Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 21 to 40 of 319
- AddImageUrls 0.3.6 beta by Robin S
Allows images/files to be added to Image/File fields by pasting URLs.
2024/11/12 — Admin Helpers6 - PasswordGenerator 0.2.0 beta by Robin S
Adds a password generator to InputfieldPassword.
2024/11/04 — Admin Helpers4 - BreadcrumbDropdowns 0.3.12 beta by Robin S
Adds dropdown menus of page edit links to the breadcrumbs in Page Edit.
2024/10/30 — Admin Helpers17 - AutoTemplateStubs 0.3.1 beta by Robin S
Automatically creates stub files for templates when fields or fieldgroups are saved.
2024/10/30 — Development Tools11 - ProcessSessionInfo 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Sessions: Lists information about active sessions in a similar way to SessionHandlerDB, but for file-based sessions.
2024/10/21 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access2 - RockJavaScriptHooks 1.0.0 beta by bernhard
Adds hooks for ProcessWire JavaScript
2024/10/18 — Admin Helpers2 - ProcessPageListVersionsCounter 0.0.2 beta by eelke
Pagelist Versions Counter: Shows number of versions of page, if any are found
2024/10/18 — Admin Helpers2 - ProcessTemplateAccess 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
Template Access: Provides an editable overview of roles that can access each template.
2024/10/14 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access4 - VerifyLinks 0.3.3 beta by Robin S
Periodically verifies that external links are working and not leading to an error page.
2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules5 - InputfieldDependencyHelper 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Adds menus to insert field names and option values into show-if/required-if conditions.
2024/10/02 — Admin Helpers2 - MarkupCloudflareTurnstile 0.0.2 beta by NB Communication
Implement Turnstile, Cloudflare's CAPTCHA alternative.
2024/09/27 — Markup Generation1 - SearchCorrections 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Suggests alternative words for a given input word, useful for expanding search results.
2024/09/18 — Other Modules, Development Tools7 - InputfieldSelectImages 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
Select Images: An inputfield that allows the visual selection and sorting of images, intended for use with FieldtypeDynamicOptions.
2024/09/15 — Inputfield Modules4 - PageListCustomSort 0.0.1 beta by EPRC
Enables the use of a custom sort setting for children, using multiple properties
2024/09/13 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept1 - ProcessListerSelector 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
Lister Selector: A Process module that uses Lister/ListerPro, but with a selector string input instead of the normal InputfieldSelector filters.
2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers2 - ListerNativeDateFormat 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister.
2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers5 - FieldtypeDynamicOptions 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Dynamic Options: A Fieldtype for dynamic options that are generated at runtime via a hook.
2024/09/03 — Fieldtype Modules9 - AltTextGpt 0.0.2 beta by notplants
A module for generating alt text for images in your site using the OpenAI API.
2024/08/30 — SEO/Accessibility, Admin Helpers3 - ProcessRenderFile 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Render File: A Process module that renders markup from files.
2024/08/26 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers3