Modules 81 to 100 of 684
- InputfieldRepeaterMatrixDuplicate 2.0.2 beta by David Karich
Repeater Matrix Item Duplicator: This module extends the commercial ProcessWire ProModule "RepeaterMatrix" by the function to duplicate repeater items from one page to another page.
2024/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules19 - FieldtypeColor 1.2.2 by kixe
Color: Field that stores colors. Many options for Input (HTML5 Inputfield Color, Textfield with changing background, various jQuery/JS ColorPickers, custom…
2024/07/18 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules30 - ProcessIndieAuth 0.2.2 beta by gRegor Morrill
IndieAuth: Use your domain name as an IndieAuth provider
2024/07/18 — Authentication, Process Modules1 - CaptchaSlide 1.0.4 by tcnet
Slide Captcha: This module provides Captcha functionality to ProcessWire
2024/07/17 — Proof of Concept, Other Modules5 - ProcessCronJobs 0.9.1 beta by Neue Rituale
Manages the execution of CronJobs
2024/07/12 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers3 - PageListCustomChildren 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Makes children/subpages in admin page-list customizable so they can appear under multiple parents.
2024/07/11 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools6 - TextformatterTokens 1.0.1 by zigit-dev
Allows other modules to register tokens and replace them with actual values.
2024/07/11 — Textformatter Modules1 - LogsJsonViewer 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Formats JSON data in ProcessLogger for improved readability.
2024/07/10 — Logs/Monitoring, Admin Helpers2 - CustomLogs 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Write to and view log files that have custom column labels and column count.
2024/07/09 — Logs/Monitoring, Admin Helpers2 - FieldtypeRecurringDates 0.0.1 alpha by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
Recurring Dates: Field that stores recurring events from a UI to define RRules.
2024/07/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules6 - WireMailPostmark 0.5.4 by Netcarver
WireMail for Postmark: Allows Processwire to send transactional email via Postmark
2024/06/23 — Email/WireMail, Logs/Monitoring2 - IconsFilter 0.0.2 beta by Daniel Zilli
Enables filtering of icons by name in the InputfieldIcon view.
2024/06/20 — Admin Helpers1 - UpdMostViewed 2.0.4 by update AG
Tracking Page Views and Listing «Most Viewed» Pages
2024/06/15 — Other Modules3 - FieldtypeMeasurement 0.0.22 beta by MarkE
Measurement: Field that stores values for: quantity (Temperature, Mass etc.), unit (Celsius, kilogram etc.) and magnitude (in base units and the specified units).
2024/06/11 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - FieldtypeFunctional 0.0.4 by Ryan Cramer
Functional Fields: Define fields with functions in template files.
2024/06/07 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules1 - TextformatterAutoLinks 0.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
Auto Links: Automatically links any of the configured text phrases to a URL, any time they appear.
2024/06/07 — Textformatter Modules, Admin Helpers2 - TextformatterPageImages 2.1.0 by kixe
Allows you to insert images in a text area by referencing them with tags in the following format [[fieldName,Number,class]]. All Parameters are optional.
2024/06/06 — Markup Generation, Textformatter Modules4 - ProcessMediaLister 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Media Lister: Lists images and files from across the site in a sortable and filterable table.
2024/06/03 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio8