TextformatterRockHeadlineIDs by bernhard


Textformatter that applies id attributes to all headlines (h1-h6) in the markup field.

// input
<h1>This is my headline</h1>
// output
<h1 id='this-is-my-headline'>This is my headline</h1>

What if an id already exists?

If an id already exists in the input it will leave this id as is:

// input
<h1 id='foo'>foo</h1>
// output
<h1 id='foo'>foo</h1>
<h2 id='bar'>bar</h2>

What if an id is used twice?

It will automatically apply dashes until the id is unique:

// input
// output
<h1 id='foo'>foo</h1>
<h2 id='foo-'>foo</h2>
<h3 id='foo--'>foo</h3>

What about special characters?

Special characters will be sanitized according to your transliterate settings:

// input
<h1>Sehr schön</h1>
// output
<h1 id='sehr-schoen'>Sehr schön</h1>


You can customize the generated ID via hooking into getID:

$wire->addHookAfter("TextformatterRockHeadlineIDs::getID", function($event) {
  $event->return .= "-hooked";
// input
// output
<h1 id='foo-hooked'>foo</h1>


You can use tracy to debug this formatter:


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