Modules Sorted by Module name (Z–A)

  • Indexer 0.8.0 beta by ussliberty
    Site Indexer: This module provide an efficent search index, also with pdf/doc files (require poppler-utils and wv). Optionally you can activate a PHP class for handling pdfs…
    2013/05/12 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Other Modules
  • ImportPagesXml 1.0.0 by justb3a
    This ProcessWire module allows you to import and parse XML files (using xpath) to create or update pages.
    2016/09/28 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules
  • ImportPagesPrestashop 1.1.2 by harmenschouten
    Import Products from Prestashop: Import your categories, products, features and images directly from your Prestashop database to your Processwire website.
    2017/01/27 — Import/Export, Process Modules
  • ImportPagesCSV 1.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
    Import Pages from CSV files: Enables you to import CSV files to create pages.
    2020/03/15 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules
  • ImportExternalImages 2.0.15 beta by macrura
    For content pasted in textarea fields, this will import external images to the images field.
    2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export
  • ImageThumbnailTags 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Displays image tags overlaid on the thumbnail using customisable colours.
    2020/05/02 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageSizerEngineNetpbmCLI 0.1.0 beta by Horst Nogajski
    Upgrades image manipulations to use the CLI (exec) tools of NETPBM
    2016/03/05 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageSizerEngineIMagickCLI 0.1.1 beta by Horst Nogajski
    ImageSizerEngine ImageMagick CLI: Upgrades image manipulations to use The CLI (exec) version of ImageMagick
    2016/03/08 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageRasterizer 0.2.4 by Adrian Jones
    Admin and front-end resizing and rasterizing of vector SVG images
    2017/07/07 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImagePlaceholders 0.3.0 by daun
    Generate low-quality image placeholders (LQIP) on upload
    2023/11/22 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageOptim 0.1.0 beta by daun
    Compress images using the ImageOptim API
    2018/04/13 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageMegapixels 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds methods to Pageimage objects useful for resizing to a target megapixel value.
    2023/09/26 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageFileDependencies 0.0.4 beta by Robin S
    Image & File Dependencies: Allows Image and File fields to be used in inputfield dependency selectors. Note: prefix field names with an underscore in your dependency selectors.
    2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageExtra 1.0.6 by justb3a
    This module allows you to add additional information to an image (for example: title, description, link, orientation and any field you may need).
    2017/08/01 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Process Modules
  • ImageCropRatios 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Allows preset aspect ratios to be defined per image field for the ProcessWire image crop tool.
    2020/04/11 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageColorThief 1.0.2 beta by Jacob Gorny
    Adds methods to extract dominant color palettes from an image or image edge.
    2023/08/11 — Photo/Video/Audio, Fieldtype Modules
  • ImageBlurhash 2.0.7 beta by blue-tomato
    Create Blurhash Strings during image upload
    2021/06/27 — Other Modules
  • ImageAnimatedGif 2.0.2 by Horst Nogajski
    This module helps with resizing and cropping of animated GIFs when using GD-Lib.
    2018/01/31 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • IcsGenerator 2.0.0 beta by thausmann
    This module can generate ICS files.
    2024/11/27 — Other Modules
  • IconsFilter 0.0.2 beta by Daniel Zilli
    Enables filtering of icons by name in the InputfieldIcon view.
    2024/06/20 — Admin Helpers

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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  • Custom Fields Module
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    Blog / 30 August 2024
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