Debug Page Fields
Processwire module to debug page fields in a readable manner
Adds two new properties to all pages:
- $page->debugFieldValues – returns an object with all (sub-)fields, their labels, fieldtypes and values in a readable manner
- $page->debugFieldTypes – returns an object with all fieldtypes and their corresponding fields
Both properties are best to be used in combination with debugging tools like Tracy Debugger or Ray
Supported fieldtypes
- Button
- Checkbox
- Color
- Combo
- Datetime
- Decimal
- FieldsetPage *
- File
- FontIconPicker
- Functional
- Image
- ImageReference
- MapMarker
- Multiplier
- Mystique
- Options
- Page
- PageIDs
- PageTitle
- Radio
- Repeater *
- RepeaterMatrix *
- RockAwesome
- SeoMaestro
- Table
- Text
- Textarea
- Textareas
- Toggle
* The fields with complete subfield-support also list their corresponding subfields.
If Ray is found in the project (aka the class Spatie\Ray\Ray is loaded), three additional methods will be added to the ray() function:
- ray()->page($optionalParameter): the Parameter variable can be used as following:
- None: get infos of the current page
- Page ID: get page infos via the page ID
- Page object: get page infos via a $page variable
- Field name: get debug infos of a specific field from the current page by providing its name
- ray()->pages($mandatoryParameter): the Parameter variable can be used as following:
- Selector: Provide a selector string to find the corresponding pages
- Pages Object
- ray()->config($optionalParameter): the Parameter variable can be used as following:
- None: get all config properties
- Property name: get only the value of the provided property
Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.