MarkupCloudflareTurnstile by NB Communication

Implement Turnstile, Cloudflare's CAPTCHA alternative.

Markup Cloudflare Turnstile

This module allows you to add Cloudflare's Turnstile CAPTCHA to your website, providing a user-friendly alternative to Google's reCAPTCHA. It is based on MarkupGoogleRecaptcha, allowing for easy switching between the two CAPTCHA systems. If MarkupGoogleRecaptcha is installed, some of its settings are used to configure Turnstile.


  • ProcessWire >= 3
  • PHP >= 8.1
  • The website must by added as a website in a Cloudflare account

Useful documentation


  1. Download the zip file from Github or clone the repository into your site/modules directory.
  2. If using the zip file, extract it in your site/modules directory.
  3. In your ProcessWire admin panel, navigate to Modules > Refresh, then Modules > New, then click on the Install button for this module.


You must create an API key pair (Site Key and Secret Key) to use this module. Go to Cloudflare Turnstile for instructions on how to create your API keys. Then add the Site Key and Secret Key to the module's settings in ProcessWire.


Client-side integration

  1. Call the module : $captcha = $modules->get('MarkupCloudflareTurnstile');
  2. Render the widget: echo $captcha->render();
  3. Render the script tag: echo $captcha->getScript();

There are various configuration options listed here:

Server-side verification

To verify the CAPTCHA response on the server side, call verifyResponse(), eg:

if($captcha->verifyResponse() === true) {
    // CAPTCHA passed, proceed with form processing
} else {
    // CAPTCHA failed, handle the error

Console errors

Implementation of this module may generate console errors, probably due to this: These can be safely ignored.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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