LoginFailNotifier by tcnet

Sends a notification email for each failed login attempt.

Login fail notifier for ProcessWire

GitHub GitHub last commit

This module for ProcessWire sends a notification email for each failed login attempt. Similar modules exists already in the module directory of ProcessWire. However, this module is designed to notify, even if specified user doesn't exist.


The settings for this module are located in the menu Modules=>Configure=>LoginFailNotifier.

  • Notification email Specifies the email address to which the notification emails should be sent.

  • Email subject Specifies the subject line for the notification email.

  • Post variables Specifies the $_POST variables to be included in the notification email. Each variable must be separated by a comma. For example: login_name,login_pass

  • Server variables Specifies the $_SERVER variables to be included in the notification email. Each variable must be separated by a comma. For example: REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT

"Screenshot showing the module settings"

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“We chose ProcessWire because of its excellent architecture, modular extensibility and the internal API. The CMS offers the necessary flexibility and performance for such a complex website like superbude.de. ProcessWire offers options that are only available for larger systems, such as Drupal, and allows a much slimmer development process.” —xport communication GmbH