Cron implementation for Processwire

PWCron Module


There are two methods of running your task.

  • a) use an autoload module that hooks on the PWCron->cronHook()
  • b) use "Modules to run" configuration field to add your Module and Method to be ran at desired intervals

A requires that your module supports PWCron and handles the logging and rundelays internally B allows any module to be loaded and any function to be called and doesnt require direct support

Installation instructions:

PWCron requires that you have Cron or equivalent system to execute the module in the background. Suggested interval is 5-60 minutes depending on how often you want the subsystem calls to run. Cron example is that is run every 5 minutes:

System cron:

*/5 * * * * <user> <path_to_php-cli> <path_to_processwire>/site/modules/PWCron/cron.php

User cron:

*/5 * * * * <path_to_php-cli> <path_to_processwire>/site/modules/PWCron/cron.php

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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