ProcessWire core updates (2.5.26) 10 years ago
Content-type support added to templates, ProCache version 2.0.2 released, PageList now supports hover actions, and more.
ProcessWire core updates (2.5.16) 10 years ago
Blank versus 0, Configurable URL segments from template settings, and more…
ProcessWire 3.0 (alpha 2) and 2.6.22 (rc1) 9 years ago
This week we bring you two new versions of ProcessWire: 3.0 alpha-2 and 2.6.22 rc1. In this post we discuss the new module and template compiler options built into ProcessWire 3.x.
ProcessWire 2.6.7 core updates and more 10 years ago
This week we introduced new standardized include/hook files that make a lot of tasks easier, less ambiguous and more efficient when developing sites and applications in ProcessWire. We also released yet another new version of ListerPro that take editable columns even further. In addition, ProcessWire 2.6.7 includes updates from numerous GitHub reports and PRs.
ProcessWire 2.6.20 and surprise: ProcessWire 3.0 alpha 1 9 years ago
Dev version 2.6.20 continues working towards 2.7. Plus a special preview alpha release of ProcessWire 3.0 and lots of discussion about it.
ProcessWire 2.6.19 plus guide to optional core modules 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.19 contains numerous updates working towards PW 2.7. This post also contains a comprehensive overview of optional (uninstalled) core modules, some of which you may want to install!
ProcessWire 2.6.16 core updates + ProDrafts Q&A 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.16 brings a new published property to all pages, adds support for custom labels with Page fields, and more. This post also has a Q&A section for the upcoming ProDrafts module.
ProcessWire 2.6.12 core updates, updates to several Pro modules and more 10 years ago
Continued improvements to AJAX editing in ProcessWire, plus a new Pages > Add New menu and landing page. We also have new versions of all ProFields modules, new version of ListerPro and more.
Introducing Tracy Debugger 9 years ago
Hi everyone, Adrian Jones here this week to give you a rundown on a relatively new module, TracyDebugger.