ProcessWire 3.0.7 Expands Field Rendering, Page Path History and More 9 years ago
This week we have another new ProcessWire 3.x version for you that includes several updates and optimizations. We've also greatly expanded upon the field rendering with template files, with lots of info covered in this post.
More Repeaters, Repeater Matrix and New Field Rendering 9 years ago
In ProcessWire 3.0.5, you can nest repeater fields and use dynamic/AJAX loading for all items. Plus we've got the first test version of Repeater Matrix released, and new support for field templates…
New Repeater and Repeater Matrix features 3 years ago
This week we have some very useful new additions to both the core Repeater Fieldtype and the ProFields Repeater Matrix Fieldtype. This post covers all the details along with a couple of brief demonstration videos.
ProcessWire 3.0.44 – Repeater and Repeater Matrix upgrades 8 years ago
Lots of fun new upgrades to our Repeater and Repeater Matrix fields this week. In this post we cover all the details along with a couple of screenshots. You can start using these now in ProcessWire 3.0.44.
ProcessWire 3.0.4: Repeaters Revisited + Preview of ProFields Matrix 9 years ago
This week is all about repeaters, something that we didn't cover on the roadmap last week–we always like to save a few surprises to keep things interesting. We've also got a preview of the new Repeater Matrix field coming soon to the ProFields package.
ProcessWire updates and new field types 7 years ago
This week we've got a new multi-language email field, a tutorial on how to use file/image files as multi-language fields, plus we introduce a new and unique ProFields module that's in the works.
Field permissions, overrides and more (2.6.2) 10 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.1 was made the new master and 2.6.2 was pushed to the dev branch with all new field level access control and overrides support!
ProcessWire 2.6.17 expands admin navigation with bookmarks 9 years ago
You can now create bookmark navigation to edit, list, add or find any page(s) in the admin! Lots of details with screenshots and more.
ProcessWire 3.0.10 expands image resize options 9 years ago
This week we've got some really nice upgrades to our image resizing engine, a new core module type, and more.
ProcessWire 3.0.18 brings yet more images field upgrades! 9 years ago
ProcessWire 3.0.18 continues from last week, making major upgrades to our images field. This week we got into some of the finer details, and we've got plenty for you to look at here, as well as a screencast to demonstrate it all.
ProcessWire 2.6.8 brings new version of Reno admin theme and more 9 years ago
This week we're excited to bring you a new version of the Reno admin theme that offers a lot of nice refinements and new features. We also have some new color sets for the Reno theme, and several new core API functions that we think you may find useful.
ProcessWire 2.6.9 core updates, new ProCache version, and more 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.9 brings a useful new API method, more control over slashes in URLs, and more. This week we also released a new version of ProCache and this post goes into detail about all that it does.
ProcessWire 3.0.76, a new front-end account module and much more 7 years ago
This week we've got a new core version, a new version of the Uikit 3 admin theme, a new version of ProCache with SCSS and LESS support, plus a brand new module that provides user login, new user registration and a user profile editor, all for the front-end of your site.
ProcessWire 3.0.74 adds new “FieldsetPage” field type 7 years ago
A new module, FieldtypeFieldsetPage has been added to the core. This post covers all the details and more!
About the new ProcessWire ProFields Combo Field 4 years ago
This week we'll take a brief look at a powerful new ProFields module for ProcessWire that's just around the corner—the Combo field.
ProcessWire 3.0.68 – More on page export/import 7 years ago
This week we've got more to tell you about our upcoming page export/import feature, along with several screenshots of the progress.
ProcessWire 3.0.70 – Page export/import details & more 7 years ago
In this week's post we'll take a closer look at the importing side of our upcoming export/import tool. Plus we'll look at something new in 3.0.70 called markup region hints, which are worthwhile if you are using markup regions in PW3.
Merry Christmas! Here's ProcessWire 3.0.3 and 2.7.3, and some more! 9 years ago
Today we've got some nice upgrades to the comments manager, two new ProcessWire versions (3.0.3 and 2.7.3), plus a great tutorial from LostKobrakai.
New ajax-driven inputs, conditional hooks, template family settings and more 9 years ago
Major updates to the core dev branch this week, including system-wide support for AJAX-driven Inputfields, support for conditional hooks, some very useful updates to the Template editor, improvements to our autocomplete field, a new version of CKEditor, upgrades to AdminThemeReno and more!
New Site Profiles, Site Exporter and more… 10 years ago
The ProcessWire installer now lets you choose a site profile. New site profile exporter is far better than the previous. Support for append/prepend files on a per-template basis
New user-admin permissions, automatic version change detection, and more (2.6.10) 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.10 brings new granular support of user-admin permissions, auto-detection with cache-clearing following core version changes, improved permissions view, and support for re-labeling the page "name" field.
Field and template performance/scalability improvements 3 years ago
This week we have some great performance and scalability improvements in the core that enable lazy-loading of fields, templates and fieldgroups.
ProcessWire 3.0.24 and 2.8.24 enhance page traversal 8 years ago
This week updates were focused on covering GitHub issue reports and feature requests, plus some great new performance improvements to our page traversal methods.
ProcessWire 3.0.25 and 2.8.25 bring enhanced page finding selectors 8 years ago
This week we've got a pretty major upgrade to our page finding selectors that we think you will find useful in a lot of cases! Now you can accomplish much more with less, and this really brings our selectors to the next level.
A look at the new Page Edit Restore module 2 years ago
The new Page Edit Restore module helps to prevent page edits in the admin from getting lost when the user’s session is lost. This post covers it in detail.