Modules 281 to 300 of 689
- ProcessGraphQL 2.0.0 by Dadish
GraphQL: Seamlessly integrates to your ProcessWire web app and allows you to serve the GraphQL API of your existing content.
2023/08/19 — Other Modules25 - JkPublishPages 1.3.15 beta by juergen
Publish/Unpublish pages: Publish/unpublish, delete or move pages depending on dates and times using LazyCron.
2025/01/12 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules2 - FileValidatorImage 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
Image File Validator: Automatically validate uploaded JPG, PNG, or GIF image files; or validate by API.
2020/07/20 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio, Other Modules, File Validator5 - Process404Logger 1.0.7 by kixe
404 Logger: Logs all requests resulting in http error 404
2018/03/17 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access11 - FieldtypeSelectExtOption 2.1.9 by kixe
Fieldtype Select External Option: Fieldtype which generates the options for a Select Inputfield from any table of any (accessible) database. Define the source table, columns (to pull value…
2024/05/29 — Fieldtype Modules, Import/Export19 - CountViews 1.0.0 by jakubpawlak
Count Views Module for ProcessWire allows you to save page views directly to database, and display them when required. This free module can be used to count…
2019/01/22 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules11 - MarkupCache 1.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
Markup Cache (Core): This core module enables you to cache any individual pieces of generated markup.
2012/07/25 — Markup Generation, Core Modules10 - TemplateAccessLog 0.1.1 by Teppo
Logs changes made to template roles and related access settings
2023/03/18 — Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access2 - ImportExternalImages 2.0.15 beta by macrura
For content pasted in textarea fields, this will import external images to the images field.
2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export6 - GoogleClientAPI 0.0.4 beta by Ryan Cramer
Connects ProcessWire with the Google Client Library and manages authentication.
2019/07/22 — Authentication, Other Modules4 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - OneTimeOnlyCode 0.0.1 beta by benbyf
OneTimeOnlyCode creates one time only codes that can be used to access specific content
2021/11/15 — Users and Access, Authentication2 - ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator 0.5.11 by Adrian Jones
Page Field Select Creator: Automated creation of Page fields, along with the templates and page tree for their source.
2021/08/07 — Development Tools, Process Modules29 - AdminRestrictBranch 1.0.12 by Adrian Jones
Restrict site editors to a single branch of the tree.
2021/05/17 — Admin Helpers29 - AdminActionsReplaceHome 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Replace Home: Replaces the template and content of the home page with that of a selected page. An addon action for the Admin Actions module.
2024/05/17 — Admin Helpers1 - ProcessPageCloneAdaptUrls 0.0.4 beta by BitPoet
Adapt URLs after Cloning Page(s): ProcessWire module that adapts links and img sources in CKEditor fields when cloning a page or page tree.
2016/03/08 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules3 - ListerNativeDateFormat 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister.
2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers5 - TextformatterRockDown 1.3.0 by bernhard
WhatsApp Like Textformatter: ProcessWire Textformatter for simple WhatsApp style text formatting (*bold*, _italic_, ~strike~, ```mono```
2023/02/10 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterRemoveEmptyParagraphs 1.0.0 by bernhard
RemoveEmptyParagraphs: Textformatter to remove empty paragraphs from CKE fields
2020/05/02 — Textformatter Modules1