What you’ll love About
ProcessWire is the content management system that connects it all. Regardless of scale, it is simple, powerful, consistent, predictable, capable and just plain fun to use.
Versus WordPress About
If you are a current WordPress user looking to better understand what ProcessWire offers relative to WordPress, this page offers a few points for comparison that you might find useful.
CLA About
ProcessWire Contributor License Agreement (CLA), based on the language from the GitHub CLA.
Demo site About
The demonstration site running ProcessWire provides a collection of skyscrapers in the United States and enables you to browse and search them by city, architect and various other factors.
ProcessWire Download
This page contains links to download the latest ProcessWire core version. Options include the current master version and the latest dev version. Several 3rd party installation options are also available and linked from this page as well.
Background About
Additional background information on ProcessWire including its history, what the term “ProcessWire” means, and more.
MPL 2.0 License About
Most files in the ProcessWire core source code use the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
License About
ProcessWire is a pure open-source CMS licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. When indicated in the file header, the MIT license is also used by ProcessWire.
Requirements About
ProcessWire is easy to install and use—you can be up and running in less than 5 minutes!
TOTP 2-factor authentication (TfaTotp) Docs
TOTP standards for “Time-based One-Time Password”, which is an algorithm that computes a one-time password. It does this with a shared secret key and the current time.
Markup regions Docs
Markup regions give you the best of both worlds—the simplicity of direct output with the power of delayed output, just using HTML.
Using custom page types in ProcessWire Docs
A look at some lesser known advanced techniques that enable you to introduce new conveniences by creating custom page types. An advanced tutorial by Benjamin Milde.
URL segments and routing Docs
URL segments enable your page’s template file to become a URL router or controller to act upon different URLs sent to it.
Default site profile Docs
If you've installed ProcessWire's default site profile and want a guide on how the template files work, this is for you. This tutorial also serves as a good introduction to template files in general. By Ryan Cramer.
Third party modules Docs
We can vouch for the security of the code that we write in the ProcessWire core, but we can't vouch for the security of third party modules. Follow these guidelines to maximize your security with third party modules.
Template files Docs
While ProcessWire handles a lot of the common security considerations before your template files are even loaded, you should also follow security best practices within your template files as you would in any other PHP framework.
Running ProcessWire alongside other software Docs
ProcessWire will happily run alongside almost any other PHP application, including other CMSs. However, security on your site will only be as good as the weakest link.
Securing file permissions Docs
Getting your file permissions right is one of the most important factors in maintaining the security of your ProcessWire installation, particularly in non-dedicated/shared environments.
Email/SMS 2-factor authentication (TfaEmail) Docs
This is a push-based two-factor authentication method, where it sends out an email or SMS message to you with your authentication code.
CKEditor Docs
CKEditor is the rich text editor used by ProcessWire via the module InputfieldCKEditor. On a default installation of ProcessWire, there is typically a “body” field which uses CKEditor.
ProMailer Shop
ProMailer is the ideal tool for creating and sending email newsletters and managing subscribers in ProcessWire. It answers many of the same needs as services like MailChimp and Constant Contact, but without the recurring fees associated with those services.
Stripe payments Inputfield for FormBuilder Shop
The InputfieldFormBuilderStripe module provides a Stripe payment solution for ProcessWire FormBuilder, enabling you to collect credit card (and other) payments from Stripe with your form submissions.
FormBuilder Hooks Shop
Hooks are an optional way for developers to modify the behavior of FormBuilder. This section include a guide on how to use hooks in FormBuilder, including many examples and a reference/list of available hooks and what they do.
LoginRegisterPro Shop
Login Register Pro for ProcessWire 3.x provides an all-in-one, self contained module for providing new user registration, secure logins, profile editing, and more. It does this all in a manner that is reliable, efficient, comprehensive and secure.
Login Register Pro documentation Shop
This documentation covers how to install and use LoginRegisterPro in your website or application.