Modules 141 to 160 of 681
- FrontendForms 2.2.20 by juergen
Create forms and validate them using the Valitron library.
2024/11/22 — Fieldtype Modules13 - InputfieldSlideToggle 0.0.5 beta by BitPoet
Sliding Toggle: Smartphone style sliding toggle as replacement for plain checkboxes
2022/11/24 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules2 - FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules5 - AdminPreSaveValidation 1.1.2 by thetuningspoon
Pre-Save Validation: Forces admin editors to fix all errors before saving a page.
2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers3 - RockLanguage 1.0.1 by bernhard
Easily manage and ship translation files for your modules
2022/06/21 — Language Modules3 - FieldtypeURLLanguage 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
URL (Multi-language): Fieldtype that stores a URL in multiple languages.
2017/08/07 — Fieldtype Modules, Language Modules8 - TextformatterWrapTable 1.0.1 beta by pmichaelis
Wrap Table: Wrap a container div around markup tables.
2023/01/03 — Textformatter Modules2 - TextformatterTagParser 2.2.0
Variable Context Tag Parser: Substitutes tags in a given text block with values from a context (or an array of contexts). Each context provider must be an instance of WireData. This means…
2018/06/24 — Textformatter Modules2 - ProcessPodcastSubscriptions 1.0.4 beta by Neue Rituale
Podcast Subscriptions: Subscribe Podcast RSS feed and save episodes as new page
2024/01/30 — Process Modules, Photo/Video/Audio1 - TagsToFolders 0.0.7 beta by EPRC
This is a small helper tool to visually organise fields/templates into folders in the menu when they are tagged
2024/07/25 — Admin Helpers5 - TemplateEngineFactory 1.1.3 by wanze
A module integrating template engines such as Twig. It allows to render pages or individual templates via template engine and encourages to separate logic from…
2019/02/14 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules29 - FieldtypePageGrid 2.1.74 by jploch
PAGEGRID: Commercial page builder module that renders block templates and adds drag and drop functionality in admin.
2024/11/28 — Fieldtype Modules, Premium Modules6 - GooglePlaceDetails 1.0.0 by Stefan Thumann
Display Google place details like reviews and other information.
2023/01/03 — Social, Feeds, Services, Markup Generation2 - HelperFieldLinks 1.0.9 by soma
Adds shortcut edit link to all input fields on page edit. Adds shortcut edit link for the selected template. Only visible for superusers.
2019/02/28 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools28 - LimitTable 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
Allows limits and restrictions to be placed on selected Table fields.
2023/09/24 — Admin Helpers4 - ImportExternalImages 2.0.15 beta by macrura
For content pasted in textarea fields, this will import external images to the images field.
2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export6 - PageGridBlocks 1.0.47 by jploch
Install and uninstall PageGrid Blocks
2024/11/17 — Markup Generation, Development Tools2 - InputfieldTextareaMarkup 1.1.1 by Teppo
Textarea Markup: Markup, plain text and optionally values from other fields as a non-editable, run-time field visible in Page Edit.
2019/07/24 — Inputfield Modules9 - AnonymizeFields 1.0.1 by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Anonymize fields - DSGVO, GDPR: Clears or anonymizes fields with user identifiable data and additionally deletes all files if you selected a file field
2021/11/22 — Process Modules, Other Modules4