ProCache by Ryan Cramer

ProCache provides the ultimate performance for your website by completely bypassing PHP and MySQL and enabling your web server to deliver pages of your ProcessWire site as if they were static HTML files.

ProCache provides the ultimate performance for your website by completely bypassing PHP and MySQL and enabling your web server to deliver pages of your ProcessWire site as if they were static HTML files.

The performance benefits are major and visible. Using ApacheBench with the homepage of the Skyscrapers site profile, we completed 500 requests (10 concurrent) to the homepage. The amount of time occupied to complete each of these was as follows:

  • 29 seconds: no cache enabled
  • 6 seconds: built-in cache enabled
  • 0.017 seconds: ProCache enabled

These are typical results. As you can see, the performance benefits are huge. ProCache gives you the ability to drastically reduce server resources and exponentially increase the amount of traffic your server could handle. This is especially useful for traffic spikes.

Beyond measurements, ProCache makes your website feel faster to users, respond faster to search spiders (which can help with SEO), and helps to conserve server resources for requests that actually need PHP and MySQL. ProcessWire is already very fast, and not everybody necessarily needs what ProCache delivers. But regardless of whether you need it or not, there is little doubt that you can benefit greatly from ProCache.

ProCache is a commercial module available for purchase.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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