Sanitizer EasySlugger
A module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. Allows the use of the EasySlugger library as Sanitizer methods.
Install the Sanitizer EasySlugger module.
The module adds four new sanitizer methods.
slugger($string, $options)
Similar to $sanitizer->pageName()
- I'm not sure if there are any advantages over that method. Included because it is one of the methods offered by EasySlugger.
$slug = $sanitizer->slugger('Lorem Ipsum');
// Result: lorem-ipsum
utf8Slugger($string, $options)
Creates slugs from non-latin alphabets.
$slug = $sanitizer->utf8Slugger('这个用汉语怎么说');
// Result: zhe-ge-yong-han-yu-zen-me-shuo
seoSlugger($string, $options)
Augments the string before turning it into a slug. The conversions are related to numbers, currencies, email addresses and other common symbols.
$slug = $sanitizer->seoSlugger('The price is $5.99');
// Result: the-price-is-5-dollars-99-cents
See the EasySlugger readme for some more examples.
seoUtf8Slugger($string, $options)
A combination of utf8Slugger() and seoSlugger().
$slug = $sanitizer->seoUtf8Slugger('价钱是 $5.99');
// Result: jia-qian-shi-5-dollars-99-cents
$options argument
Each of the methods can take an $options
array as a second argument.
(string): the character that separates words in the slug. Default:-
(bool): Determines whether a random suffix is added at the end of the slug. Default:false
$slug = $sanitizer->utf8Slugger('这个用汉语怎么说', ['separator' => '_', 'unique' => true]);
// Result: zhe_ge_yong_han_yu_zen_me_shuo_3ad66c4
Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.