Should be safe for use in production environments.

  • AdminBar 2.9.3 by Teppo
    Provides easy front-end admin bar for editing page content in ProcessWire.
    2024/05/27 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminDeselectRadios 1.0.1 by Netcarver
    PW-AdminDeselectRadios: Allows admin-side radio buttons to be deselected.
    2016/05/21 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminHelperLinks 1.1.8 by Richard Jedlička
    Adds shortcut links to edit fields and template directly from page edit.
    2023/11/13 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools
  • AdminLinksInFrontend 1.1.9 by Horst Nogajski
    ALIF - Admin Links In Frontend: A ProcessWire module that displays configurable Adminlinks on the frontpage
    2023/11/06 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools
  • AdminModalception 1.0.1 by thetuningspoon
    Modalception: Improves usability of ProcessWire's modal dialog/popup windows when opened from within another modal window
    2016/04/13 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminPageFieldEditLinks 3.1.6 by thetuningspoon
    Page Field Edit Links: Adds modal editing capability to ProcessWire's Page fields in the admin editor, allowing editors to easily view and edit the content of any page(s) that…
    2023/12/30 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminPreSaveValidation 1.1.2 by thetuningspoon
    Pre-Save Validation: Forces admin editors to fix all errors before saving a page.
    2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminRestrictBranch 1.0.12 by Adrian Jones
    Restrict site editors to a single branch of the tree.
    2021/05/17 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminSaveActions 1.0.1 by nik
    Module that lets the user choose what happens after a saving a page, template or field.
    2013/01/09 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules
  • AdminStyleRock 2.0.1 by bernhard
    Docs & Development Module for rock style of AdminThemeUikit
    2025/03/13 — Admin Styles/Themes, Admin Helpers
  • AdminTemplateColumns 1.0.1 by Peter Burlingham
    Adds left and right column fieldsets to use in any admin templates and applies styling to remove their borders and padding
    2016/02/10 — Admin Helpers
  • AllInOneMinify 3.2.3 by David Karich
    AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML: AIOM+ (All In One Minify) is a module to easily improve the performance of your website. By a simple function call Stylesheets, LESS and Javascript files can…
    2024/07/24 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • AlternativeGridFiles 1.0.0 by blad
    Alternative grid for multiple files: This module shows an alternative view in file fields. Icons, columns, etc.
    2016/01/23 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • AngularJS 1.0.2 by apeisa
    Angular JS -framework for ProcessWire. Doesn't do anything by itself, but some admin modules might require this.
    2013/06/17 — Other Modules
  • AnonymizeFields 1.0.1 by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
    Anonymize fields - DSGVO, GDPR: Clears or anonymizes fields with user identifiable data and additionally deletes all files if you selected a file field
    2021/11/22 — Process Modules, Other Modules
  • AppApi 1.3.4 by Sebi
    Connect your apps to ProcessWire! This module helps you to create api-endpoints, to which an app or an external service can connect to.
    2024/10/04 — Authentication, Development Tools
  • AppApiFile 1.0.6 by Sebi
    AppApi - File: AppApi-Module that adds a file endpoint
    2022/05/31 — Development Tools
  • AppApiPage 1.0.2 by Sebi
    AppApi - Page: AppApiPage adds the /page endpoint to the AppApi routes definition. Makes it possible to query pages via the api.
    2022/05/31 — Development Tools
  • AutoFbPost 1.0.5 by dimitrios
    Facebook Post on Page Save: Automatic post on Facebook when page is saved
    2020/02/09 — Social, Feeds, Services
  • Blackhole 1.1.0 by flydev ??
    Trap bad bots, crawlers and spiders in a virtual black hole.
    2023/07/31 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules, Users and Access

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

“We were really happy to build our new portfolio website on ProcessWire! We wanted something that gave us plenty of control on the back-end, without any bloat on the front end - just a nice, easy to access API for all our content that left us free to design and build however we liked.” —Castus, web design agency in Sheffield, UK