazyCron Docs
This core module provides hooks that are automatically executed at various intervals.
FormBuilder Shop
Whether you need a large registration form or just a simple contact form, ProcessWire Form Builder helps you get the job done quickly and easily. It’s the ultimate tool for building and processing forms in ProcessWire.
ProcessWire API Explorer Shop
A comprehensive ProcessWire reference that’s always up-to-date, easy-to-use and ready when you are. Part of the ProDevTools set of commercial modules.
ProDrafts Shop
ProDrafts enables you to easily maintain separate draft and live versions of any page in ProcessWire. It also provides automatic-save capability, live preview (preview as you type), group workflow functions and more!
Include & bootstrap Docs
Use ProcessWire’s API in other PHP apps and shell scripts… It’s easy!
Field dependencies Docs
Input and field dependencies enable you to specify the conditions under which a particular field in the page editor is shown or required.
Selectors Docs
Selectors are simple strings of text that specify fields and values. These selectors are used throughout ProcessWire to find pages (and other types of data).
$config Docs
The $config API variable contains all the settings specific to your site configuration. This includes URLs and paths, database configuration, session configuration, and more.
$pages Docs
While the $page variable holds the current page, the $pages variable is where you can get at all the other pages in your site. It includes functions for getting, finding, saving and deleting pages.
Troubleshoot Docs
If you’ve run into an issue during installation or upgrade of ProcessWire, find out how to fix it here.
Upgrade Docs
Upgrading ProcessWire is super-simple, but we also recommend that you be familiar with these best practices during upgrades.