ProcessWire Accessibility Tools - small toolkit aiming to help you build accessible websites with ProcessWire

ProcessWire Accessibility Tools

A small, but hopefully growing toolkit for creating accessible ProcessWire sites. Right now it consists of the following little helpers:

  • tota11y visualization toolkit by Khan Academy
  • A toggle button to see view site in grayscale. The w3c recommends checking your page without colours to see if your design still works (accompanied by a colours contrast check, which is part of tota11y)
  • A link to test your webpage with WAVE, webaim's Web Accessibility eValuation Tool. By the nature of this tool, the website under test must be available online, local hosts won't work.

tota11y menu opened Grayscale active


Once you have downloaded PWAT, go to your module Install page and click "Check for new modules". Find "ProcessWire Accessibility Tools" and click "Install". During installation, PWAT creates a new role 'pwat_user'. To use the Accessibility Tools, you have to grant user this role.

Following, you can start configuring the module.

PWAT config page


PWAT starts with only the tota11y script activated. On the configuration page you can decide

  • whether PWAT is visible on admin pages
  • if tota11y is active
  • if the grayscale toggle is active
  • if the link to WAVE will be visible

PWAT config page


Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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