Modules Sorted by Recently updated

  • LoginPersist 2.3.0 by Craig Rodway
    Persistent Login for users.: Persist user logins across browser sessions.
    2023/06/09 — Users and Access, Authentication
  • FieldtypeButton 1.1.0 beta by kixe
    Button Fieldtype: Field that stores 3 values for label, target and class (CSS). Output markup configurable in field settings.
    2023/06/05 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Markup Generation
  • MarkupSitemap 0.8.2 beta by Mike Rockett
    Sitemap: Renders a sitemap for your ProcessWire powered site. Supports multi-language, multi-site, and image sub-elements. Adapted from MarkupSitemapXML.
    2023/06/02 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • WireCacheFilesystem 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    WireCache Filesystem cache handler for ProcessWire 3.0.218+: ProcessWire WireCache module that replaces the default cache handler with a file system based cache.
    2023/05/26 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept
  • HTML5Boilerplate 5.3.0 by Roope
    HTML5 Boilerplate for ProcessWire
    2023/05/23 — Site Profiles
  • FormBuilderProcessorTripleseat 0.0.1 by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
    Tripleseat Lead Form API Integration: Forwards forms to Tripleseat using their Lead Form API
    2023/05/22 — Admin Helpers
  • RedBeanPHP 2.0.1 by Teppo
    Light-weight loader for the RedBeanPHP ORM
    2023/05/10 — Development Tools
  • ProcessLoginHistory 1.10.4 by Teppo
    Login History: This module keeps track of login attempts to your site.
    2023/05/06 — Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access
  • AdminPreSaveValidation 1.1.2 by thetuningspoon
    Pre-Save Validation: Forces admin editors to fix all errors before saving a page.
    2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers
  • AutocompleteModuleClassName 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    Provides autocomplete suggestions for the "Add Module From Directory" field.
    2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers
  • FieldtypePageContextData 1.0.6 beta by kixe
    Page Reference Context Data: Field that stores one or more references to ProcessWire pages with additional data in field context, editable via page edit modal of the referenced page.
    2023/04/24 — Fieldtype Modules, Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldSimpleMDE 1.0.8 beta by macrura
    Simple Markdown Editor: SimpleMDE Markdown Editor for Processwire
    2023/04/18 — Inputfield Modules
  • ImportExternalImages 2.0.15 beta by macrura
    For content pasted in textarea fields, this will import external images to the images field.
    2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export
  • FieldDescriptionsExtended 1.1.1 beta by macrura
    Create extended field descriptions and have the longer part hidden with toggle.
    2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers
  • RestrictTabView 1.3.1 by Adrian Jones
    Restrict access to Page Edit tabs via permissions
    2023/04/07 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldTinyMCE 6.1.5 beta by Ryan Cramer
    TinyMCE: TinyMCE rich text editor v6 for ProcessWire 3.0.200+
    2023/03/31 — Inputfield Modules
  • TemplateAccessLog 0.1.1 by Teppo
    Logs changes made to template roles and related access settings
    2023/03/18 — Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access
  • FieldtypeStreetAddress 1.1.3 beta by Netcarver
    Street Address: Fieldtype to store a street address and allows access to its subfields.
    2023/03/15 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules
  • FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker 3.0.4 beta by Ivan Gretsky, mats
    Leaflet Map Marker: Field that stores an address with latitude and longitude coordinates and has built-in geocoding capability with Leaflet Maps API.
    2023/03/09 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules
  • PageRenderIPRestriction 0.9.0 beta by Teppo
    This module adds basic capability to restrict page rendering to selected number of IP addresses.
    2023/03/05 — Users and Access

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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  • ProcessWire Weekly #550
    In the 550th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to check out the latest core updates, introduce a new third party module called PagefileMetadata, and more. Read on! / 23 November 2024
  • Custom Fields Module
    This week we look at a new ProFields module named Custom Fields. This module provides a way to rapidly build out ProcessWire fields that contain any number of subfields/properties within them.
    Blog / 30 August 2024
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“To Drupal, or to ProcessWire? The million dollar choice. We decided to make an early switch to PW. And in retrospect, ProcessWire was probably the best decision we made. Thanks are due to ProcessWire and the amazing system and set of modules that are in place.” —Unni Krishnan, Founder of PigtailPundits