TextformatterAutoSchema by David Karich

AutoSchema automatically sets the basic properties of the micro data of Schema.org. For example, for headings, images and links. Images are automatically changed to a figure tag and the alt Attribut used as caption.

#ProcessWire – AutoSchema Textformatter#

####Automatic Schema.org Micro Data for basic elements####

AutoSchema module automatically sets the basic micro data attributes of Schema.org. For example, for headings, paragraphs, images and links. Images are automatically changed to a HTML5 figure tag and the image alt attribut used as caption. This option can be disabled via the backend.


  1. Copy the files for this module to /site/modules/TextformatterAutoSchema/
  2. In admin: Modules > Check for new modules. Install Module > AutoSchema - Auto detect of Schema.org-Attributes
  3. Add AutoSchema as Textformatter on a Textfield. The best way as last formatter.

##Example what happens##

In the "body"-field (for example, editable via the CKEditor) you add an image. When you render the template following tag is displayed without AutoSchema:

<img alt="Your image caption" width="600" height="400" src="/site/assets/files/1/my-image.600x0.jpg" />

AutoSchema automatically generates the following code:

<figure itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" style="width:600px;">
    <img alt="Your image caption" width="600" height="400" src="/site/assets/files/1/my-image.600x0.jpg"  itemprop="image" />
    <figcaption itemprop="caption">Your image caption</figcaption>
    <meta itemprop="width" content="600">
    <meta itemprop="height" content="400">

##What is changed automatically?##

  • <h1> to <h1 itemprop="headline">
  • <h2-6> to <h2-6 itemprop="alternativeHeadline">
  • <p> to <p itemprop="text">
  • <a> to <a itemprop="url">
  • <img> to <img itemprop="image" /> or complete HTML5 figure

##What are micro data and this Schema.org?##

Schema.org provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood by the major search engines: Google, Microsoft, Yandex and Yahoo! More information: schema.org



  • Initial release

##Questions or comments?##

My Name is David Karich. Send me an E-Mail with your questions, suggestions or bugs to support@flipzoom.de.

##Test environment##

  • ProcessWire in Version 2.3
  • Windows (WAMP) / Linux (CentOS 6.4/6.5)
  • PHP 5.3.3, 5.5.3
  • Apache 2.2.21

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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