Uikit3MinimalProfile by rafaoski

Profile based on the Uikit3 framework

Uikit3 / Minimal Profile For ProcessWire 3x with include new API additions like:

New “Unique” status for pages

New $page->if() method

API setting()




Pagination and SEO

URL segments

Methods for sanitizing and validating

$files->render() method

$files->include() method

Multiple language support

Pagination metadata

How To Install

  1. Download the zip file at Github or clone directly the repo: git clone https://github.com/rafaoski/site-uk3-minimal.git
  2. Extract the folder site-uk3-minimal-master into a fresh ProcessWire installation root folder.
  3. During the installation of ProcessWire, choose the profile Uikit3 / Minimal Profile.

Basic Info

  1. Most of the profile settings and translates are in the _init.php file.
  2. Functions can be found in the _func.php, _uikit.php file.
  3. The entire view is rendered in the _main.php file that uses markup regions.
  4. You can easily add hooks using the ready.php file.
  5. Options page added with the new “Unique” status, which you can use in this simple way like:
  6. The Author's website's blog entries and Archives page use URL segments /authors/author-name/, /archives/Year/Month/, see views/blog/blog.php for more info.
  7. This profile has additional functions (_uikit.php) from the regular uikit3 profile, which is located in the basic ProcessWire installer ( there are minor changes, such as adding translations from _init.php )

All images ( svg ) on the pages come from:

Simpleicons ( ProcessWire Logo )


Uikit 3
AddToAny - Universal Sharing Buttons


2019 byHumans under the MIT license.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

“The end client and designer love the ease at which they can update the website. Training beyond how to log in wasn’t even necessary since ProcessWire’s default interface is straightforward.” —Jonathan Lahijani