TextformatterPagination by Ryan Cramer

Paginate a large text field into multiple pages. Create multi-page articles easily.

Pagination Textformatter

This Textformatter module for ProcessWire enables you to break up a single textarea field (using either TinyMCE or CKEditor) into multiple pages. You include all of the content in a single rich text field and separate each pagination with a line of hyphens (5+). When rendered on the front-end, the user will see pagination links at the bottom of the page enabling them to move forward and backward through the content/article.

Also included is the option for title pagination. That means assigning a title/headline to each pagination and giving the user a list of those titles they can click on to move to each section of the article.

Here is an example of this module in action

How to install

In ProcessWire 2.4+ go to your Modules menu in the admin, click the "New" tab and type or paste in "TextformatterPagination" and click "Install".

If you are unable to install using that method, you can also just install the old way by copying the files for this module into /site/modules/TextformatterPagination/ and clicking "check for new modules" from your Modules screen.

How to use

  1. In your admin, go to Setup > Fields and edit your Textarea field(s) where you want to support pagination. On the "Details" tab, select "Pagination" as a Textformatter and save. For the sake of examples, we will assume you added it to a field named "body".

  2. You will need enable page number support for any templates where you intend to use this module. Go to Setup > Templates and edit the template(s) where you will be using pagination. On the "URLs" tab, check the box to enable page numbers and Save. For the sake of examples, we will assume you added it to a template named "basic-page".

  3. Now edit a page where you want to use pagination. It should be a page with a long block of copy in your "body" field (or whatever field you added it to). Locate the position where you want to separate each page and type in a line of at least five hyphens in a row:

...This is the last line of text on page 1.


This is the first line of text on page 2.

The actual markup (HTML) in your editor would look like this:

<p>This is the last line of text on page 1.</p>
<p>This is the first line of text on page 2.</p>

Now preview your page to see how it looks.

Title pagination

It is common for multi-page articles to have pagination that behaves more as contextual links at the bottom of the page, like this:

Next: Performance and Optimization

This Pagination Textformatter will handle all of it for you. Setting up pagination titles is simple. Just follow the instructions under "How to use" above, but follow each line of 5+ hyphens with the title you want to use. Example:

----- Introduction

This is the first line of text on page 1.
This is the last line of text on page 1.

----- Performance and Optimization

This is the first line of text on page 2.

Specifying a title for the first pagination (as in "Introduction" above) is optional. If a title is not specified at the top of the content, the page title will be used as the title for the first pagination.

Headlines and title pagination

If you are using title pagination as described above, but want those pagination titles to also be headlines at the beginning of each pagination, simply do the same thing as above but make them a headline (rather than a paragraph). If you were to veiw the source in your editor, this is what you would want it to look like:

> <h2>----- Performance and Optimization</h2>

This module will detect that as a pagination title and paginate appropriately. After it runs, the HTML will look like this, with your headline in tact:

> <h2>Performance and Optimization</h2>

Please note that we are just using <h2> as an example here, and that it will work on any headline tag.


This module will look for several different shortcodes, tokens, tags (or whatever you want to call them) and automatically replace them with a pagination value.

Consuming shortcodes

The following shortcodes must appear in an HTML tag (with no attributes) by themselves. This can be any HTML tag with no attributes, but the most common scenario is that they would be surrounded in <p>paragraph</p> tags, which would be the result if you just typed the shortcode on its own line in your rich text editor. These shortcodes will consume and replace the tag they are surrounded with.

  • pagination-titles - Gets replaced with the titles pagination links.
  • pagination-titles-next - Gets replaced with the titles pagination "Next" link.
  • pagination-numbers - Gets replaced with the numbered pagination links.
  • pagination-off - This tells the module to skip insertion of the automatic pagination links at the bottom of the content, for the pagination in which it appears. This shortcode will simply be removed rather than replaced with anything.
  • pagination-off-all - Same as the above except that it applies to all pagination pages rather than just the current.

Non-consuming shortcodes

The following shortcodes do not need to be surrounded in tags, nor do they consume any tags they are surrounded with.

  • pagination-current - Number of current pagination.
  • pagination-total - Total number of pages.
  • pagination-title - Title of current pagination.

Here is an example of non-consuming shortcodes in action:

Page pagination-current of pagination-total: pagination-title

...would result in this output:

Page 2 of 4: Performance and Optimization


The Pagination Textformatter populates a special array with the same name as this module to every Page object that it operates on. Here is what this array looks like:

$page->TextformatterPagination = array(
  'numPages' => 3,             // number of pages total
  'pageNum' => 0,              // zero-based current page number ($input->pageNum is 1-based)
  'numberPagination' => '...', // rendered markup of number pagination
  'titlePagination' => '...',  // rendered markup of title pagination
  'title' => '...',            // title for current pagination
  'titles' => array(...),      // titles for all paginations, indexed by zero-based pageNum
  'titleNextLink' => '...',    // rendered markup for "next" link 

There are a few reasons why you might want to use this array. First would be simply to
determine if the current page has pagination at all. If the current page has no
pagination in the text, and the current page number is greater than 1, you might choose to
render a 404 page (if that suits your need). Example:

if($input->pageNum > 1 && !$page->TextformatterPagination) {
  throw new Wire404Exception();

However, the reason $page->TextformatterPagination contains all those properties in the array is because it is assumed you might want to re-use them somewhere in your page. For instance, perhaps you want to repeat the titlePagination in the sidebar:

<div id='sidebar'>
  $p = $page->TextformatterPagination;
  if($p && $p['titlePagination']) {
    echo "<h2>Table of Contents:</h2>";
    echo $p['titlePagination'];

Another scenario might be that you want to print the current page number at the top of the page, perhaps including the current pagination title:

$p = $page->TextformatterPagination; 
if($p && $p['numPages'] > 1) {
  // output a: "Page 1 of 3" headline at the top
  echo "<h4>Page $input->pageNum of $p[numPages]</h4>";
  // output the current section title, if on a page 2 or higher
  if($input->pageNum > 1 && $p['title']) echo "<h2>$p[title]</h2>";
// now output the body copy
echo $page->body; 

To summarize, $page->TextformatterPagination contains several bits of info and markup related to the current page pagination info that you may find useful to read and output or act upon. However, use of it is completely optional and provided primarily for cases where you want to expand upon the pagination features for your site.

Customization and options

All customization and options are configured in your /site/config.php file by specifying a $config->TextformatterPagination = array(...); containing the options you want to modify. Below is a list of all options with the default values. There is no need to specify all the options. Just specify the ones you want to change from the defaults. Note that many of these come from the MarkupPagerNav module, which is used by this module for outputting numbered pagination.

$config->TextformatterPagination = array(

  /**** TOGGLES *************************************************************/

  // Use numbered pagination?  'useNumberPagination' => true,

  // Use title pagination? (when available)
  'useTitlePagination' => true,

  // Include a "Next" link in title pagination?  'useTitleNext' => true,

  // Display title pagination before numbered pagination?  'titlePaginationFirst' => true,

  // Throw a Wire404Exception if invalid pagination is accessed?  'throw404' => true,

  /**** TITLE PAGINATION MARKUP *********************************************/

  // markup for title pagination
  'titleListMarkup' => "<hr /><ol class='TextformatterPagination'>{out}</ol>",

  // markup for items in title pagination
  'titleItemMarkup' => "<li><a href='{url}'>{out}</a></li>",

  // markup for current item in title pagination
  'titleCurrentItemMarkup' => "<li>{out}</li>",

  // markup for the "Next" link in title pagination
  'titleNextMarkup' => "<p><strong>Next: <a href='{url}'>{out}</a> &raquo;</strong></p>",

  /**** NUMBERED PAGINATION MARKUP (from MarkupPagerNav) ********************/

  // List container markup. Place {out} where you want the individual items rendered. 
  'listMarkup' => "\n<ul class='MarkupPagerNav'>{out}\n</ul>",

  // List item markup. Place {class} for item class (required), and {out} for item content. 
  'itemMarkup' => "\n\t<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>",

  // Link markup. Place {url} for href attribute, and {out} for label content. 
  'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'><span>{out}</span></a>",

  // Link markup for current page. Place {url} for href attribute and {out} for label content. 
  'currentLinkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'><span>{out}</span></a>",

  // label used for the 'Next' button
  'nextItemLabel' => 'Next',

  // label used for the 'Previous' button
  'previousItemLabel' => 'Prev',

  // label used in the seperator item
  'separatorItemLabel' => '&hellip;',

  // default classes used for list items, according to the type. 
  'separatorItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavSeparator',
  'firstItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavFirst',
  'firstNumberItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavFirstNum',
  'nextItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavNext',
  'previousItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavPrevious',
  'lastItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavLast',
  'lastNumberItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavLastNum',
  'currentItemClass' => 'MarkupPagerNavOn',

While it is most common to populate the above from /site/config.php it should be technically okay to populate it anytime before you need the Textformatter output. For instance, you could populate the above configuration values from the top of a template file or from an header.inc or _init.php file you might be using in your site. You may find this useful if any of the configuration options/markup need to change according to the user language, for example.

Example of configuration for Zurb Foundation pagination

$config->TextformatterPagination = array(
  'nextItemLabel' => '&raquo;',
  'nextItemClass' => 'arrow',
  'previousItemLabel' => '&laquo;',
  'previousItemClass' => 'arrow',
  'lastItemClass' => 'last',
  'currentItemClass' => 'current',
  'separatorItemLabel' => '&hellip;',
  'separatorItemClass' => 'unavailable',
  'listMarkup' => "<ul class='pagination'>{out}</ul>",
  'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>",
  'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'>{out}</a>",

What about caching?

Because this module uses the built-in ProcessWire page numbers, each of your paginated URLs is fully cachable by either the built-in template cache or by ProCache. There are not any significant considerations here other than that you should not disable the throw404 configuration option.

Copyright 2014 by Ryan Cramer

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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