MarkupRSSEnhanced by martijn-geerts

Renders an RSS feed. Given a PageArray, renders an RSS feed of them.

Markup RSS Enhanced

This Module is the enhanced version of Ryan's Markup RSS Module and is completely compatible with it. In addition, this enhanced module supports the usage of enclosures a way of attaching multimedia content to RSS feeds. Give the RSS enhanced module a PageArray of pages and it will render a RSS feed from it. The Module should be used directly from your template file.

In the examples the $rss variable is used for as instance of the module.

$rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSSEnhanced");

Basic usage

In case you only need 1 feed for your site, you need to setup the defaults in the Modules config. then you can use the code below.

$items = $pages->find("limit=10, sort=-modified");    // $items, PageArray of Pages
$rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSSEnhanced");            // load the module
$rss->render($items);                                 // render the feed

Setup channel elements

The channel element describes the RSS feed. There are 3 required channel elements:

  1. title $rss->title
  2. link $rss->url
  3. description $rss->description

here's a list of all options:

$rss->title = '';        // (string) Title of the feed.
$rss->url = '';          // (string) URL of the website this feed lives. Example:
$rss->description = '';  // (string) Phrase or sentence describing the channel.
$rss->copyright = '';    // (string) Copyright notice for content in the channel.
$rss->ttl = '';          // (string/integer) Number of minutes that how long it can be cached.

Setup item elements

Every page from the PageArray use the item element.

$rss->itemTitleField = '';             // Fieldname to get value from
$rss->itemDescriptionField = '';       // Fieldname to get value from
$rss->itemDescriptionLength = '';      // Default 1024
$rss->itemEnclosureField = '';         // Fieldname to get file/image from
$rss->itemDateField = '';              // Fieldname to get data from
$rss->itemLinkField = '';              // Fieldname to get URL from or don't set to use $page->httpUrl
$rss->itemAuthorField = '';            // If email address is used, itemAuthorElement should be set to author
$rss->itemAuthorElement = 'dc:creator' // may be 'dc:creator' or 'author'

Item element enclosure

RSS enclosures are a way of attaching multimedia content to RSS feeds. All files with proper mime types are supported. If you asign an image field to the itemEnclosureField there are 3 extra options you could set.

  1. width The width of the image.

  2. height The height of the image.

  3. boundingbox Checking boundingbox will scale the image so that the whole image will fit in the specified width & height. This prevents cropping the image

    $rss->boundingbox = 1 // (integer) 1 or 0, on or off $rss->width = 400; // (integer) Max width of the image, 0 for proportional $rss->height = 300; // (integer) Max height of the image, 0 for proportional

Prettify the feed

Prettifying the feed is not supported bij all clients.

$rss->xsl = ''; // path to xls file
$rss->css = ''; // path to css

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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